Sunday, July 23, 2023

Stephen and Saul (Acts 6-9) QUESTIONS


READ Acts 6:1-5

What was the problem that the growth of the Church created?

Where did the Apostles choose to focus their time and why?

What solution was created to deal with the temporal and business issues of the Church?


READ Acts 6:8-15

Why were the learned Jews in the synagogue not able to resist the wisdom and spirit by which Stephen spoke?

What were the leaders doing by arranging for false witnesses?


In his trial, Stephen gives a very interesting account of Moses’ call to deliver Israel, including the fact that he was told by God long before the Burning Bush that he would deliver Israel from Egypt and he decided to take matters into his own hands and killed a slave master but the Israelites didn’t believe that he could deliver them and rejected him, so he left for the desert for 40 more years, seemingly having failed in his attempt to garner support to free Israel.  Anyway, Stephen shares this story to show that despite the miracles, the temple, and mercy of the Lord toward them, how disobedient and disbelieving the children of Israel had always been from the leaders on down, and that it was no different today

READ Acts 7:51-54

Why do the High Priests “gnash their teeth” at Stephen and turn to violence when he calls them to repentance?


READ Acts 7:55-60

What kind of Spirit must Stephen have been filled with to intercede with God on behalf of those who stoned him to death, as they were doing it?

What was happening to Stephen when he saw God and Christ?



Simon the Sorcerer

READ Acts 8:9-24

What is Simon doing?

Is his power real?

Why was Simon baptized?

What is implied by the fact that when Peter and John laid on hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, that people were immediately filled with it?

What was Simon’s interest – to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost or to receive the Priesthood power to administer it with the sealing power?

What does the fact that Simon’s heart was not right before God imply about his baptism?

Did Simon have a chance to repent?



The Redemption and Calling of Saul/Paul

Who was Saul?


READ Acts 8:1-3 and Acts 9:1-2

What was Saul’s current mission/job for the Sanhedrin?

Why did Saul do this?


READ Acts 9:3-9 (including JST)

Why would the resurrected Christ Himself appear to this enemy?

What does it mean that Saul was “kicking against the pricks”?

If he was 3 days blind, what does it mean “when his eyes were opened”?


READ Acts 9:10-18

What does Ananias’ response to the Lord in vision tell us about the Lord?

What does it tell us about Ananias – who was “just a disciple” (i.e. not a Church leader) in Damascus?

What is Saul’s mission for the Lord to be?

What is Saul’s first act after being healed from blindness?


READ Acts 9:19-30

What is Saul’s first act after being baptized?

Why did the Jews so quickly try to kill Saul?

Why were the Apostles and disciples in Jerusalem so afraid of Saul?

What do the Apostles do with Saul?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...