Thursday, May 25, 2023

Signs of the Times (JST Matthew 24)

READ JST Matthew 24:4-6

What two events are the Apostles asking Christ about?

The destruction of Jerusalem and its temple.

The Second Coming of Christ.

While it’s possible that the Apostles expected the Second Coming and the destruction of the Temple to happen simultaneously, or at least both in their lifetime, Christ knew it wouldn’t.


This prophesy seems to be split into two parts: Jerusalem during the lives of the Apostles (v5-20) and the Second Coming (v21-55)

What does it mean when “many” shall come in MY name saying “I am Christ”?

“Christ” meaning “the anointed one” or the one who will save you – the Messiah.

They come as the Messiah saying “I am He” and Jesus of Nazareth was false because he died.

OR they come in the name of Jesus Christ but saying that THEY will save you, in His name, of course.

OR they are any other person or “system” (political, economic, social, religious, or spiritual) that claims to be able to save you, either physically and/or spiritually.

They save you by following them instead of, or as a proxy for, following Christ.


READ JST Matthew 24:7-10

What will happen to the Church or the followers of Christ?

All will be persecuted because the world hates the Lord (darkness can’t abide light).

The true followers and witnesses will be killed.

Many in the Church will then become offended at the persecution – there will be contentions, disputations and fights among them; they will want to adopt doctrine and practices that are popular with the world to stop the persecution (i.e. the Greek Hellenistic philosophy).

They will turn on each other to save themselves or because they have come to hate each other.

False prophets will arise within the Church and deceive many because the members do not have their own direct relationships with God and are taken in by the wolves in sheep’s clothing who are attempting to lead.

The Church members will follow these false prophets or leaders and fall into iniquity and hatred.


READ JST Matthew 24:11-20

What might they be overcome by?

Fear and doubt.

What is an abomination of desolation?

An abomination is a loathsome, detestable religious taboo – a rite or holy place that has been corrupted or desecrated; many times it denotes idolatry, illicit sex, or murder/human sacrifice.

Desolation implies something has no life – a state of complete emptiness or wasteland or destruction.

Romans entered the Holy of Holies (63 BC) and the Roman standards were worshipped on the Temple Mount under Titus in 70 AD and the temple was destroyed – completely razed to the ground.

When were the followers of Christ to drop everything and immediately flee?

When they see the abomination of desolation.

Where are they supposed to stand when they see this abomination of desolation?

In the Holy Place.

How can they stand in the Holy Place when it is the Temple that is being desecrated and destroyed?

The Holy Place in the Temple was desecrated – they needed to flee to the Mountains (which can act as substitutes for Temples under some circumstances) and create a new “Holy Place”.

A place is “holy” where those that are holy (hold the High Priesthood After the Order of the Son of God) stand.

How did the death and destruction of Jerusalem compare to the Holocaust?

Similar in death count as a percentage (1.1 million out of 3 million Jews at the time of Christ vs. 6 million out of 15 million during WW2).

Brutality at the time of Christ was even worse than the concentration camps, mass firing squads and gas chambers – the Nazi’s were more systematic and efficient while the Romans were torturous and absolutely savage; although the Nazi’s were attempting to exterminate an entire race while the Romans were “just” making an example out of a “wayward” province to anyone else who might have similar ideas.   


READ JST Matthew 24:21-22 and 24-25

What is a false Christ?

A mortal person, spiritual personage, earthly organization or system of beliefs that claims to be able to save you if you follow it but cannot (because Christ, directly, is the only one who can save us).

What is a false prophet?

A person who claims or insinuates to have received the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophesy (Christ’s testimony to the Father that the prophet/ess is exalted, see D&C 88:74-75) but has not.

A person who claims or insinuates to have received the Second Comforter and has not.

A person who claims or insinuates to have received a message directly from God or Christ and has not.

All with the purpose of appearing to be something they are not (i.e. God’s messenger) so as to deceive people into following the will of the false prophet.

Who are the “very elect” according to the covenant who will be deceived by false Christs and false prophets in the last days?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Members of the Church of the Firstborn (see D&C 76:50-70).

All of us, regardless of any premortal glory or mortal foreordination, are in jeopardy every hour we are here on earth (see 1 Cor 15:30).

Why is Christ telling the Apostles these things?

For OUR sakes today (the “elect according to the covenant” at the time He comes in His glory) see v23.


READ JST Matthew 24:26 and D&C 101:22-25

What is the revelation which is to come that we are to prepare for, by standing in holy places?

The Second Coming of Christ.

Which all will see together.

It is the removal of the “veil” which separates the telestial earth from the realms of heaven and Christ himself.

How do you prepare to receive THAT revelation?

Call on Christ’s name and worship Him according to the truths revealed in the everlasting gospel (the fullness of the gospel, which includes entering into His presence and being sealed up to Eternal Life by the Father – gaining firsthand knowledge of God).

That you might not be a “corruptible thing” and be consumed, but are able to abide the presence of God and the fervent heat which is the nature of His presence because you have also received of that glory and have been quickened yourself.

So, should we disbelieve any account of a visit of Christ to the earth to visit an individual or smaller group because it is not this coming in great glory?

No, as that would mean we must disbelieve Joseph Smith.

But there is a difference between Christ’s coming to minister to the individual (see again D&C 88:74-75) which we must receive in the flesh (see D&C 76:51 and 74), and His coming in glory to destroy the wicked, judge the earth and personally reign as King of Kings upon the earth.


READ JST Matthew 24:27

What does a carcass cause to happen in nature?

Animals smell it from far off, are attracted to it, and gather to it for food.

What is the context within which Christ tells this short parable?

He is teaching about conditions shortly before His second coming in glory.

As a way to know that it is at the very doors – it is about to happen.

What might the “body” that is the focal point of the gathering be?

It could be the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Christ.

It is the body or group of true believers (a Zion) who have lived that gospel and know God personally, as a result.

What might the “eagles” represent?

If the “body” is the gospel, then the eagles are those seekers that are attracted to it from the four corners of the earth.

If the “body” is a “body of true believers” then the eagles are the angels that are attracted to the light demonstrated within this Zion group.

Many groups may claim to be the Lord’s prior to the Second Coming, but the true body (Zion) will attract the ministration of angels.  This is one of the great evidences that you have found God’s people (see also TPJS 101:1).


READ JST Matthew 24:23, 28-32

Why must these wars, famines and pestilences occur?

Because the love of men shall wax cold – we bring this upon ourselves through our sins.

The wicked are punished by the wicked (see Mormon 4:5); they destroy each other.

War starts it and results in famine, while pestilence is waiting to spread in the poor, unclean conditions and among malnourished survivors.

Why is the gospel preached unto all nations?

As a witness that they had been taught the truth – but then they reject it and qualify themselves for destruction.

Not because there is much hope of repentance and accepting the gospel.

Will an abomination of desolation occur again in the last days in the Church?

Yes (see D&C 112:23-26).

Just prior to the end – it is a sign that the end is in that generation.


READ JST Matthew 24:33; D&C 29:14 and Genesis 1:14

What does the Lord use the sun, moon and stars for and why?

For signs.

They are unalterable (unlike the scriptures) in the case of apostasy, but they can be ignored or their meanings forgotten.

They are His “witnesses” - that He prophesied and taught what was required, for those with eyes to see.

Why does God use signs?

To warn us that time is short.

To teach us eternal principles.

What does it mean that the sun is darkened, the moon turned to blood and the stars fall from heaven?

Sun darkened = solar eclipse.

Moon turned to blood = lunar eclipse or “blood moon”.

Stars fall = comets, satellites, and asteroids (“shooting stars”).


READ JST Matthew 24:34-37

Why do the tribes of the earth mourn when they see the Son of Man coming in glory?

They cannot abide His glory.

They are terrified.

They are about to be incinerated.

Why should the elect not fear?

They will be gathered by angels (not a “call-out” from a man) before Christ comes in glory – gathered together to Zion.

The Lord will protect them and fight their battles for them if they have the faith to gather to Zion.

Who are these elect who are gathered by angels?

Those who treasured up Christ’s word.

And as a result, were not deceived.

It is the treasuring of the word that enables them not to be deceived by the false Christs and false prophets.


READ JST Matthew 24:38-48

What does the Parable of the Fig Tree mean?

When the leaves came out on the fig tree, it meant the figs were also there and ripe.

When these signs are seen, Christ is telling us that the Second Coming is “near, even at the doors”.

Why does Christ compare the times of the Second Coming with the time of the Flood?

With the exception of Noah’s immediate descendants’ families who had created another Zion, see Moses 8:13 & 19 (the people of Enoch’s Zion had “fled” to heaven ~675 years before) the rest of the people “knew not until the flood came and took them all away”.

Almost everyone, except those in Zion, will be clueless of what is to happen, despite the preaching of the “Noah” figures of the day.

But they had built a Zion; this suggests that in the last days, a group or “Remnant” of Israel will separate themselves from the world, as Enoch and his people did, and will build Zion preparatory to the Second Coming of the Lord.

What are the implications of the “two in the field” and one is taken and the other left?

More than likely the two know each other – maybe are related – maybe even discuss spiritual things as they work, but as with the Parable of the 10 Virgins, the “oil” cannot be passed from one mortal to another despite the moment of great alarm coming upon both of them.

The one taken may not be taken up in the “rapture” but could be “taken” to their eternal reward (incinerated) because they could not abide the day, while the other is “left” to greet his/her Savior.

So, what can we say about when the Lord will come?

We will not be able to predict it, even from the signs.

The only thing we can say is that it will come when we aren’t expecting it.

Why do we have the signs then?

To give us a general idea of when to prepare.

And then we must stay prepared and “ready”.


READ JST Matthew 24:49-55

What should you not do if you find yourself in a position to prepare a people for the Second Coming of Christ?

Take the opportunity given by a seemingly missing, absentee, or tardy Lord to exercise control, dominion or compulsion in any degree of unrighteousness, or to set yourself up as a light to the world to get gain and grind the faces of the poor.

What should you do?

First walk the Way yourself and find the Lord.

Then “come back” to minister to all others who will listen – telling them about the reality of Christ’s existence and how to find Him themselves – you are a witness and a guide more than a leader.

Keep “doing” – be found “fighting the good fight” even against all odds; A great example of this is found in JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: King Théoden at Helm’s Deep (from the book and film: The Two Towers).  King Théoden and his warriors have been overcome, their fortress jeopardized and their families are awaiting a brutal death at the hands of savage orcs.  Rather than die one by one in the tunnels of the castle, Théoden decides to ride out for one final attack – to “ride out and meet them in the light of dawn”.  As they ride out, hopelessly outnumbered, the sun comes over the mountain pass to their east and at the top appears a cavalry of fresh warriors to save them. 

Is the timing of the Second Coming determined by our righteousness?

All things are before God’s face (see D&C 38:2, D&C 88:41, 2 Nephi 9:20), so He knows when He will send the Son and what the conditions will be.

Given that, He’s warned us – given us “signs” to tell if Christ’s coming is near and has instructed us in what we need to do to stand in His presence when He comes in glory so that we might be able to survive the day – He wants a people able to stand in His presence – He does not want to come down to an empty earth with no “fruit” worth saving; but He will not violate our agency and “make” us be righteous.

If it is, what are the implications?

Then God will wait until we are ready and have established Zion – one PERSON or FAMILY at a time.

We have so much to do – as we seem to be no closer to being a Zion people than we were in 1833 – and we must start by getting out from under the condemnation we’ve been under since 1832, and as reiterated as recently as President Benson (see D&C 84:54-58).

If it is not, what are the implications?

We will follow the Book of Mormon model which required massive destruction to wake up the few that would survive to build Zion AFTER the coming of the Lord to them.

This model still requires people who can abide the presence of the Son when He comes in His glory but suggests that there will be very few ready to receive Him and abide the day.



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...