Sunday, February 25, 2024

Bentov: Objective and Subjective Time

READ Stalking the Wild Pendulum (StWP) page 59

“From grandfather clocks to wrist watches, all these clocks are supposed to chop up for us the 24 hours of the day more or less reliably into hours, minutes, and seconds. Let’s call this kind of time ‘objective’ since everybody’s watches are supposed to cut time into slices of even thickness. However, we know from personal experience that time does not ‘feel’ as passing evenly under different circumstances. When pursuing some interesting activity, time ‘flies’; while waiting in the dentist’s office, it ‘drags.’…

Having thus ‘firmly’ established the relativity of time, let us see, then, how this subjective time can be put to some use. We know from sleep studies that during dreaming periods time dilation occurs. In other words, if, for example, a person is awakened after a very brief period of active dreaming and is asked to describe what happened in his dream, usually a long story will come out, which would have taken a much longer period of objective time to occur. We also know that under hypnosis time dilation can take place and can easily be noticed.”

What is “objective time”?

Objective time is elapsed time as it’s measured on a watch – with 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes to an hour, etc.

However, as straight forward as “objective” time seems to sound, objective time is still unique to the one experiencing it; the general theory of relativity states that the amount of gravity being experienced by one person relative to the amount of gravity existing in any other place in the universe will change the amount of elapsed time each person is experiencing because the lower the gravitational potential (the closer the clock is to the source of gravitation), the slower time passes – 1 hour to one person could actually be a much longer period of actual, objective time to someone else.  The film “Interstellar” illustrates this principle well. 

What is “subjective time” and is it real?

The subjective feeling of duration; how time is perceived by the individual.

There is no objective time without a subjective interpretation of it; we feel the passage of time and estimate its duration.

But our experience tells us that if the brain is engaged in an activity or thought process, time can be perceived to be moving much more quickly than when we are bored – during which we more intensely feel our bodily and emotional selves.

Subjective time is very real, in that we only experience objective time through the lens of subjectivity – so in one way of thinking about it, there is no objective time without a subjective interpretation of it. 

What is “time dilation” and “time perception”?

Time dilation is the difference in elapsed time between two clocks.

Objective time dilation can result from either the general theory of relativity or the special theory of relativity; time dilation resulting from the general theory occurs when the gravitational pull differs between two observers – the heavier the gravitational pull, the slower the elapsed time relative to another person in an area with less gravitation.  In the special theory of relativity, time dilation occurs if two objects are traveling at different relative speeds – the Doppler effect is an example of this.

Another type of time dilation, called time perception, is the “warping” of objective time into subjective experience; this occurs during engaging activities, under the influence of mind-altering drugs, when hypnotized or during dream states.

Time dilation illustrates the tenuous nature of an element of our physical state: time – which we usually consider as extremely stable and objectively measured.  

Why is time dilation an important topic to consider?

If time is actually subjective, it can be manipulated, enabling us to experience (and learn) more than we might otherwise.

If God exists outside of time and all things are before His face (He sees all events in time at once instead of linearly), we have an opportunity to experience time the same way if we can connect with God such that we perceive the elements of the universe in the way that He/They do; but this is a capability that must be built within us – otherwise we will not be able to articulate or even comprehend what we are seeing and experiencing; that “upskilling” involves tapping into God’s mind (the Holy Spirit) and raising or quickening our frequencies such that we can subjectively elongate our experience with time as we’re engaging with God. 


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...