Sunday, December 31, 2023

Thank You

A very happy New Year to all!

It’s been a long, four-year commitment to systematically go through the four LDS standard works with a question/answer format, but the task has now been completed.  My hope is that these posts have been useful to you – the questions more so than the answers – and that they have inspired you to inquire of the Lord directly regarding your own answers to these questions, and even better, to pose new questions to Him, of your own. 

I’ve been inquiring of the Lord myself regarding what He’d like me to do with this blog going forward: options include closing it, keeping it available as a reference but not adding any additional content, or to continue to add new content – perhaps revisiting chapters/verses from the Standard Works or delving into other possible sources of truth.  The guidance I’ve received is to do some form of the last option.  Alternative sources of truth that may be interesting to explore include the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads or the Dhammapada, or perhaps look at some facets of quantum physics, or the practices of Native American medicine men like Fools Crow and Black Elk, or the writings of people like Itzhak Bentov and Michael Talbot, or statements from Denver Snuffer, Robert Smith, John Pontius or Val Brinkerhoff, or do a deep dive into speeches contained in the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  There is a lot more to explore as we seek to expand our understanding of truth.  Whatever the source material, I will continue the question/answer format which I hope leads to additional inspiration from considering open questions and then later reviewing one person’s views on some answers, which don’t preclude other completely different answers. I see future posts being less structured than what I’ve done the last four years (and probably shorter); instead of walking linearly through an entire work, I will focus on a specific section or even just a paragraph, and then maybe move on to another work for the next post.   

I will post a new set of questions next Sunday, January 7, 2024.  

Regarding comments and the prospect of a group of people openly sharing the elements of truth they’ve found with me and each other – I love it and I think it would be very beneficial to all.  My concern has always been the refereeing aspect of moderating a comments section – if things were bad in a Sunday school room where people know each other and can see each other’s faces but still respond to each other negatively, they seem to be infinitely worse online – and I don’t have the time (or frankly, the energy – as an introverted personality) to facilitate it.   But I will open the comments for this post – as I’d love to hear from you whether a comments section would be valuable or not – and we can go from there. 

Thank you for indulging me on this journey - the prayer and study required over the years to produce this blog has been extremely valuable to me and it probably something I would not have done to the extent I have if I didn't have an expectation of sharing it with you.  I truly hope it's been of some value to you, as well.  I look forward to branching out into additional sources of truth over the next few years - which doesn't mean that we won't come back to the Standard Works, from time to time, as well - as a continual study of them is critical to measuring the truth of the other writings we will consider..  

Thursday, December 28, 2023

A New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 19-22)

A Rider Clothed in Red

READ Revelation 19:7-9

Who is invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb?

Zion – on Earth and in Heaven.

It is the Church of the Firstborn – those who are sealed up to Eternal Life, were valiant in the Testimony of Jesus, and can stand in His presence.


READ Revelation 19:11-16 (including JST)

How would you describe this coming of the Lamb?

As a Lion.

He is the conquering Warrior King.

Dressed in blood red garments – He is stained as a soldier from battle, the man treading grapes in the press, and the priest sacrificing animals in ritual.

Riding a white horse of war - He is no longer the Suffering Servant riding on the donkey.

He comes in His glory – nothing to shield it.

He will easily destroy the Beast, the Image/False Prophet, and the Harlot/Great City – it is a “no contest” fight.

What is the difference between the events of the Seventh Seal and all other seals?

It signals the ending of Babylon and the reign of the King of Kings.

Prior to that, the evil of the Seventh Seal is the same evil that is found in all other seals, if read symbolically and not chronologically; it is a culmination of the evils in all the past seals.



The Millennium and Beyond

READ Revelation 20:1-3 and Isaiah 14:10-16

Why is Satan’s sentence just and karmaic?

He who sought to exalt himself to the throne of God is held to the standard of God and found wanting (see Isaiah 14:13-15).

He who chained the world is chained himself (see Moses 7:26).

He who veiled the earth with darkness is shut up in darkness.

He who dragged others into the pit descends into it himself.


READ Revelation 20:4-6

What is Christ’s definition of “reigning”?

To reign is to serve – it is not to subjugate others and aggrandize oneself; Christ taught this by washing his Apostles’ feet (see John 13:4-17).

The true King is the one who sacrifices himself and suffers the most to save his people – He descends below all of them to save as many as will follow him but they are not compelled to follow; they do it out of love for the king when they realize what he has done for them.


READ Revelation 20:7-8 and 1 Nephi 22:26

How is Satan bound?

By the righteousness of the HEARTS of the people.

And by the presence of Christ and His power/seal.

How is Satan loosed again at the end of the Millennium?

Again by the hearts of the people (see D&C 29:22, Helaman 4:11-12, Helaman 6:17, 30-31).

Satan uses wealth gained by “righteous” people via blessings they’ve received, to pervert their heart (see 4 Nephi 1:23-30).

And we see divisions based on class wealth and a desire to get gain (either to stay or to get into those desired “classes”) and a religion that professes Christ but tolerates and secretly promotes this anti-Zion behavior – and you have the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Harlot/Great City back again.


READ Revelation 20:11-12

What is the Book of Life?

It is the Record kept in heaven of the people who were sealed through faithful living of covenants administered in good faith by an authorized administrator on the earth (see D&C 128:6-12).

As the Holy Spirit is also referred to as the “record of heaven”, the way people are recorded in the Book of Life is not just through “ink” but it is visible in the light of their souls – the frequency of vibration and the quantity of light that results.

What is the lake of fire?

It is the torment of disappointment in the mind of man when he realizes what he could have had, if he had accepted the freely given offer (see TPJS 348:1, 401:1 and 406:1);

It is not a punishment imposed by God on “sinners” – He doesn’t have to punish people as the natural consequences of behavior does that, per eternal law (which God lives by). 

The exception happens when God intervenes as a Savior to atone for sins and extends forgiveness through His mercy; the natural state of justice is what happens otherwise.



The Holy City

READ Revelation 21:1-7

What kind of relationship is implied by one person wiping the tears from the eyes of another?

A familial, parent-child or husband-wife relationship.

A friendship, even close friendship, would not be intimate enough for this kind of gesture.

What does “alpha and omega” mean?

Alpha = first or beginning.

Omega = last or ending.

We know what Christ is the first or beginning of, but what is he the last or ending of?

He descended below all things to save us.

He is the ending of tears/suffering, death, and sin.

He is the bookend of this cycle of eternity – He redeems what He creates, to the degree it will come unto Him (and all things do but mankind).

How are the Waters of Life free?

Access – they are provided freely to all; God is no respecter of persons.

Price - there is no temporal price or even threshold of required righteousness to live; we couldn’t pay it or live it (at this point in our progression, anyway) if we wanted to.

What conditions exist?

Only those that are “athirst” want the waters of life; they must be asked or desired for.

There is an offering required – our whole souls or broken hearts; He wants an intimate relationship with us, to become our Father and our God.


READ Revelation 21:10-11, 18-19, 21

Why is the Holy City described in terms of crystals and stones?

It will not decay – the city is eternal and unchanging.

There are no impurities in pure crystals.

They reflect light.

They are beautiful and refined.

Why is there a wall and gates in the city?

The Wall symbolizes the fact that one cannot just walk into the Kingdom but must enter through the predetermined ways.

The 12 Gates symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel or the family of God on Earth.

Baptism is the ordinance – through water and fire, that enables the rebirth of membership into that family and grants entry through the gates to the city.



The Pure River and the Tree of Life

READ Revelation 22:1-5

What is in the center of the City of Heaven?

The Throne of God.

A river of pure water (see Ezekiel 47:1-8).

The Tree of Life.

The Lord Himself.

What does the river of water represent?

Life-giving grace.

What does the Tree represent?

The healing and nurture/food of the love of God who gives and saves life.

Where does the light of Heaven emanate from?

God and Christ.

They are at the center.

But it seems to show in these verses that Christ is now sitting in God’s throne, that the light comes from Him, and that we are His children now, spiritually begotten by the one who sacrificed to save us (see TPJS 392:1).

Sunday, December 24, 2023

A New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 19-22) QUESTIONS

A Rider Clothed in Red

READ Revelation 19:7-9

Who is invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb?


READ Revelation 19:11-16 (including JST)

How would you describe this coming of the Lamb?

What is the difference between the events of the Seventh Seal and all other seals?



The Millennium and Beyond

READ Revelation 20:1-3 and Isaiah 14:10-16

Why is Satan’s sentence just and karmaic?


READ Revelation 20:4-6

What is Christ’s definition of “reigning”?


READ Revelation 20:7-8 and 1 Nephi 22:26

How is Satan bound?

How is Satan loosed again at the end of the Millennium?


READ Revelation 20:11-12

What is the Book of Life?

What is the lake of fire?



The Holy City

READ Revelation 21:1-7

What kind of relationship is implied by one person wiping the tears from the eyes of another?

What does “alpha and omega” mean?

We know what Christ is the first or beginning of, but what is he the last or ending of?

How are the Waters of Life free?

What conditions exist?


READ Revelation 21:10-11, 18-19, 21

Why is the Holy City described in terms of crystals and stones?

Why is there a wall and gates in the city?



The Pure River and the Tree of Life

READ Revelation 22:1-5

What is in the center of the City of Heaven?

What does the river of water represent?

What does the Tree represent?

Where does the light of Heaven emanate from?

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Beast, Its Image and the Harlot (Revelation 13-18)

The Beast & Its Image

In chapters 8-11 we saw the endgame or winding up scene of the earth.  In chapter 12 we were introduced to the way to be saved through all that destruction.  Now in chapters 13 through 18, we are shown how the seeds of that destruction were sown – we learn the three major influences that the Dragon (Satan) uses to fight the Woman Clothed with the Sun and her Children (the Church of the Firstborn and Kingdom of God) on the Earth: political power, religious falsehoods, and economic seduction (using money to buy up tyrants and false priests to reign on the Earth with violence and terror).  They are symbolized by a Beast (political), an Image or false prophet (religious), and a Harlot or Great City (economic) but they do blend into each other, as these three factors are used together to great effect by Satan. 


READ Revelation 13:1 (see JST)

What does the sea represent?

Peoples and nations (see Revelation 17:15).


READ Revelation 13:2 and Daniel 7:2-7

What does the Beast represent?

The despotic empires or political regimes/machines of the world over time.

For example, Daniel’s four beasts are Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome.

What do the various heads of the Beast represent?

Different faces and forms of despotic rule: fascism, communism, monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy, theocracy or militant religious states, colonialism, etc.

But they all share the same heart: force, fear and political tyranny.

What do the horns represent?

Power and those who wield it.

The power that an individual tyrant or group assembles to enforce their will: unjust laws, military or police might, corrupt judges and civil servants, wealthy cronies, false priests, etc.

The specific horns are transient – i.e. they do not last but are either broken off in battle or fall off in time; but they are always replaced with new horns during the next “season”.


READ Revelation 13:3

What happens when a head is wounded or chopped off?

Like the Hydra, when one head is removed, “two more take its place”.

Sometimes the head is “healed” in a mockery of Christ’s resurrection like the Phoenix back from the “dead” – this is designed to show the power of the beast – to discourage people from trying to kill it because it seemingly cannot die.

What does attacking the heads of the Beast do?

Nothing, except maybe make it angry and motivate it to strike out at you.

You must attack the heart of the Beast to inflict harm on it.


READ Revelation 13:4-8

What reaction does the Beast solicit from the people of the world?

Shock and awe.

Worship – obedience, imitation, reverence.

The Beast is the god of force, power and military might (see Daniel 11:36-38).

The world looks to this “god” for protection – or more accurately, it looks to one of the heads to protect it from the others – not realizing it is all the same Beast.

What is the blasphemy that comes from the Beast?

That there is no one like unto him.

That he is the “god of this world” – that there is no other god before him.

That he is the savior or protector of those that worship him – the Beast is the literal arm of the flesh.


READ Revelation 13:9-10

What is the secret that the Saints must remember?

If you use the Beast’s tools to defeat him, you are worshiping him and he has defeated you.

If you cut off one head, two will take its place.

You must defeat him with patience and faith in the Lord, using His timetable and His means/methods (see Daniel 7:9, 13-14, 18); actually, it is the Lord that will defeat the Beast and you can elect to join His army and participate in His fight.


READ Revelation 13:11-18

What is the “Image” or “twin” of the Beast?

A false prophet or religion (see Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10).

It is a literally a wolf in sheep’s clothing as it looks like the Lamb of God (how Satan took the image of the serpent or Dragon, which represented Christ, and rebranded it was himself – but in this case, he’s taking the Lamb and trying to rebrand it as himself, too).

It appears innocent and harmless as a lamb – after all, it is just trying to save your soul.

But if you listen to the voice, it is speaking the words of the Beast (force, compulsion, tyranny, power on Earth).

What is the message that the Image shares with mankind?

The Beast can save you if you worship it.

The Image is an apologist for the Beast; he is an influencer who validates and recommends the Beast – he tries to look like an objective third party who has your interest primarily in mind, but this is a total lie.

What is the connection between the Beast and trade/commerce/business (the Harlot)?

If you don’t worship the Beast and follow his precepts, you cannot trade or do business or be successful in a world the Beast rules.

Survival of the fittest - the “law of the jungle” or Korihor’s “management of the creature” principle (see Alma 30) plays out in economics as much as it does in politics (or biology).

What is the name of the Beast?

The name of the Beast is Master Mahan (see Moses 5:31) or “great one” or “destroyer”.

Mahan trades “life for money”.

Mahan is to not be your brother’s keeper, but to sell him what can kill him (physically or spiritually) and profit from it; it is to grind the faces of the poor, because you can.

Mahan enables its followers to hurt/kill/take from others and never be brought to justice because of the secret oath taken by the society of leaders who worship the Beast (i.e. a “priesthood” or fellowship) and uphold the unjust laws (or at least its loopholes) through their power and wealth.

What is the difference between the Seal that the 144,000 receive and the Mark of the Beast?

A “seal” administered by God or His angels lasts through this life and into the next; it is to protect and/or endow power; a seal is received – it can only be given by someone with authority to give it.

A “mark” differentiates one from another who isn’t marked; it is not permanent in that it doesn’t “seal” or provide a binding promise from God that something will remain or be given; a mark can be self-imposed.

The Seal is the Name of God (see Revelation 14:1), which is eternal and gives power on both sides of the veil; while the Mark is a “human number” and gives power only upon the Earth and will fail (or its power and privilege will) when the World is destroyed.



The Harvest

READ Revelation 14:1-3

Why can none but the sealed 144,000 learn the “new song”?

It cannot be taught by man to other men.

It must be learned from Heaven – directly from Christ or His angels.

This implies that the seal enables those who receive it to see things in a transformationally different way.

What are the 144,000 able to do?

Stand or abide in the presence of Christ.

Because they are without fault (see Revelation 14:5) through the Atonement of Christ.

And have been filled with His Holy Spirit or vibrate at a much higher level of light (quickened) or energy than those who cannot abide God’s presence.


READ Revelation 14:6-7

What means does the Lord use to preach the everlasting gospel to every nation?

War, famine and pestilence – He allows Satan’s own tools to work against themselves to remove Satanic barriers to the sharing of the truth.

The weak “things” of the earth are Christ’s tools.

The revelations of God, written by the prophets and contained in ancient and modern scripture.

The internet…the Lord uses the dissemination of truth in whatever means our current level of technology allows (and from whoever has an element of truth and is willing to share it); that doesn’t mean that just because an internet poster shares one element or “packet” of truth that anything else they share is also true.

Angels themselves – true messengers from Heaven with a direct message from God.

Other means we don’t expect – the Lord does His own work; we may only assist, not dictate, and it is not “hastened” unless He wills it.


Revelation 14:14-16

Who is reaped by the angels wielding the sickles?

Everyone – the “wheat” and the “tares” are harvested when both are fully ripe.

Then, they are divided and dispatched – with the wheat being stored in the garners, and the tares and the field itself both burned.




READ Revelation 16:16-17 and D&C 87:6

What do “Armageddon” and “Cumorah” have in common?

They are places where the Lord gathered massive armies together to enable them to administer mutual destruction to each other – Armageddon in the Middle East and Cumorah in the Americas.  It is where the wicked will/did punish the wicked.

Which nation will be standing at the end of Armageddon?

None – not even the United States (contrary to popular belief in some circles).

Only those who have fled to Zion will be safe, and only because the Lord will fight their battles for them – Zion is terrible because of the glory surrounding it, not because of a store of weapons that have been stockpiled there.

The fact that people have to flee to Zion to be safe speaks to the lack of safety and unstable nature of all nations, including the USA. 



Babylon, the Mother of Harlots

READ Revelation 17:1-5 and Revelation 18:2-3, 7-11

Who is the Woman who rides upon the Beast?

Babylon – the Great City.

The world’s economy – that which rewards and profits from those who worship the Beast and its ways (Master Mahan) – an economy where a few live luxuriously while, and in many cases directly because of that, many starve – it is all about profit at any cost, including human, environmental, spiritual…for the Woman who rides the Beast, it’s “show me the money.”

Why is she called “the Harlot”?

Because she buys and sells her “wares” to the highest bidder.

She will not take care of those she has covenanted with to care for as “Queen” of the world – she has left them for money and the fine life.

She sells to the Beast – those who have the power uphold the economy.

She seeks the affections of people through the seduction of riches and material possessions.

Her economy is largely fake, as it is built on growth – the continuous consumption of comforts and delicacies and the promise of speculative wealth in stock or currency markets; if the merchants stop creating new offerings and the buyers stop buying, it constricts and strangles itself and those who had faith in it (investors) lose all their money.

What will happen to the Woman when the Beast is killed at Armageddon?

She will be thrown down, as she has nothing to ride.

If the Beast is dead, she is ruined – her life is tied to the life of the Beast.

In our fallen world, there is a tight connection between the economy and politics (and the military which keeps it in power) – it’s a “military industrial complex”.

What is for sale in Babylon?

Everything; anything can be bought with money in this telestial world.

Even the human soul can be bought; life is cheap – the great secret Lucifer taught Cain was how to exchange life for money (see Moses 5:31) – it is how he became Master Mahan.


READ Revelation 18:15-19

How quickly can Babylon be brought to nothing?

As fast as it takes for the bottom to drop out of the stock market.

In an “hour”.


Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Beast, Its Image and the Harlot (Revelation 13-18) QUESTIONS

The Beast & Its Image

In chapters 8-11 we saw the endgame or winding up scene of the earth.  In chapter 12 we were introduced to the way to be saved through all that destruction.  Now in chapters 13 through 18, we are shown how the seeds of that destruction were sown – we learn the three major influences that the Dragon (Satan) uses to fight the Woman Clothed with the Sun and her Children (the Church of the Firstborn and Kingdom of God) on the Earth: political power, religious falsehoods, and economic seduction (using money to buy up tyrants and false priests to reign on the Earth with violence and terror).  They are symbolized by a Beast (political), an Image or false prophet (religious), and a Harlot or Great City (economic) but they do blend into each other, as these three factors are used together to great effect by Satan. 


READ Revelation 13:1 (see JST)

What does the sea represent?


READ Revelation 13:2 and Daniel 7:2-7

What does the Beast represent?

What do the various heads of the Beast represent?

What do the horns represent?


READ Revelation 13:3

What happens when a head is wounded or chopped off?

What does attacking the heads of the Beast do?


READ Revelation 13:4-8

What reaction does the Beast solicit from the people of the world?

What is the blasphemy that comes from the Beast?


READ Revelation 13:9-10

What is the secret that the Saints must remember?


READ Revelation 13:11-18

What is the “Image” or “twin” of the Beast?

What is the message that the Image shares with mankind?

What is the connection between the Beast and trade/commerce/business (the Harlot)?

What is the name of the Beast?

What is the difference between the Seal that the 144,000 receive and the Mark of the Beast?



The Harvest

READ Revelation 14:1-3

Why can none but the sealed 144,000 learn the “new song”?

What are the 144,000 able to do?


READ Revelation 14:6-7

What means does the Lord use to preach the everlasting gospel to every nation?


Revelation 14:14-16

Who is reaped by the angels wielding the sickles?




READ Revelation 16:16-17 and D&C 87:6

What do “Armageddon” and “Cumorah” have in common?

Which nation will be standing at the end of Armageddon?



Babylon, the Mother of Harlots

READ Revelation 17:1-5 and Revelation 18:2-3, 7-11

Who is the Woman who rides upon the Beast?

Why is she called “the Harlot”?

What will happen to the Woman when the Beast is killed at Armageddon?

What is for sale in Babylon?


READ Revelation 18:15-19

How quickly can Babylon be brought to nothing?

Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Woman Clothed with the Sun (Revelation 12)

READ Revelation 12:1-5 (JST Appendix)

Why does John describe the woman clothed with the sun, the child and the dragon as signs in heaven?

John is describing the prophesies that God has written in the stars, which he uses for signs (see Moses 2:14 and Abraham 4:14).

John is using cosmic imagery drawn from heavenly constellations: dragon = Draco; woman with child = Virgo; altar = Ara; the lamb = Aries; the lion = Leo; pouring out judgements/plagues = Aquarius, etc.

In this case, the Woman is Virgo and her Child is the star Spica; the fact that she is “clothed with the sun” means to look for this constellation during a time when the sun is within the constellation; the “moon at her feet” means the moon must also be in the sky but at the foot of the constellation Virgo, and a “crown of stars” or bright planets must be present over the “head” of Virgo.

This alignment of Virgo, the sun, the moon and the stars has happened on 3 occasions that we know of: August 30, 2BC at 5:30pm over Jerusalem; September 26, 1832 at 5:10pm as seen from Independence, Missouri, and September 23, 2017 (when the crown stars consisted of Mercury, Mars and Venus) – this last date had the most perfect alignment of the stated heavenly signs; all of these occurred near or on the Feast of Trumpets, which means the sign is as a “herald from heaven”; in 2017, there was an additional player: the planet Jupiter (which symbolizes the Father and the King or Kingdom of the Father, as Venus symbolizes Christ) was located in the “belly” of the woman and because of retrograde motion, had stayed in that position for the previous 9 or 10 months before being “born” and leaving the constellation in October, 2017 – to symbolize the birth of the Kingdom of God.

Why does God use the stars as signs?

They can mark specific events in time on earth; when stars, planets, the sun or the moon align in specific ways, God uses those alignments to tell those on earth who can read His signs certain messages which are time bound.

Because unlike scriptures, they cannot be changed by conspiring men.

But their meaning can be forgotten if people separate themselves from God and His Holy Spirit (His mind). 


READ Revelation 12:6-8, 12-14, 17 (JST Appendix)

Who is the Woman Clothed with the Sun?

The Church of God – those who have heard the testimony of Jesus (i.e. the “Sons of God” or Church of the Firstborn).

Not the earthly institution of a church, in any age.

This is referring to a heavenly Church or fellowship of believers in Christ – whether on Earth or before the foundations of this world.

Who is her child?

The Kingdom of God (“Jupiter”).

Kingdom = Heirs and Joint-heirs = the Family or House of God = Sons and Daughters of God.

What is the relationship between the Woman/Church and the Child/Kingdom?

The church is the mother to the “kingdom” because it is where the truths are taught that lead directly, if one will “grow up” or “awake and arise” on the principles taught, to being sealed up as a “son” or “daughter” (i.e. being adopted in as part of the House or Family or royal Kingdom of God).

The church is not a mortal kingdom where earthly monarchs wield authority over their subjects – it is a family or God. 

Who or what is the dragon?

Dragon imagery in many ancient civilizations is positive – the kundalini energy in the Hindu tradition, Quetzalcoatl for the Aztecs, good luck and strength in Chinese culture, etc; the serpent or dragon is also representative of Christ (see Numbers 21:7-9).

While the “serpent” or “dragon” is also representative of Christ, this dragon is trying to supplant the true Son of God by reimaging the dragon as himself.

It is Lucifer, playing the role of a Satan.

A dragon is fearsome and destroys (Christ will come as the Lion to utterly waste all who cannot stand in His presence).

The constellation Draco is always present in the north or “top” of the sky if you are in the northern hemisphere (it is wrapped around Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper, and is facing away from Polaris the North Star – in Ursa Minor’s front paw), and a third of the visible stars in the sky are within the main coil of its tail (meaning if you were to look at all of the stars in the sky in a circular star chart, the “pie piece” made by the angle of his coiling tail “captures” a third of the stars in the sky – from midway through the ram (Aries) to the bull (Taurus) and the twins (Gemini) – it also includes Orion.

When did Satan fight Michael and the Church and Kingdom of God?

In heaven before the foundation of this World.

And again here on Earth, where the war continues.

How does Satan deceive the whole world?

By pretending to be Christ or the “god of this world” – the “dragon”.

Or by pretending there is no Satan or Christ – that man is the god of this world.

Or by calling good evil and evil good (i.e. the accuser of the brethren or Sons of God – see Revelation 12:10).

What are the meanings of this symbolic prophesy and when has it already occurred in the sky?

August 30, 2 BC: occurring 6 months before the birth of Christ (April 6, 1 BC), this sign occurred on what might well have been the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) which is the Jewish New Year and is celebrated by the blowing of the shofar ram’s horn; John the Baptist, the Elias or forerunner, herald and witness for Christ, was born 6 months before Jesus, so this sign may have occurred on his birthday; as this day was the first day of the new year, the sign also heralds that in this year (1BC), the birth of Christ would occur; after Christ was born (really, after John the Baptist was born), the Kingdom (or House or family) of God was come again to the Earth.

September 26, 1832: in the dedicatory prayer for the Kirtland Temple, the Lord revealed that in the latter days, the Kingdom of God had already been set up previous to 1836 (see D&C 109:72); again, this day was the Feast of Trumpets (in 1832), heralding the birth of the Kingdom of God that year (Sep 1832-Sep 1833); it is interesting that the “star” that was “born” from Virgo in 1832 was Venus (not Jupiter), which symbolizes Christ; following Passover (April 6, 1833) a general conference of the Church was held in Independence, MO – Joseph Smith summarized the day by saying “The day was spent in a very agreeable manner, in giving and receiving knowledge which appertained to this last kingdom — it being just 1800 years since the Savior laid down his life that men might have everlasting life"; that "they thought upon the time when this world came into existence" and "they thought of the time when Israel ate the Passover"; and they "felt like the shepherds who watched their flocks by night" at the birth of the Savior (see DHC 1:337); seven months later, on November 13, 1833, a further part of the Revelation prophesy came to fruition when the largest meteor storm ever recorded occurred – the sky was so bright with falling stars that the Saints thought their houses were on fire - Joseph Smith said of this event: “November 13. About 4 o'clock a.m. I was awakened by Brother Davis knocking at my door and calling me to arise and behold the signs in the heavens. I arose, and to my great joy, beheld the stars fall from heaven like a shower of hailstones; a literal fulfillment of the word of God, as recorded in the holy scriptures ...Some at times appeared like bright shooting meteors, with long trains of light following in their course, and in numbers resembled large drops of rain in sunshine. These seemed to vanish when they fell behind the trees, or came near the ground. Some of the long trains of light following the meteoric stars were visible for some seconds; these streaks would curl and twist up like serpents writhing. The appearance was beautiful, grand, and sublime beyond description; and it seemed as if the artillery and fireworks of eternity were set in motion to enchant and entertain the Saints, and terrify and awe the sinners of the earth. Beautiful and terrific as was the scenery, it will not fully compare with the time when the sun shall become black like sack-cloth of hair, the moon like blood, and the stars fall to the earth (Rev. 6:12-13)” — (see DHC 1:439-440); at this same time, the Saints were being forced from their homes in Jackson County and were seeking refuge on the banks of the Missouri River as the mob unleashed its fury; meanwhile, in Kirtland between 1833 and the end of 1836 (for 3.5 years), the Church enjoyed a season of peace “in the wilderness” (see D&C 109:73) which reached a climax with the dedication of the Kirtland temple with all of its associated spiritual manifestations – perhaps fulfilling the prophesy of the Woman (Church) escaping to the wilderness for 3.5 years; the season of peace ended in 1837 when all hell broke loose in Kirtland, ending in Joseph Smith’s fleeing for his life in early 1838 – mirroring the dragon’s release after Michael had “been at war” with him during those Kirtland years (protecting the Saints during that season).

September 23, 2017: Again occurring on the Feast of Trumpets, this instance of the convergence of Virgo, the sun, the moon, the crowning “stars”, and the “birth star” is the most perfectly aligned of the three dates detailed above; this time the planet in the “womb” was Jupiter, which symbolizes the “king” and “god” – so the birth or rebirth of the Kingdom of God is strongly alluded to; if the Kingdom of God is the return of the House of God to the Earth (House meaning temple but really meaning family – with the temple as the required structure needed to enable the covenant to be administered by heavenly messengers to earthly participants), and in the last days the Gentiles were to be the first to receive it but were to reject it (see 3 Nephi 16:10), then perhaps September 23, 2017 is the herald of the Father’s (Jupiter) intention to restore the covenant for the final time to the House of Israel (see 3 Nephi 16:11-12; 3 Nephi 20:33-35, 46), fulfilling or ending the “times of the Gentiles” (see D&C 45:25-33).  For additional insight, read John Pratt’s article “Clothed with the Sun, Moon Under Her Feet” and Adrian Larsen’s blog “To the Remnant”, the post is called “Centerpoint” (December 20, 2020)

Sunday, December 10, 2023

A Woman Clothed with the Sun (Revelation 12) QUESTIONS

READ Revelation 12:1-5 (JST Appendix)

Why does John describe the woman clothed with the sun, the child and the dragon as signs in heaven?

Why does God use the stars as signs?


READ Revelation 12:6-8, 12-14, 17 (JST Appendix)

Who is the Woman Clothed with the Sun?

Who is her child?

What is the relationship between the Woman/Church and the Child/Kingdom?

Who or what is the dragon?

When did Satan fight Michael and the Church and Kingdom of God?

How does Satan deceive the whole world?

What are the meanings of this symbolic prophesy and when has it already occurred in the sky?

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Endgame: The Winding Up Scene (Revelation 8-11)

Opening the Seventh Seal

READ D&C 88:92-93 and TPJS 319:2

“Judah must return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, and water come out from under the temple, and the waters of the Dead Sea be healed. It will take some time to rebuild the walls of the city and the temple, &c.; and all this must be done before the Son of Man will make His appearance. There will be wars and rumors of wars, signs in the heavens above and on the earth beneath, the sun turned into darkness and the moon to blood, earthquakes in divers places, the seas heaving beyond their bounds; then will appear one grand sign of the Son of Man in heaven. But what will the world do? They will say it is a planet, a comet, etc. But the Son of Man will come as the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, which will be as the light of the morning cometh out of the east.”

What event marks the opening of the Seventh Seal?

The Great Sign of the Coming of the Son of Man (see also Matthew 24:37-38, JST).

What is the great sign in heaven of the coming of the Son of Man?

It is Christ Himself, coming with His entourage in glory from the presence of God, through the portal from Heaven to Earth.


READ Revelation 8:1 and D&C 88:95

What might be the cause of a “silence in the heavens”?

A dramatic silence – the calm before the storm.

A silence of pain – depression and despair at what is happening on the earth.

A silence of withdrawal – the Lord has nothing more to say – He removes Himself to see if they will repent but all humanity except Zion continues to descend into darkness without His Spirit (see D&C 43:24-25).

What does a “half hour” symbolize?

A short time.

After the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, we don’t have much time left to repent.

But luckily “short time” can be relative – in the BoM, the Nephites had 34 years to repent from the sign of Christ’s birth to the destruction of their society at His death.


READ Revelation 8:3-4

What does the smoke represent?

The prayers of the Saints ascending to God.

Prayers asking for deliverance from the tribulations.

Prayers asking for deliverance from enemies.

Prayers asking for the coming of the Son of Man, as per the Sign of His Coming – the hosannah shout or pleading prayer: God come to us now – please save us now.


READ Revelation 8:6

Why are trumpets usually sounded?

To announce something important – like a king coming.

In this case, it is to announce the coming of the plagues or tribulations that will cause the final destruction of the wicked.

And to announce the coming of Christ.


READ Revelation 8:12-13

What might the “third part” represent?

A part – significant but not a majority.

Could be a symbol of the Telestial or fallen - those who follow or are trapped by Satan – similar to the third part of the host of heaven who followed him (see also D&C 76:102).

What does a “three times woe” mean?

It is a final judgement.

There is no coming back from it – no more chances for repentance – it is a sealing up to destruction.



Out of the Bottomless Pit

READ Revelation 9:1-4

Who is the “star” which fell from Heaven with the key to the bottomless pit?

Lucifer (see Luke 10:18).

What does the “bottomless pit” symbolize?

Hell and the evil spirits who dwell there.

The worst tendencies of the carnal, sensual and devilish natural man on earth.

Why does Lucifer release smoke from the pit?

To obscure our vision.

To veil the world in darkness – smoke shuts out the light of the sun and blinds our eyes (see Moses 7:26, 1 Nephi 8:23 and 1 Nephi 12:17).

Hate, contention, greed, pride, revenge, and tradition are all sources of “smoke”.

What are the locusts that come out of the smoke?

Armies going to war.

Like orcs from The Lord of the Rings, the image of locust warriors is unnatural, vicious, savage, strong, cunning, relentless, never ending – inhuman or part animal (see also Joel 1:4, 2:3-9).

They will fight in “seasons” (i.e. 5 months of “locust season”) – the fighting will have times of rest, but not necessarily peace – the war is coming back until it is finally resolved.

And Satan is their King – the angel with the key – Adaddon and Apollyon both mean “destroyer”.


READ Joel 2:1-17, 21-23, 27-32

How does Joel say we should deal with these plagues of war?

Turn to the Lord – cry unto Him – beg for deliverance.

Offer a broken heart and contrite spirit – repent.

He does not say we should take up arms ourselves.


READ Revelation 9:20-21

What is the advantage of worshipping a God without ears or eyes?

We don’t have to answer to them – they won’t judge us or destroy us for disobedience because they don’t see or hear what is really going on.

They are like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz – we can control them and get others to comply to our will, in the name of the “god” we manipulate.

They are not a real or living God.



The Seven Thunders

READ Revelation 10:1-2 and D&C 88:12

What does Michael’s (the mighty angel) standing on land and sea represent?

Putting all things under his feet – conquering the elements and earth.


READ Revelation 10:3-7 and D&C 88:96-107

What did the “seven thunders” say, which John sealed up?

First four thunders/voices/trumpets = announce the resurrections of the Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial, and Outer Darkness inheritors, respectively.

Fifth = bow the knee and confess that Jesus is the Christ.

Sixth = Satan’s grip and his apostasy from light/intelligence/truth is broken.

Seventh = It is finished; the Lord has overcome the World.


READ Revelation 10:10-11 and D&C 77:14

What does the “little book” that John “eats” represent?

His ministry as a translated being on the Earth to gather the tribes of Israel in the last days.

To prepare a people able to stand during the Second Coming.

To restore “all things” to enable this to happen.

Sweet = the few who receive his (John’s – really Christ’s) words.

Bitter = the many who reject the message in what seems like a fruitless ministry to the “called” who refuse to be “chosen” (see also Ezekiel 2:7-3:3 and Jeremiah 15:15-20).

Also, there is a polarity between light and dark – to understand and appreciate the light, you have to experience the same amount of darkness or you will not get the whole context of the light and misunderstand it.



The Two Witnesses in Jerusalem

READ Revelation 11:1-2

Why would the Lord ask the angel to measure the Temple of God and the people who worship there?

He is “taking the measure of” or assessing the faithfulness of those who call themselves His Saints and their relationship to a living God who can actually come to His temple (see also Daniel 5:27).

What is the significance of 42 months?

42 months = 3.5 years (see also Revelation 12:14, where “a time” = one year); it’s not necessarily a literal number, though, because it symbolizes an incomplete or imperfect period of time – it’s not 4 years, which symbolizes a completed cycle.

This number represents a time of spiritual famine (see also Luke 4:25) – a time of persecution, dissent and apostasy (see also Amos 8:11-13).

God’s measuring of Israel finds them wanting – they will be scattered by the Gentiles and will lose the rights of the priesthood to them.  Israel will descend into a time of apostasy or spiritual famine. 


READ Revelation 11:3-4 and Zechariah 4:12, 14)

In Zechariah’s record about the repentance and return of Israel from captivity in Babylon & Persia, he credits the return to two men, Joshua the High Priest and Zerubbabel the Prince. 

What do both of these “callings” require?

An anointing – both the roles of king and priest must be anointed to be deemed legitimate. 

Symbolizing that they are filled with the Holy Spirit.

They are the two “olive trees” or “candlesticks” – representing olive oil which is also symbolic of the Holy Spirit (and is used in the anointing).

Joshua and Zerubbabel are told that if they will prepare the way for God’s servant, the Branch (see Zechariah 3:4-8) by rebuilding the Temple so that God has a place once more on the Earth to visit His people.  John is telling us that there will be future “Joshua and Zerubbabel’s” who will help Israel to be reestablished after apostasy and rebuild the Temple so that the Branch (Christ) can return to Earth.

Joseph Smith was attempting to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth through the sealing of men and women to Himself, and Himself to the Fathers in Heaven, as per Elijah’s instructions – Joseph being essentially a “king and priest” to God – and was attempting to build a Temple where Christ could come to return the High Priesthood which had been lost (see D&C 124:40-48); sadly, he was murdered before he could complete the work. 


READ Revelation 11:5-12 and D&C 77:15

Who are these two latter day “olive trees”?

Two prophets holding the High Priesthood After the Order of the Son of God – with all of its sealing power.

Their ministry is to the Jews in Jerusalem prior to the Second Coming, at the time of the “restoration”.

They are opposed by the “Beast” which will be introduced in chapter 13 of Revelation.


READ Revelation 11:14-18

What is the third woe?

The final destruction of the wicked – which is perpetrated by the wicked upon each other when the Lord withdraws His Spirit; and then finished by the Lord who will “destroy” the “destroyers” when comes in glory, which they cannot abide.



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...