The Beast & Its Image
In chapters 8-11 we saw the endgame or
winding up scene of the earth. In chapter
12 we were introduced to the way to be saved through all that destruction. Now in chapters 13 through 18, we are shown how
the seeds of that destruction were sown – we learn the three major influences
that the Dragon (Satan) uses to fight the Woman Clothed with the Sun and her
Children (the Church of the Firstborn and Kingdom of God) on the Earth:
political power, religious falsehoods, and economic seduction (using money to
buy up tyrants and false priests to reign on the Earth with violence and
terror). They are symbolized by a Beast
(political), an Image or false prophet (religious), and a Harlot or Great City
(economic) but they do blend into each other, as these three factors are used
together to great effect by Satan.
READ Revelation 13:1 (see JST)
What does the sea represent?
READ Revelation 13:2 and Daniel 7:2-7
What does the Beast represent?
What do the various heads of the Beast
What do the horns represent?
READ Revelation 13:3
What happens when a head is wounded or
chopped off?
What does attacking the heads of the
Beast do?
READ Revelation 13:4-8
What reaction does the Beast solicit from
the people of the world?
What is the blasphemy that comes from the
READ Revelation 13:9-10
What is the secret that the Saints must
READ Revelation 13:11-18
What is the “Image” or “twin” of the
What is the message that the Image shares
with mankind?
What is the connection between the Beast
and trade/commerce/business (the Harlot)?
What is the name of the Beast?
What is the difference between the Seal
that the 144,000 receive and the Mark of the Beast?
The Harvest
READ Revelation 14:1-3
Why can none but the sealed 144,000 learn
the “new song”?
What are the 144,000 able to do?
READ Revelation 14:6-7
What means does the Lord use to preach
the everlasting gospel to every nation?
Revelation 14:14-16
Who is reaped by the angels wielding the
READ Revelation 16:16-17 and D&C 87:6
What do “Armageddon” and “Cumorah” have
in common?
Which nation will be standing at the end
of Armageddon?
Babylon, the Mother of Harlots
READ Revelation 17:1-5 and Revelation
18:2-3, 7-11
Who is the Woman who rides upon the Beast?
Why is she called “the Harlot”?
What will happen to the Woman when the
Beast is killed at Armageddon?
What is for sale in Babylon?
READ Revelation 18:15-19
How quickly can Babylon be brought to