Thursday, November 30, 2023

One Hundred Forty-four Thousand (Revelation 7)

READ Revelation 7:1-4 and D&C 77:11

Who are the 144,000?

They are High Priests ordained to the Holy Order of God (the highest order of priesthood that must be conferred by God Himself – see JST Genesis 14:28-30).

They are called to administer the Gospel.

They are called from every tribe of Israel – they are “kindred” meaning family or Israel; they may be residing in every nation on earth but they are not descended from those nations but from Israel.

They are gathered by the angels.

They are given power by the angels.

They are brought by the angels to Heaven to the Church of the Firstborn – as John’s experience in Revelation when he ascended the path or ladder or conduit to the Throne of God in Heaven.

These are they who will be able to stand – they will be the only ones to make it through the tribulations and the coming of the Son of Man in glory and fire, to restart the human family as Noah did after the Flood.

Why 144,000 High Priests?

It is not a literal number.

Anciently, squaring a number completed and perfected it.

144,000 implies a vast and complete amount – many people.

What is the significance of the number 144,000?

144,000 is the speed of light harmonic. God, the angels, and the “144,000” mortals are endowed with light. It is God's light (the Father and the Son's light) that interfaces with water in the firmament to form the colorful rainbow.

Our traditional definition of the speed of light is 186,000 standard miles per second. Researcher Bruce Cathie has shown that 144,000 arc-minutes converts to 162,000 nautical miles in real-time per second, or 186,000 standard miles per second. Cathie stated that, "space and time manifest from the geometric harmonies of the wave motions of light. The fundamental harmonic of light is free space, in geometric terms being an angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, there being 97,200 gird seconds to one revolution of the earth” (Bruce L. Cathie, The Bridge to Infinity, Adventures Unlimited Press, p. 8).

Note the numbers tied to light below, including 144,000 and 432 hz, the tuning frequency employed for thousands of years for musical instruments prior to our recent change to 440 hz.


READ D&C 77:11

Who are the angels who will seal these High Priests?

Four angels who have been given power over the nations of the earth; they have power over the earth to protect or destroy it; one at each of the four “corners” of the earth.

Plus, another angel with the “seal of the living God”.

Michael in the East; associated with air; on earth known as Adam who had the “breath of life” breathed into Him in the Garden of Eden.

Raphael in the South; associated with fire; on earth known as Enoch, who opened the fiery ascent to Heaven and led his city of Zion to refuge there.

Gabriel in the West; associated with water; on earth known as Noah, who survived the Flood and restarted the human family – a “new birth” like a baptism.

Uriel in the North; associated with earth; on earth known as John the Beloved, who asked to walk the earth as a translated being preparing people for Zion and who guards the portal to Heaven with Elijah guarding the other side, in heaven.

The angel with the Seal of the Living God who has power to command the other 4 is “Elias” who was to come to gather the tribes of Israel and restore all things (see D&C 77:9); it is most likely Elijah, who has a mission to restore the High Priesthood keys which have been lost again so that Zion in the latter days will be able to abide the presence of Christ and those “Fathers” who will come with Him in glory – this is done by turning the hearts of the children to the Fathers in Heaven and creating a “welding link” or House of God between those in Zion on earth and the Fathers in Heaven (see also Luke 4:25 and James 5:17).

These five angels have the power to stop the nations of the earth overcoming Zion – because Zion will not fight back and must be protected from heaven (see D&C 87:6 and D&C 45:70).

When do these sealings take place?

Before the “earth, sea, and trees” are “hurt” in the last days.

Before the period of great natural disasters and tribulation, which are still future to us.

What does the sealing do?

Protects those sealed from the “winds of destruction” that are about to come from each corner of the earth.

It is a gathering of the elect.

The sealing is to prepare those sealed to receive the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood from God Himself.


READ Revelation 14:1 and 22:4

What is the seal that the 144,000 receive?

It is the “Father’s Name”.

How does this sealing occur?

Angels administer the ordination.

This is preparatory to receiving the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood from God Himself.

No nation, organization or man can stop these angels from their appointed task and none of them has authority to constrain who should or should not be sealed.


READ D&C 84:33-42

Are their bodies “renewed” on earth or in the resurrection?

If they have a calling to perform as the 144k, it makes no sense for this renewal to refer to the resurrection.

Having their bodies “renewed” implies a sanctification process where one is filled with glory such that they can stand in the presence of God; or this could also refer to a translated state of being.

What does becoming the “seed of Abraham” mean?

Abraham is one of the “fathers in heaven” to whom we must connect or be “utterly wasted” at the Lord’s return.

He is associated with the High Priesthood and sealing power.

It means that they have been sealed in a welded link, through the spirit or power of Elijah, to Abraham; that they also have received the Holy Order from God, as did Abraham, and are adopted into his family, as he was adopted into the line of Melchizedek, to create an unbroken “link” from Adam to the last sealed person – Abraham is the key for us to connect with the original fathers in heaven who had actual father to son relationships while mortal.

What does it mean that they become the “church, kingdom and elect of God”?

This body of chosen individuals are a “church” and that church is confined to the “elect”.

They are a “kingdom” meaning that they are adopted into the House or Family of God; they are Sons and Daughters or heirs of the kingdom.

Why do all that receive this priesthood receive Christ?

Because that is how this priesthood is received – directly from God via Christ – not from another man.

Who are the “servants” that have been sent first?

The angels that were given power to gather the 144k via sealing them in their foreheads.

Eventually the mortal “144k” also become “servants” via the sealing.

What does Christ do with you after He has received you and ministered to you personally?

He prepares you to enter the Father’s presence (see Mosiah 5:15).

Where He will testify to the Father regarding your standing (see D&C 88:75).

His ministry to you continues; He will take up His abode with you.

What gift does the Father give to those who have been sealed up?

The promise of exaltation and eternal life.

They receive knowledge from the Father that they are His, will inherit from Him all He has, and learned this as a result of the Son’s ministry with them.

Why does God pronounce a “wo” upon those who come not unto this Priesthood?

Because if you don’t receive this priesthood, you do not receive the fullness of the Gospel and you do not have the knowledge that will save you – which can only be received directly from God to you.

Implied is that God’s plan for you is that you go forward and receive this sealing and priesthood – to the degree that you receive a “wo” (or low-key curse) if you don’t do so; this is not a “wouldn’t it be an awesome cherry on top but it doesn’t really matter to your eternal life” sort of expectation from God for us. We receive a “wo” because we didn’t go on to receive that which was there for us to receive – and we were capable of receiving but didn’t.


Sunday, November 26, 2023

One Hundred Forty-four Thousand (Revelation 7) QUESTIONS

READ Revelation 7:1-4 and D&C 77:11

Who are the 144,000?

Why 144,000 High Priests?

What is the significance of the number 144,000?


READ D&C 77:11

Who are the angels who will seal these High Priests?

When do these sealings take place?

What does the sealing do?


READ Revelation 14:1 and 22:4

What is the seal that the 144,000 receive?

How does this sealing occur?


READ D&C 84:33-42

Are their bodies “renewed” on earth or in the resurrection?

What does becoming the “seed of Abraham” mean?

What does it mean that they become the “church, kingdom and elect of God”?

Why do all that receive this priesthood receive Christ?

Who are the “servants” that have been sent first?

What does Christ do with you after He has received you and ministered to you personally?

What gift does the Father give to those who have been sealed up?

Why does God pronounce a “wo” upon those who come not unto this Priesthood?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Book with Seven Seals (Revelation 4-6)

A Ceremony at the Throne of God

READ Revelation 4:1

What is this door into heaven?

It is a guarded portal, conduit or “ladder” to heaven.

It is entered by invitation only.

It is real.

It is guarded on this end (the earth) by John the Beloved and in Heaven by Elijah.

Other examples include the fiery ascent that Elijah took to Heaven, Christ’s ascension to Heaven (with Mary and with the Apostles), Joseph Smith’s First Vision/Visitation, Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith, Moses’ Burning Bush, Lehi’s first vision.

What is the difference between the first part of Revelation (chapters 1-3) and what is happening now in chapter 4?

In the first 3 chapters, John is being visited by Christ on Earth.

Starting in chapter 4, John is invited to ascend the Ladder to visit Heaven itself.


READ Revelation 4:2-3

What would the Father have us understand about Him as revealed in this vision (see also Ezekiel 1)?

He is a being of light – i.e. symbolized by precious shining stones, rainbows, etc.

He is the source of light (see D&C 88:11-13).

He lives in the midst of light – everlasting burnings and complete brilliance – there are no shadows.

Lectures on Faith says He is a personage of “spirit, glory, and power, possessing all perfection and fullness” (see LoF 5:2).

Light (a form of radiation) is energy in the form of electromagnetic waves and is synonymous with glory, intelligence and truth; thoughts also have electromagnetic signatures.


READ Revelation 4:4-6, 10-11 (including JST) and D&C 77:5

Who are the 24 crowned elders surrounding the throne of God?

“Ordinary” saints from the 7 church branches who had been sealed up to eternal life.

Showing that “callings” are not tied to where one will end up in the afterlife; it’s your personal relationship with Christ that is key – they “know God”, which is eternal life.

What are the 24 elders doing?

They are performing a ceremony in a setting reminiscent of the breastplate of Aaron used in the Holy Place of the Temple (see also Exodus 39:1-31).

If the 24 elders surround the throne, what shape do they form, where is God, and what does it all symbolize?

The 24 form a circle or eternal round.

They are “one” – no division or polarization – no sides are taken; they are in harmony and have a united purpose.

God’s throne is in the center – He is the fixed point, the sure place, from which all truths are derived.

What do the thunder, lightning and voices represent?

Thunder and lightning are symbols of heavenly power, as they are above us and can induce fear or awe.

The voices come from the throne and represent communication to and from God, who controls all things and from whom all prayers are heard and answered; symbolic of intelligence and truth.

Together they convey a picture of power, glory, might, dominion, majesty, intelligence and authority – the things of which exaltation is composed (see D&C 132:19).

Why are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne of God, from whom a fullness of light comes?

The lamps represent seven servants of God – i.e. Seraphim (the “flaming ones” who can abide in the presence of God).

They are adding their own eternal life to the glory of God – His work and glory is to enable our immortality and eternal life, or in other words, to receive a fullness of His glory and add to the light of Heaven.

One day they will become as the Father is, and their places will be taken by others in a continual parade of eternal progression.

Why are there beasts/animals represented in this apocalyptic vision?

It shows that the beasts are also God’s creation.

But they are of a different order to God’s children – their level of intelligence and quickening/frequency is not as high; having said that, we don’t know how high the level of their intelligence their spirits have; just as a spirit within a human body has less capability to comprehend light as that same entity would as a spirit or resurrected being, we don’t know how animals will be or progress after this life.

However, they are also destined to fulfill the measure of their creation with eternal felicity (celebratory happiness); it also confirms their light/knowledge and power (eyes and wings in verse 8 – see D&C 77:3-4) which are offered to ALL of God’s creations.

What does the “sea of glass” represent?

The earth in its sanctified, immortal and eternal state (see D&C 77:1 and D&C 130:9).

Crystal or glass are representative of the celestial world because they do not decay or change.

Crystal suggests purity born out of the heat of refining fires – as the earth will be burned and sanctified, destroying all impurities, prior to its becoming a celestial world.

Joseph Smith referred to the celestial earth as a huge Urim and Thummim, representing lights and perfections – a sphere of light, truth, intelligence, beauty, perfection, purity, endless & open knowledge.

The Celestial Kingdom is not a literal “glass Kansas” or smooth “marble planet” in this state; the “mountain of the Lord” and the “sides of the north” imply there is elevation in the Celestial Kingdom.

Why do the 24 elders cast their crowns at God’s feet?

It is a ceremonial affirmation of God’s rule over all people and kingdoms.

And then they recite in unison a worshipful prayer in their heavenly prayer circle to confirm their fealty to the most high God and King of Kings.

Why are the 24 elders performing a ceremony/ritual at all?

Ceremony is the way joy and rejoicing are proclaimed in Heaven. 

Ceremonies enable groups of people to have a collective and connected experience.

Ceremonies are designed to introduce us to the higher culture (set of beliefs and accepted behaviors) lived in Heaven; John is seeing it to teach him and us about heaven. 



The Book with Seven Seals

READ Revelation 5:1-6 and D&C 77:6-7

What is the sealed book?

It contains the revealed will, mysteries and works of God on the Earth.

It is sealed because His will is not our will; it is sealed to protect us as much as anything else.  We must make an effort to unseal it – to be worthy to be taught how to or to be enabled to.

Why is no one found worthy to open the book?

No one is able to do the work of the Father as written in the Book.

The work is to bring to pass or enable the immortality and eternal life of man on the Earth – without violating the principle of agency (see D&C 1:39 and D&C 88:18-20).

It is like King Arthur and the sword Excalibur – only one who is worthy can pull the sword from the stone or in this case, open the seal of God’s book.

Christ is the only one able to do the work of God as pertaining to this Earth – he is the rightful King.

How is Christ both the Lion of Judah and the Slain Lamb?

Lion = ascended to Godhood before the foundation of the world; upon His triumphant resurrection when He comes again in Glory to subdue the world and rule as King of Kings.  He comes in a fullness of His glory which is fiery and terrible to those on the earth who cannot abide it – like a lion with his prey.

Lamb = condescending to come to Earth as a mortal and in humble economic circumstances; meekly conforming to the Father’s will in all things; descending below all things in taking upon Himself the sins of the world and suffering eternal punishment – the Lamb is meek and lowly in heart.

Both of these roles are aspects of Christ’s personality and events he will/has accomplished. 


READ Revelation 5:7-8

Why does John’s weeping turn into the singing of a new song?

John is weeping in despair – seemingly there is no one in Heaven who can save mankind, not even the “strong angel”.

But then Christ agrees to condescend to Earth to do the will of the Father and enable the rescue of all those who are on earth, including John and all those that he loves.

The new song is a victory song – indicating that a change has taken place and things on the earth are not as they were before.


READ Psalms 40:1-3, Revelation 5:9-12 and D&C 84:98-102

What are the words of the New Song?

Worthy is the Lamb.

Able to do God’s great work.

Willing to pay the eternal sacrifice.

So, to be able to redeem us/Zion.

By attaining to the resurrection.

And defeating Satan and all enemies.

To then become as the Father is.

What is the purpose of the New Song?

To give us hope, even when we are in the darkest part of the “story”.

To give us a collective song to sing together – it is like a ceremony or ritual where we can join together in worship.

How does Christ use the power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings He received by doing God’s work on Earth?

He employs them with charity and compassion to save all of us and creation – seeking to make us like Him, joint-heirs in all that He has rightfully earned through His merits.

Christ’s will is to enable the immortality and eternal life of mankind. 


The Four Horsemen

The rest of the Book of Revelation can be read literally – looking for specific historical or future events – AND it can be read symbolically, like how one would read Isaiah (see 2 Nephi 11:8). 

READ Revelation 6:1-8 (JST)

What are the traditional meanings for the 4 Horsemen/Horses and their associated eras?

White = Enoch who led the people of God when their enemies came against them to battle (in the opinion of Elder Bruce McConkie) during the first 1000 years of the history of mankind on the earth.

Red = the violence of the days of Noah, where all flesh was corrupt and everyone but Noah’s family died in the flood during the second millennia of mankind’s history on the earth.

Black = an era of great famine, including the time of Joseph of Egypt who saved Israel and Egypt from starvation during the third thousand years.

Pale = the time of the destruction of the North Kingdom of Israel and the enslavement of the South Kingdom by Babylon in the fourth thousand years since Adam.

If we take a more symbolic approach to the horsemen, what might the white horseman stand for?


A desire for power and the unrighteous seeking and taking of it.

What might the red horseman symbolize?


War and the violence that comes with it.

Hatred and war comes on the heels of a desire for power and conquest.

What might the black horseman mean?


To kill with hunger.

Famine follows on the heels of war, because battle destroys grain in the fields and also prevents farmers, who have turned soldier, from planting in the first place.

What might the pale horseman point to?

Pestilence or disease (see Alma 10:22).

Famine weakens healthy bodies, which then become more susceptible to disease, particularly in the unsanitary conditions of war.

The “pale” color is not a ghostly white but a sickly yellowish green like a person on their deathbed.

What does viewing the horsemen this way show us?

That the four traits are not exclusive to only one time period but are more often seen together across all time periods – the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride together.

We are being shown the way Lucifer rules the world when man gives him the ascendency – with horror and blood from various, usually connected, means.


READ Revelation 6:9-11

What is the traditional, historical reading of the fifth seal?

It is the meridian of time and the souls under the altar are the Christian martyrs, from John the Baptist and the Apostles to the historical Christian apostasy and reformation.

What might a more expansive or symbolic, cross-time period meaning be for the fifth seal?

The Lord sends His righteous Saints into a world inhabited by the 4 Horsemen to be tested and fight against them through their testimonies of the truth and their faith in Christ.

But many times they will die martyrs for the cause – this happens in every dispensation of the gospel.

Their “lying under the temple altar” suggests they’re being sacrificed, as Christ was also sacrificed – that they laid down their own lives for the truth and their blood stands as their witness to it.


READ Revelation 6:12-17 (including JST)

What is the traditional, historical reading of the sixth seal?

It is our time, the latter days of the restoration of the gospel and the end-times, winding up scene.


Solar eclipses or atomic winter.

Blood moons – lunar eclipses or haze from fire and destruction.

Meteors and comets in the sky and some falling to earth.

Opened heavens – revelation from the time of Joseph Smith.

Shifting or volcanic mountains and sinking islands in the way of tidal waves (see D&C 88:90).

Fear among men – looking for safety and a place to hide.

Taken together, what could a more metaphorical meaning be for the sixth seal?

Darkness – sun darkened, moon to blood, stars fall.

Instability – all things in commotion (D&C 88:91) including the earth, the heavens, the ocean, and mankind.

Deeds of darkness and the instability that come from the lack of trust that comes from evil people and the karmic results of the deeds of mankind – personally, economically, socially, politically.

What will happen when the nations are shaken as a result of their dark deeds?

Some will fall – eventually all will fall.

With less to lose or in desperation, they will go to war with each other (see D&C 84:117-119 and 2 Nephi 28:18-19).

Eventually, only Zion will survive.

What is implied symbolically by the sun becoming as black as sackcloth?

Sackcloth is associated with mourning.

The wickedness of men makes the heavens (symbolized by the sun) mourn.

The wickedness of men also inhibits the revelation or light from heaven to mankind – symbolized by daylight being “blackened” by something in the atmosphere of the earth.

What is the symbolism of a “blood” or red or lunar eclipsed moon?

Anger between the wicked on earth.

Anger of the heavens as they look on at dark events taking place on earth.

What is the symbolism around the stars falling from the sky?

The stars are set in the universe – e.g., we can look to the North Star for direction – if they fall, then it symbolizes that people have nowhere to look for sure direction.

The stars were set for signs in the heavens – as evidenced by the fact that the Magi detected Christ’s birth by what they read in the heavens and the “new star” they saw, as well as Abraham’s lesson in the topography of Kolob; the only way we can lose the signs or that they can “fall” such that we cannot “see” them, is that we have forgotten what they mean: we can no longer “decode” the messages written there, as the Magi or Abraham could.

Why does all mankind seek to find a hiding place or refuge from the presence of God and His wrath?

The thought of coming into the presence of a Holy God unprepared is a terrifying notion (see Mormon 9:3-5).

A “fig leaf” to “cover our sins” is no longer big enough – we need mountains.

Dark places are for dark business; the world tries to hide its dark works from itself, to better perpetrate its wickedness; do they not think God can see into the darkness to view what they are up to?

Who shall be able to stand in this day of God’s wrath and in the face of His glory?

Only those who have already acquired His glory – they are a Holy Temple.

If you’ve already stood in the presence of the Lamb and He has sealed you His, you will not fear the Lion because you will have hope in His promise and testimony to you.

You can’t stand in His presence unless you can stand His presence – and this must happen over time as He prepares us as quickly as we will allow Him to; so the time to start is now. 



Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Book with Seven Seals (Revelation 4-6) QUESTIONS

A Ceremony at the Throne of God

READ Revelation 4:1

What is this door into heaven?

What is the difference between the first part of Revelation (chapters 1-3) and what is happening now in chapter 4?


READ Revelation 4:2-3

What would the Father have us understand about Him as revealed in this vision (see also Ezekiel 1)?


READ Revelation 4:4-6, 10-11 (including JST) and D&C 77:5

Who are the 24 crowned elders surrounding the throne of God?

What are the 24 elders doing?

If the 24 elders surround the throne, what shape do they form, where is God, and what does it all symbolize?

What do the thunder, lightning and voices represent?

Why are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne of God, from whom a fullness of light comes?

Why are there beasts/animals represented in this apocalyptic vision?

What does the “sea of glass” represent?

Why do the 24 elders cast their crowns at God’s feet?

Why are the 24 elders performing a ceremony/ritual at all?



The Book with Seven Seals

READ Revelation 5:1-6 and D&C 77:6-7

What is the sealed book?

Why is no one found worthy to open the book?

How is Christ both the Lion of Judah and the Slain Lamb?


READ Revelation 5:7-8

Why does John’s weeping turn into the singing of a new song?


READ Psalms 40:1-3, Revelation 5:9-12 and D&C 84:98-102

What are the words of the New Song?

What is the purpose of the New Song?

How does Christ use the power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings He received by doing God’s work on Earth?


The Four Horsemen

The rest of the Book of Revelation can be read literally – looking for specific historical or future events – AND it can be read symbolically, like how one would read Isaiah (see 2 Nephi 11:8). 

READ Revelation 6:1-8 (JST)

What are the traditional meanings for the 4 Horsemen/Horses and their associated eras?

If we take a more symbolic approach to the horsemen, what might the white horseman stand for?

What might the red horseman symbolize?

What might the black horseman mean?

What might the pale horseman point to?

What does viewing the horsemen this way show us?


READ Revelation 6:9-11

What is the traditional, historical reading of the fifth seal?

What might a more expansive or symbolic, cross-time period meaning be for the fifth seal?


READ Revelation 6:12-17 (including JST)

What is the traditional, historical reading of the sixth seal?

Taken together, what could a more metaphorical meaning be for the sixth seal?

What will happen when the nations are shaken as a result of their dark deeds?

What is implied symbolically by the sun becoming as black as sackcloth?

What is the symbolism of a “blood” or red or lunar eclipsed moon?

What is the symbolism around the stars falling from the sky?

Why does all mankind seek to find a hiding place or refuge from the presence of God and His wrath?

Who shall be able to stand in this day of God’s wrath and in the face of His glory?

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Hidden Mana (Revelation 1-3)

Does the Lord want us to understand the Book of Revelation?

Yes, He does not give us revelations without an interpretation – revelations must give us actionable knowledge.

How does God reveal things to us?

Directly through revelation.

Indirectly, through a key.

What keys has He given us to unlock the meaning of the book of Revelation?

The Joseph Smith Translation of the Book of Revelation.

Modern scripture: D&C, Book of Mormon.

Old Testament allusions: Daniel, Isaiah.

Poetic imagery.

Parallel images.

The Holy Spirit.



The King of Kings

READ Revelation 1:1-3 (JST)

What are we instructed to do with the Book of Revelation?

Read it.

Hear or really listen for inspiration from God.


Keep or abide by the things that are written in the book.


READ Revelation 1:4-5, 10-11

Where does this message come from?

Directly from an angel who received it directly from God.

Also, directly from Jesus Christ Himself (incidentally, this is the last recorded visit from Christ to any of the New Testament saints).


READ Revelation 1:12-16, 20

What are the seven golden candlesticks or golden menorah?

The seven Churches in Turkey.

What is the symbolism of the Churches as an olive oil burning menorah (like the one in the Temple Court in Jerusalem)?

Olive oil = Holy Spirit.

The seven Churches must be filled with the Spirit that they might bring light, healing and peace to the world (see Matthew 5:15 and Luke 10:34); a “church” or organization cannot be filled with the Spirit but the people that are members of it can – this is what is really being referenced here – the people of the Churches in Turkey have an opportunity to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The shining menorah is also a symbol of the Tree of Life (as is Moses’ Burning Bush – a tree or bush which was shining because it was at the bottom of a pillar of fire that descended from heaven – see Exodus 3:2-3) – which is a symbol of Wisdom or the wise application of the mind of God or Holy Spirit, symbolized by the olive oil and light.

Where is Christ in relation to the Churches?

He is in their midst.

He is with each individual within the seven Churches, seeking to interact with them if they will but hear and see Him.

He is not an absentee Lord but is close by to minister to those in need who reach out to Him

What do the words describing Christ emphasize (“golden”, “white”, “flame”, “furnace”, “sun”)?

Glory and light (which equals truth, intelligence, spirit, life).

Power (again “life” and “glory”).

Purity (“light” and “spirit”).

What makes the sound of “many waters”?

Ocean waves or mountain waterfall.

How do you feel when you hear the sound of “many waters”?

Peaceful, calming, soothing, healing.

Awestruck, its majesty, intimidated, respectful.

The voice of God is powerful but instills solace.

What are the “seven stars” in Christ’s right hand?

“Servants of the seven churches”.

Church leaders.

Men who are in Christ’s hand – have been ministered to by Him as the Second Comforter – have received their calling and election – these are not always the same as the organizational leaders of a Church, however – they could be anyone in the Church membership who have truly come unto Christ. 

Contrasting to the “stars of heaven” that Lucifer drew after him (see Revelation 12:4) – who were the third of the host of heaven who did not keep their first estate: Satan drags down his followers while Christ upholds His with an upturned hand.

What does the sharp, two-edged sword coming out of Christ’s mouth represent?

Christ’s words are truth (see John 17:17, Ephesians 1:13, James 1:18).

One side of the two-edged sword of truth “cuts” the wicked to the very center because they take it to be hard (see 1 Nephi 16:2 and Acts 5:33).

The other side of the sword of truth penetrates to the very soul of the righteous, causing them to repent – moving them to action.


READ Revelation 1:17-19

What is John’s reaction to entering the presence of the resurrected Lord, who he knew in mortal life 60 years before?

He fell at His feet like he was dead.

He was completely overcome – he almost lost consciousness.

What does the Lord’s reaction teach us about Him?

He lays His hand gently on John and says “fear not” = shows the Lord’s sweet tenderness in the face of our natural fear.

He states the victory He won over death – reminding John of what he had already witnessed.

What key(s) does the Lord hold in His other hand?

The key He won which opened the door of hell and death (see 2 Nephi 9:10).

Holding this key means if Christ opens the door, no man can shut it or if He shuts it, not man can open it again (see Revelation 3:7-8).

What happens if this heavy door is shut and locked before us?

Spiritual death separates us from God, by definition.

What is the good news of Christ’s gospel?

No one returns to the Father without permission of the holder of the key, because He is also the Gatekeeper (see 2 Nephi 9:41).

But His invitation is to all (2 Nephi 26:33).



Exhorting the Churches of God

READ Revelation 2:1

What does it imply that Christ has personal messages for the members of these seven churches, including but not restricted to, those within them that have come unto Him?

Christ is not far from us – His personal ministry continued/continues after His death and resurrection.

That although He has created “worlds without number”, He also notices when a sparrow falls; He ministers to His creations one by one and all things are numbered unto Him and He knows them all (see Moses 1:33, Matthew 10:29, 3 Nephi 11:15, Moses 1:35).

He continues to minister to those who have come unto Him – He wants to know us (which is eternal life) which requires that He take up His habitation with us.

He wants all members of His church (and all mankind) to likewise come unto Him and be saved.


READ Revelation 2:2

How could men say they are Apostles but are found out to be liars?

Either the communication channels were particularly bad in the ancient Church, such that people did not know who the Apostles were.

Or perhaps men had become OFFICIAL Apostles by 96 AD - when this was written (as John was a Roman prisoner on the island of Patmos and the church had been fighting obvious apostasy for 35 years already) but were not TRUE Apostles (i.e. were not witnesses of Christ’s resurrection and did not hold the High Priesthood After the Order of the Son of God) but were scholars and philosophers after the Greek tradition or were administrators and leaders after the Roman fashion.


READ Revelation 2:4, 7

If Christ is the bridegroom, what is the “first love” that the Church in Ephesus has left?

The Church is the bride, so the “first love” is Christ Himself (see D&C 109:74).

He asks them to repent – to come back to Him and love Him again.

And promises those who do that they can still, individually, “eat of the Tree of Life” or come unto Christ and partake of His salvation for them (see 1 Nephi 8 and 2 Nephi 31-32).


READ Revelation 2:9-11

How is Christ’s perspective of this mortal life different from most of ours?

Poverty and riches are not mutually exclusive – you can be temporally poor but spiritually rich or visa-versa; and occasionally being temporally poor aids in acquiring spiritual riches because of one’s dependence on the Lord; tribulation and adversity, even “unto death” can do the same thing if you allow them to humble you and send you to your knees to cry unto the Lord for mercy and grace.

A lifetime of tribulation is like “ten days” to Christ – this life is fast and enduring to the end of this life, in the context of all that has gone before and all that will come after, is not a long time to have to endure (not saying it isn’t tough though – just that we don’t have to hang on forever).

Physical death is not the problem but the second spiritual death is – no one gets out of this life alive so do not forfeit your ultimate reward through cowardice or capitulation of the gospel in the face of physical death – be valiant in the testimony of Jesus (if you have received it) - (see Alma 12:16 and Helaman 14:18).

Death is not the culmination of life – Christ’s perspective, having won the victory over death, is important for those of us who have yet to win that victory (all of us), or have not yet died (again, all of us); “life” or consciousness continues after death.


READ Revelation 2:14

What is the message of the story of Balaam the Prophet and Balak the Moabite King? (see Numbers 22-24, 31)

Balaam was a legitimate prophet of God but was eager to receive the honors of men.

He went against the council of God and prophesied to Balak the Moabite King.

In time, Balaam’s lust for worldly honors corrupted him and he tempted the Israelites with immoral beliefs of the Canaanites.

A “Balaam prophet” would be eager to comprise the teachings of the Church to obtain the honors of men – they are very aware of “political correctness” at the expense of doctrinal purity; they want to become popular with the world and conform the beliefs of the Church with the prevailing views of the culture that they live in; they will conduct focus groups and opinion polls to make sure that they are aligned with what is popular in the world.

How does one combat the “doctrine of Balaam”?

With the “sharp two-edged sword” of truth (see v 12).

Exposing false doctrines, even those that are popularly accepted as enlightened truth by all the world, to the real truth (things as they truly are) will “tear them in pieces and none can deliver” (see Mormon 5:22-24 and Jacob 4:13).


READ Revelation 2:17 and Deuteronomy 8:3

What is “hidden manna” given to those who embrace truth in the face of popular falsehood taught as truth?

Sacred knowledge not given to the world because they have not qualified to receive it (see 2 Nephi 32:6 and Alma 12:9-11).

The hidden manna is: how to rend the veil and enter the presence of the Lord in the flesh (see D&C 84:19-23) despite not being taught these doctrines or keys by those who are in authority in Christ’s church.


READ D&C 130:10-11

What is the purpose of the white stone given to those who come into the Celestial Kingdom?

It is a Urim and Thummim or seer stone or revealer of hidden or sacred knowledge.

It is a way that the “hidden manna” continues to be delivered to those who have “ears to hear”.

What does the fact that the white stone is given to those who inherit the Celestial Kingdom, so that they can see “things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms”?

There are kingdoms of even more glory than the Celestial Kingdom!

The God’s continue to progress in glory (see TPJS 391:2 to 392:2).

We only know a little bit about the eternities – enough to help us to get through this stage effectively – but we should curb our pride in our “knowledge” because we actually know very little of all there is to know.

What is a Urim and Thummim?

Urim = lights.

Thummim = perfections.

It is a revelatory instrument that enables the user to receive light in all its perfections.

The mortal human eye can only perceive a narrow band of light – it cannot see light at a higher frequency (ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma) or lower frequency (infrared, microwave, radio) – the U&T allows you to see light or energy waves perfectly or to see what is otherwise hidden from you because of your natural or physical eyes.

Light = truth, intelligence, knowledge, spirit, glory (see D&C 88:66 and D&C 93:36).

It is a revealer of “hidden manna”.

When does one receive a new name?

When one attains to a new station or major change in life, such as birth, marriage, baptism of fire, calling and election, etc.

New names suggest a beginning, a cleansing, a fresh start, a renewal or awakening, a graduation, the completion of a stage or testing period when an honor or title has been obtained, or the crowning of a king or queen (see v10).

What does a “key” do?

Unlocks something that is closed up.


READ Revelation 3:15-18

Why is being “lukewarm” worse than being “cold” to the Lord?

Lukewarm carries an air of careless indifference – of not being bothered one way or the other because one’s heart is set on something completely different – in this case, temporal riches.

The Lord is saying that we will be damned by our indifference just as fast (or faster) than by our willful but misguided “unbelief” (believing that which is false) – being wrong is not as bad as distaining or not caring for the things of God at all; think about Saul transformation to Paul as a “cold” to “hot” transformation while many Saints today are lukewarm.

Lukewarm water is not good for refinement/washing (hot) or for refreshment (cold).

How are these saints “poor, wretched and miserable” if they are rich and want for nothing?

The deceitfulness of riches has them – they have faith in their money to save them in the only world they are really focusing on.

They are spiritually poor but don’t even realize it – because they are lukewarm and don’t care anyway.

Why does the Lord “counsel” them to buy refined gold, white garments, and anointing eye-salve of Him?

He’s saying “if I were you, I’d…”; but He does not compel them, only advises them – they have their agency to the end.

Refined gold will last through the fire – but it will cost them all they have to get it; this is an analogy similar to the man who found a goodly pearl and sold all he had to obtain it.

White garments may be plain compared to the silks and scarlets but only Christ can cover our nakedness while those other garments still leave us exposed like the Emperor’s New Clothes.

He calls them “blind” and in need of the ability to see what is really before them – truth or things as they really are; but they will need an anointing by one with power to heal to actually see; this will require humility on the part of someone who thinks they are comfortable and have need of nothing – but don’t realize they are living in the “Matrix”, an alternative reality that is actually a transitionary, probationary state that is not “real” even though it seems to be – but requires one to “wake up” to what is really happening to them, i.e. a test.


READ Revelation 3:8, 19-22

What door is described in verse 8 and what door is described in verse 20?

The Lord’s door in verse 8 is open, inviting and welcoming – He is the gatekeeper and holds the key.

The door to our hearts in verse 20 is shut; we are the gatekeeper and we hold the key.

Why might we not open immediately when hearing Christ knock at the door of our heart?

We don’t recognize Him – He is a stranger to us and far from our hearts (see Mosiah 5:13); in ancient Israel, no one was allowed in after dark unless the Gatekeeper recognized their voice – and we don’t recognize Christ’s voice so we won’t let Him in.

Where your treasure is, there your heart is also – if you get rid of all of your material baggage and are waiting and ready to go when the knock comes, you will open “immediately” for your Lord when He knocks upon His return with a feast to share with you (see Luke 12:33-37).

If our abode is a mess, we will be embarrassed to open immediately but will make the honored guest wait on the doorstep while we do some frantic, last minute cleaning; but He will walk away sorrowing in the meantime.

Is this an actual invitation for the Lord to visit you in the flesh and eat?


He wants to break bread and drink wine with us now, so that we may have part with Him later.

He wants us to know the Lamb now, so that we can abide the Lion when He comes in His glory.

What does it mean “to them that overcome will I grant to sit with me”…”even as I also overcame” and “am set down with my Father in His throne”?

Christ is the prototype of the saved being…

And descended below all things so that He could overcome all things – suffering and dying unjustly so that He could win the victory over death and overcome it…

By attaining to the resurrection of the dead Himself as His Father did, because death could not hold Him, it being unjust that He had died – a sinless man suffering the wages of sin…

And only those who are precisely like Christ can be saved (see LoF 7:9, 15-16), so…

We must also work out our own salvation with fear and trembling before our Father, as Christ did in Gethsemane before His (see TPJS 390-393).

Those that hath an ear, let them hear what the Spirit saith…!



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...