Day of Pentecost: Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost
READ Acts 1:4-5 and D&C 39:6
is the relationship between the baptism of water and baptism fire and the Holy
Baptism of water comes first – baptism of
fire & HG follows (sometimes immediately, sometimes years later).
Baptism of water is an outward ordinance;
it is a pledge on our part (like signing our name to a contract) that we will
live the terms of the covenant – in this case, to be willing to take upon ourselves
Christ’s name, keep His commandments and always remember Him, i.e. offering our
whole souls – a broken heart and contrite spirit.
Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the
realization of that covenant – it is the accepting of our sacrificial offering
by God.
is the difference between being baptized by water and baptized with the Holy
Baptism of water is our witness or pledge
that we will leave the terms of the covenant so that it will be accepted by God
and we will receive the baptism of fire.
Baptism of fire is receiving the mighty
change of heart, being justified before God, and it is the beginning of the
sanctification of our spirit through the blood of Christ.
might the baptism of fire/HG NOT happen immediately after the baptism by water?
The individual has not lived up to the
terms of the covenant being made – to offer their whole soul on the Lord’s altar.
Although they do possess an authorized
invitation (through ordinance) to receive it, as soon as they live the terms.
READ Moses 6:59-60 and 6:64-66
is this baptism a spiritual birth as real as your physical birth?
It is accomplished through the same
elements: water, spirit and blood.
You are “born” or enter into a new world.
You become a “living soul” or “quickened”
in the inner person (quickened reminds us of the way that heat increases the
molecular speed of an element like water to change its nature from ice to water
to mist).
does the symbolism of water baptism apply to the baptism by fire?
Death in water or death in fire.
It marks the literal death of the natural
man through the mighty change of heart.
Where in water one is cleansed and “dirt”
is washed away; in fire or heat one’s elements’ are changed forever to a different
property (rock to diamond; wood to carbon; sand to glass).
READ Acts 2:1-4
is baptism with the Holy Ghost also called the baptism of fire?
Because the glory of God descends upon
the individual, giving them a mighty change of heart.
It is god’s glory or spirit/ light/
knowledge/ intelligence that is transformative, if we will receive it.
His glory was described by Joseph Smith
as so much like fire that he could not tell the difference at first during the
First Vision.
Holy Spirit is light/glory.
we have other accounts in the scriptures of a mass baptism of fire?
King Benjamin’s people (Mosiah 2-5).
Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah
(Mosiah 27).
Lamanites in the prison with the brothers
Nephi and Lehi (Helaman 5:43-45).
But each individual’s heart must be ready
or they will not receive it with the rest of the group; the circumstances that
helped them prepare to receive it (or perhaps the final preparation) was
experienced together in each of these cases.
READ Mosiah 4:1-3 and Mosiah 5:2-3
happens to the individual when they receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost?
They viscerally see their desperate and
absolute need for Christ (“born to see”).
They are willing to do whatever it takes
to be clean – and offer their whole soul as a sacrifice.
They covenant in their hearts; they sacrifice
the natural man on the Lord’s altar and beg for Christ’s mercy.
The Lord blesses them with an outpouring of the Spirit in great power
(cloven tongues of “fire”) – they are filled with joy, they know they have
received a remission of all sins, they experience a mighty change of heart – no
more disposition to do evil but a desire to do good continually.
READ Acts 2:6-6 and 12-17 and D&C
usually accompanies the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire?
Gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
READ TPJS 170:7 and 370:1
“There are two Comforters spoken of. One is the Holy Ghost, the same as given on the day of Pentecost, and that all Saints receive after faith, repentance, and baptism. This first Comforter or Holy Ghost has no other effect than pure intelligence. It is more powerful in expanding the mind, enlightening the understanding, and storing the intellect with present knowledge, of a man who is of the literal seed of Abraham, than one that is a Gentile, though it may not have half as much visible effect upon the body; for as the Holy Ghost falls upon one of the literal seed of Abraham, it is calm and serene; and his whole soul and body are only exercised by the pure spirit of intelligence; while the effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gentile, is to purge out the old blood, and make him actually of the seed of Abraham. That man that has none of the blood of Abraham (naturally) must have a new creation by the Holy Ghost. In such a case, there may be more of a powerful effect upon the body, and visible to the eye, than upon an Israelite, while the Israelite at first might be far before the Gentile in pure intelligence.”
“No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations. The Holy Ghost is a revelator.”
does the Holy Ghost do to us?
Fills us with pure intelligence - what
was once mystifying becomes suddenly clear and comprehensible - what was
unknown is suddenly known with clarity and understanding.
Expands the mind, enlightens the
understanding, gives knowledge and revelation.
Increase our light or intelligence or
glory or truth (D&C 93:29, 36).
Many people believe they have the Holy
Ghost with them when their emotions are stirred, or they are thrilled by some
appealing talk, comment, praise or flattery. However, these incidents do not
increase light and truth, comprehension or intelligence and are not the Holy
Ghost. They are only emotional experiences. Emotional experiences can be replicated
in a number of ways. Music, movies, television commercials, general conference
talks, books, testimonies, prayers and any number of physical experiences can
create tears, goosebumps, or other things that we have incorrectly associated
with the Holy Ghost. Very often the
truth conveyed by the Holy Ghost is hard to hear, difficult to follow, and
breaks your heart. Sometimes the truth is bitter. But bitter truth is better
than pleasing lies and flattery. It is a profound misunderstanding of the
“Holy Ghost” when a person concludes it can never convey a message that
condemns, convicts or challenges you. Much of what the Holy Ghost will convey –
light and truth – causes pain, provokes change and repentance because you are
convicted of errors. It is a mistake to
conclude that only good feelings, reassurance and praise comes through the Holy
Ghost. It is likewise a profound error to assume a message that challenges you,
tells you bad news about your present mistakes, and warns you to change course
is dark, evil or cannot be from God.
Does the message enlighten? Does it impart knowledge? Does it cause
a desire to change and repent?
The Apostles’ Message: Christ Lives!
READ Acts 1:1-3, 8-11
long did Christ spend with the Apostles after His resurrection?
40 days.
is the nature of the “witness” gained by the Baptism of the Holy Ghost verses
the experience of seeing the risen Lord?
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is a
“birth” of the Spirit – it is an inward change which sanctifies the individual,
filling them with God’s spirit and changing their desires.
Witnessing the risen Lord is a physical
experience that will not give the birth of the Spirit, if it has not already
Witnessing the risen Lord alone is not
necessarily the same as receiving a calling and election or Second Comforter
witness although it is the key part of the latter experience (see TPJS
332:3-333:1) – it is the knowledge that Christ imparts to us regarding
our personal standing before Him and His Father that is the “secret and grand
key” or promise that we can have hope in with regards to our own Eternal Life
(see D&C 88:75).
READ Acts 1:21-22
is the criteria the Apostles use for choosing the two candidates to replace
Judas in the Twelve?
They have to have accompanied Christ
during His ministry.
They must be a personal witness to His
is this the criteria to be an Apostle?
They must be able to bear a clear,
personal witness of the literal resurrection of Christ.
READ: Oliver Cowdery’s charge to the
first modern Apostles (selected in 1835)
“It is necessary that you receive a
testimony from heaven to yourselves; so that you can bear testimony to the
truth of the Book of Mormon, and that you have seen the face of God. That
is more than the testimony of an angel. When the proper time arrives, you shall
be able to bear this testimony to the world. When you bear testimony that you
have seen God, this testimony God will never suffer to fall, but will bear you
out; although many will not give heed, yet others will. You will therefore see
the necessity of getting this testimony from heaven. Never cease
striving until you have seen God face to face. Strengthen your faith; cast off
your doubts, your sins, and all your unbelief; and nothing can prevent you from
coming to God. Your ordination is not full and complete till God has laid his
hand upon you. We require as much to qualify us as did those who have gone
before us; God is the same. If the Savior in former days laid his hands upon
his disciples, why not in latter days? . . . The time is coming when you
will be perfectly familiar with the things of God. . . . You have our best
wishes, you have our most fervent prayers, that you may be able to bear this
testimony, that you have seen the face of God. Therefore, call upon
him in faith in mighty prayer till you prevail, for it is your duty and your
privilege to bear such a testimony for yourselves. (DHC,
this charge was read to all new Apostles up until the appointment of Reed Smoot
as an Apostle – President Joseph F. Smith stopped the practice of reading the
charge in 1911; it was discontinued due to feelings of inadequacy among
Apostles who never obtained the blessing.
Today they are “special witnesses to the name” of Jesus Christ, not to
His actual person).
READ Acts 2:22-24, 31-33, 36 and Acts
is the message the Apostles preach?
Jesus was the suffering servant – he was
not the Messiah come in glory to put all wickedness under his feet but he came
to atone and die like the scapegoat.
Jesus of Nazareth, who you killed, has
arisen from the dead. The reality of His resurrection – they are competent
witnesses – they have seen and felt the risen Lord and are literal
witnesses. Christ lives – THAT is the
was the doctrine of the physical resurrection of Christ so difficult for the
Sadducee Jewish leadership?
The Hellenistic doctrine
of the Greek philosophers that is so foundational to the apostate doctrine of
the nature of God means that they don't/can't believe that God has a physical
body because the physical body is evil and God is "above" being
constrained by a body - he is without body, parts or passions.
If this Hellenistic
doctrine is true, why would we want to have a physical body – we would not.
What stories did the Church leaders
come up with to combat the Apostles’ testimony?
The Apostles believed they had seen Jesus
but they were deceived.
He was resuscitated in the tomb.
The body was stolen and the Christians
said he was resurrected.
How can we tell these were public
relations stories?
They were mutually exclusive – either
Jesus was resuscitated and was actually alive OR His body was stolen and a lie
was told OR the Apostles were delusional in their grief or their “frenzied
READ Acts 4:16-20
is the reaction to this message?
The Church leaders cannot deny the
miracles – they happened.
Since they paid off the Roman guards at
the tomb when the angel came and rolled the stone away, they are also
“witnesses” of Christ’s resurrection, albeit in a twisted way.
They threaten them to try to scare them
into not continuing to testify.
are the Apostles’ responses to these threats?
Similar to Joseph Smith, they cannot stop
They genuinely fear/worship God more than
they fear/worship religious leaders, regardless of what might be done to them
in the flesh – knowledge of God carries consequences because the world will
naturally hate you.
Establishing Zion: The Joys and Perils
of the Covenant
READ Acts 2:37-43
must those who believe do?
Act on their belief.
Repent of all their sins.
Exercise faith in Christ by being
baptized in water by one commissioned by Christ to administer the ordinance.
Receive the baptism of fire/Holy Ghost by
abiding by the terms of the covenant – offering one’s whole soul to the Lord.
READ Acts 2:44-47 and Acts 4:32-35
is being established?
are the principles being lived that let you know this?
They gathered together to live.
No poor among them.
Spiritual gifts/grace upon them all.
One heart and soul.
do they become “one heart and one soul”?
Through each one coming unto Christ and
covenanting with Him individually; part of that covenant is to love others as
Christ loves them.
The Apostles have the keys to give the
authorized invitation (ordinances) but we must each live the terms of the
covenants; there is a performance requirement, in this case it is unconditional
love of God and our fellowmen.
If we each become One with Christ, we
will become One with each other; if A=B and A=C, then B=C.
But before we become too enthusiastic
about signing up for Zion, let’s look at what happens when a covenant is
established authoritatively, approved by the Lord, but then violated by those
who take upon themselves the covenant…
READ Acts 5:1-10
did Ananias and Sapphira die?
They took upon themselves a solemn
covenant, authorized by God, and knowingly violated it.
Where much is expected – much is required.
They could not endure a Terrestrial glory
while living a Telestial law (lying, stealing, deceiving, etc.).
When Zion is truly established, you can’t
happily stroll into town profaning the conditions upon which it is established
without subjecting yourself to the resulting consequences. You cannot endure the glory of Zion without
being filled with the requisite amount of light, which is gained through
obedience to spiritual law – in this case, Terrestrial; and a Celestial law is
a whole other matter entirely.