READ Revelation 7:1-4 and D&C 77:11
Who are the 144,000?
Why 144,000 High Priests?
What is the significance of the number
READ D&C 77:11
Who are the angels who will seal these
High Priests?
When do these sealings take place?
What does the sealing do?
READ Revelation 14:1 and 22:4
What is the seal that the 144,000
How does this sealing occur?
READ D&C 84:33-42
Are their bodies “renewed” on earth or in
the resurrection?
What does becoming the “seed of Abraham”
What does it mean that they become the
“church, kingdom and elect of God”?
Why do all that receive this priesthood
receive Christ?
Who are the “servants” that have been
sent first?
What does Christ do with you after He has
received you and ministered to you personally?
What gift does the Father give to those
who have been sealed up?
Why does God pronounce a “wo” upon those
who come not unto this Priesthood?