Sunday, May 21, 2023

Signs of the Times (JST Matthew 24) QUESTIONS

READ JST Matthew 24:4-6

What two events are the Apostles asking Christ about?


This prophesy seems to be split into two parts: Jerusalem during the lives of the Apostles (v5-20) and the Second Coming (v21-55)

What does it mean when “many” shall come in MY name saying “I am Christ”?


READ JST Matthew 24:7-10

What will happen to the Church or the followers of Christ?


READ JST Matthew 24:11-20

What might they be overcome by?

What is an abomination of desolation?

When were the followers of Christ to drop everything and immediately flee?

Where are they supposed to stand when they see this abomination of desolation?

How can they stand in the Holy Place when it is the Temple that is being desecrated and destroyed?

How did the death and destruction of Jerusalem compare to the Holocaust?


READ JST Matthew 24:21-22 and 24-25

What is a false Christ?

What is a false prophet?

Who are the “very elect” according to the covenant who will be deceived by false Christs and false prophets in the last days?

Why is Christ telling the Apostles these things?


READ JST Matthew 24:26 and D&C 101:22-25

What is the revelation which is to come that we are to prepare for, by standing in holy places?

How do you prepare to receive THAT revelation?

So, should we disbelieve any account of a visit of Christ to the earth to visit an individual or smaller group because it is not this coming in great glory?


READ JST Matthew 24:27

What does a carcass cause to happen in nature?

What is the context within which Christ tells this short parable?

What might the “body” that is the focal point of the gathering be?

What might the “eagles” represent?


READ JST Matthew 24:23, 28-32

Why must these wars, famines and pestilences occur?

Why is the gospel preached unto all nations?

Will an abomination of desolation occur again in the last days in the Church?


READ JST Matthew 24:33; D&C 29:14 and Genesis 1:14

What does the Lord use the sun, moon and stars for and why?

Why does God use signs?

What does it mean that the sun is darkened, the moon turned to blood and the stars fall from heaven?


READ JST Matthew 24:34-37

Why do the tribes of the earth mourn when they see the Son of Man coming in glory?

Why should the elect not fear?

Who are these elect who are gathered by angels?


READ JST Matthew 24:38-48

What does the Parable of the Fig Tree mean?

Why does Christ compare the times of the Second Coming with the time of the Flood?

What are the implications of the “two in the field” and one is taken and the other left?

So, what can we say about when the Lord will come?

Why do we have the signs then?


READ JST Matthew 24:49-55

What should you not do if you find yourself in a position to prepare a people for the Second Coming of Christ?

What should you do?

Is the timing of the Second Coming determined by our righteousness?

If it is, what are the implications?

If it is not, what are the implications?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...