Thursday, December 28, 2023

A New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 19-22)

A Rider Clothed in Red

READ Revelation 19:7-9

Who is invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb?

Zion – on Earth and in Heaven.

It is the Church of the Firstborn – those who are sealed up to Eternal Life, were valiant in the Testimony of Jesus, and can stand in His presence.


READ Revelation 19:11-16 (including JST)

How would you describe this coming of the Lamb?

As a Lion.

He is the conquering Warrior King.

Dressed in blood red garments – He is stained as a soldier from battle, the man treading grapes in the press, and the priest sacrificing animals in ritual.

Riding a white horse of war - He is no longer the Suffering Servant riding on the donkey.

He comes in His glory – nothing to shield it.

He will easily destroy the Beast, the Image/False Prophet, and the Harlot/Great City – it is a “no contest” fight.

What is the difference between the events of the Seventh Seal and all other seals?

It signals the ending of Babylon and the reign of the King of Kings.

Prior to that, the evil of the Seventh Seal is the same evil that is found in all other seals, if read symbolically and not chronologically; it is a culmination of the evils in all the past seals.



The Millennium and Beyond

READ Revelation 20:1-3 and Isaiah 14:10-16

Why is Satan’s sentence just and karmaic?

He who sought to exalt himself to the throne of God is held to the standard of God and found wanting (see Isaiah 14:13-15).

He who chained the world is chained himself (see Moses 7:26).

He who veiled the earth with darkness is shut up in darkness.

He who dragged others into the pit descends into it himself.


READ Revelation 20:4-6

What is Christ’s definition of “reigning”?

To reign is to serve – it is not to subjugate others and aggrandize oneself; Christ taught this by washing his Apostles’ feet (see John 13:4-17).

The true King is the one who sacrifices himself and suffers the most to save his people – He descends below all of them to save as many as will follow him but they are not compelled to follow; they do it out of love for the king when they realize what he has done for them.


READ Revelation 20:7-8 and 1 Nephi 22:26

How is Satan bound?

By the righteousness of the HEARTS of the people.

And by the presence of Christ and His power/seal.

How is Satan loosed again at the end of the Millennium?

Again by the hearts of the people (see D&C 29:22, Helaman 4:11-12, Helaman 6:17, 30-31).

Satan uses wealth gained by “righteous” people via blessings they’ve received, to pervert their heart (see 4 Nephi 1:23-30).

And we see divisions based on class wealth and a desire to get gain (either to stay or to get into those desired “classes”) and a religion that professes Christ but tolerates and secretly promotes this anti-Zion behavior – and you have the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Harlot/Great City back again.


READ Revelation 20:11-12

What is the Book of Life?

It is the Record kept in heaven of the people who were sealed through faithful living of covenants administered in good faith by an authorized administrator on the earth (see D&C 128:6-12).

As the Holy Spirit is also referred to as the “record of heaven”, the way people are recorded in the Book of Life is not just through “ink” but it is visible in the light of their souls – the frequency of vibration and the quantity of light that results.

What is the lake of fire?

It is the torment of disappointment in the mind of man when he realizes what he could have had, if he had accepted the freely given offer (see TPJS 348:1, 401:1 and 406:1);

It is not a punishment imposed by God on “sinners” – He doesn’t have to punish people as the natural consequences of behavior does that, per eternal law (which God lives by). 

The exception happens when God intervenes as a Savior to atone for sins and extends forgiveness through His mercy; the natural state of justice is what happens otherwise.



The Holy City

READ Revelation 21:1-7

What kind of relationship is implied by one person wiping the tears from the eyes of another?

A familial, parent-child or husband-wife relationship.

A friendship, even close friendship, would not be intimate enough for this kind of gesture.

What does “alpha and omega” mean?

Alpha = first or beginning.

Omega = last or ending.

We know what Christ is the first or beginning of, but what is he the last or ending of?

He descended below all things to save us.

He is the ending of tears/suffering, death, and sin.

He is the bookend of this cycle of eternity – He redeems what He creates, to the degree it will come unto Him (and all things do but mankind).

How are the Waters of Life free?

Access – they are provided freely to all; God is no respecter of persons.

Price - there is no temporal price or even threshold of required righteousness to live; we couldn’t pay it or live it (at this point in our progression, anyway) if we wanted to.

What conditions exist?

Only those that are “athirst” want the waters of life; they must be asked or desired for.

There is an offering required – our whole souls or broken hearts; He wants an intimate relationship with us, to become our Father and our God.


READ Revelation 21:10-11, 18-19, 21

Why is the Holy City described in terms of crystals and stones?

It will not decay – the city is eternal and unchanging.

There are no impurities in pure crystals.

They reflect light.

They are beautiful and refined.

Why is there a wall and gates in the city?

The Wall symbolizes the fact that one cannot just walk into the Kingdom but must enter through the predetermined ways.

The 12 Gates symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel or the family of God on Earth.

Baptism is the ordinance – through water and fire, that enables the rebirth of membership into that family and grants entry through the gates to the city.



The Pure River and the Tree of Life

READ Revelation 22:1-5

What is in the center of the City of Heaven?

The Throne of God.

A river of pure water (see Ezekiel 47:1-8).

The Tree of Life.

The Lord Himself.

What does the river of water represent?

Life-giving grace.

What does the Tree represent?

The healing and nurture/food of the love of God who gives and saves life.

Where does the light of Heaven emanate from?

God and Christ.

They are at the center.

But it seems to show in these verses that Christ is now sitting in God’s throne, that the light comes from Him, and that we are His children now, spiritually begotten by the one who sacrificed to save us (see TPJS 392:1).


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...