READ Stalking the Wild Pendulum (StWP) page 59
“From grandfather clocks to wrist watches, all these
clocks are supposed to chop up for us the 24 hours of the day more or less
reliably into hours, minutes, and seconds. Let’s call this kind of time ‘objective’
since everybody’s watches are supposed to cut time into slices of even
thickness. However, we know from personal experience that time does not ‘feel’
as passing evenly under different circumstances. When pursuing some interesting
activity, time ‘flies’; while waiting in the dentist’s office, it ‘drags.’…
Having thus ‘firmly’ established the relativity of time,
let us see, then, how this subjective time can be put to some use. We know from
sleep studies that during dreaming periods time dilation occurs. In other
words, if, for example, a person is awakened after a very brief period of
active dreaming and is asked to describe what happened in his dream, usually a
long story will come out, which would have taken a much longer period of
objective time to occur. We also know that under hypnosis time dilation can
take place and can easily be noticed.”
What is “objective time”?
What is “subjective time” and is it real?
What is “time dilation” and “time perception”?
Why is time dilation an important topic to consider?