Thursday, March 17, 2022

Joseph & the Coat of Many Colors (Genesis 34, 37-39)

“It was red and yellow and green and brown, and scarlet and black and ochre and peach…”

Jacob (Israel) had twelve sons, but only two by Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin (who she died bearing), but they were the youngest of the family. 


The Coat of Many Colors

READ Genesis 37:1-3

Why did Jacob love Joseph more than all the rest of his children?

He was the oldest son of his beloved wife, Rachel.

Rachel had been barren, so they waited a long time for Joseph (“son of his old age”).

He was a righteous son, unlike his brothers.

What was the “coat of many colors”?

Not a coat of many colors or patchwork pieces.

It was a tunic reaching down the arms and to the ankles, such as princes wore.

A token of the birthright.

A “coat of pasaim” or ceremonial robe; a priestly robe.

Translation of the word used for coat (“kethoneth”) is the same word used in Genesis 3:21 describing the “coat of skins” made by God for Adam and Eve; the Hebrew word for “skins” is “ore” which has a homonym (“or”) meaning light, so the phrase “coat or garment of skins” conveys the meaning “garment of light”.

There is a Jewish legend that states that while Joseph was imprisoned in the pit, prior to being sold to the Arabs, that Gabriel appeared to him and placed upon him a special garment of protection which he wore throughout all his Egyptian experiences (Ginzberg, Louis. The Legends of the Jews. 7 vols. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1909. 2:17); this would have been a second “coat of light” or “priestly robe” as the first was covered in blood and taken back to Jacob as proof of Joseph’s death (see Genesis 37:23, 31-33).



Joseph’s Dreams

READ Genesis 37:4-11

Why would the Lord send revelation or inspiration in a dream?

Dreams are the will'o-the-wisp so insubstantial that our sophisticated society dismisses them without thought.

Accepting inspired dreams is a step on the ladder of faith.

Acting on the inspiration is required - i.e. Nephi will "go and do" by going back to Jerusalem to get the plates after Lehi’s dream.

God has a history of sending dreams to people: the 3 wise men and Joseph the step-father of Christ all had dreams which had to be acted on to save the baby Jesus’ life.

What did the dreams mean?

The family of Israel would bow down to Joseph (including his father Jacob).

He would have dominion over them.

So why was Joseph naive enough to tell his brothers about his dreams as they already hated him for his coat!?

Joseph tells us in the Book of Mormon that Joseph Smith was “like unto” him - perhaps it was innocent naiveté (with his Methodist minister friend Joseph Smith, “took occasion to give him an account of the vision… I was greatly surprised at his behavior” - JSH 1:21).

Perhaps he was commanded to by the Lord, as a trial, knowing the dreams were true but would heap upon him persecution - either in being hated for being a prideful fool without savvy or for being a “new-agey” crazy person.

Why did the Lord send two dreams with seemingly the same meaning?

The first dream concerned the “field” and “grain” - pointing to an earthly dominion and specifically to Joseph’s later role in Egypt’s and Israel’s being saved from the famine.

The second dream concerned the “sun, moon and stars” - suggesting a heavenly rule or bringing a spiritual salvation to his family.


READ Genesis 37:17-20

Why would the brothers resort to murder?

Not for gain – selling him was an afterthought to make some pocket money.

Not for the coat/priesthood – they didn’t care about the birthright or Holy Order.

To disprove the “dreams” - prophetic mantle or spiritual gifts.

To stop Joseph from ruling over them temporally.

They are fallen - carnal, sensual and devilish; Joseph’s favor by Jacob had made them jealous.


READ Genesis 37:23-28

Why did they sell Joseph for 20 pieces of silver?

It was the price of a slave and he was being sold into slavery.

There must have been some satisfaction knowing that this favored and naïve child knew that he’d been sold for the price of a slave (only).



Joseph in Potiphar’s House

The Arabs then sell him to the Egyptian Pharaoh’s Captain of the Guard, Potiphar.

READ Genesis 39:2-3

Who was Joseph’s “master”?

The God of Israel.

Not Potiphar.


READ Genesis 39:4

In whose eyes did Joseph find grace in?

The Lord’s.

… and then Potiphar’s because he saw that Joseph was blessed.


READ Genesis 39:4 again, this time capitalizing the “H’s” to make it refer to God!

What does this verse mean now?

Joseph finds grace in the eyes of the Lord (receives blessings he doesn’t deserve).

Joseph serves the Lord.

The Lord makes Joseph “overse-er” or “over-seer” of His House (of Israel).

The Lord blesses Joseph with all of His blessings - Holy Priesthood, Posterity, Eternal Life.


READ D&C 122:9

What is the relationship between fearing men and worshipping God in faith?

They have an inverse relationship.

The more you fear man, the less you worship God and exercise faith.

The more you worship God and put your faith in Him, the less you fear what men can do – even unto death.


READ Genesis 39:7-10 and Alma 39:5

How is fornication or adultery sinning against God?

The body is part of the immortal soul which Christ has redeemed; you are not your own - you have been bought with a terrible price - all that a god can suffer; one that exploits the body of another abuses the central purpose and processes of life and crucifies Christ afresh.

Sex is the ultimate physical symbol of total union: of hearts, hopes, lives, love, future, everything - “be one”; it is a sealing of two souls into one.  You risk moral and mental schizophrenia from pretending you are one because you are giving, temporarily, only part of what was meant to be a total and permanent union.

Symbolic of a shared relationship between the couple and their Father in Heaven - uniting with Him spiritually.  “I never knew you” or “you never knew me” where “knew” is the same word also translated as intercourse.  Also, God’s create - that’s what they do - and mankind is their greatest creation, their work and their glory; this act is a sacrament in that we are literally using the power of God - the only time that you will be permitted to do so, unless you quality to become as god is yourself.


READ Genesis 39:11-12

Why was this attempt different from the others?

Whether it was a deliberate plan or not, this time the two of them were alone - such that he felt he needed to flee to escape the situation.

Why did he flee?

Engaging the devil directly is usually a losing proposition – even for someone of Joseph’s spiritual stature.

In most situations, it’s better to disengage and get out.


READ Genesis 39:16-20

Why did the Lord allow Joseph to be punished after he “chose the right?”

He honors the agency of others.

He is a “fourth watch God” and Joseph is not in the fourth watch yet.

He is setting up Joseph’s, and ultimately Israel’s, temporal salvation – although it seems to be the opposite.



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...