Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Good Shepherd (John 9-10) QUESTIONS

The Man Born Blind

READ John 9:1-5

Why was the man born blind?

What is the relationship between light and eyesight?


READ John 9:6-11

Why did Christ make clay to enable the healing?

Did the man see Jesus at the time of the healing?

What did he know of Jesus?


READ John 9:15-25

Did Christ keep the Sabbath Day holy?

What is the danger in changing the Law (or standards) to be even more restrictive – shouldn’t it keep people safer?

How can a man do such miracles as Christ did and be a sinner?


READ John 9:26-34 (with JST v 32)

Were the Jewish leaders open to the possibility that Christ might really have been doing miracles by the power of God - that He was a prophet?

Why don’t the High Priests know “from whence (Jesus) is”?

What does it mean that they “cast him out”?


READ 3 Nephi 18:32

Even if they felt he was wrong, what should they have done to him?

Do they have the authority to do this?


READ John 9:35-38

What does Jesus do when He hears of the excommunication?


READ John 9:39-41

What is the danger in proclaiming “I see”?

Who is the “man born blind”?



The Good Shepherd

READ John 10:1-5

What is the difference between the shepherd and all others?

How does the shepherd lead the sheep?


READ John 10:7-10

What is this “pasture” that the sheep seek to get to?

What does it mean that Jesus is the “door” to “pasture”?


READ John 10:11-15

What is a hireling?

What are the implications of this relationship? (Hireling)

What is a shepherd?

What are the implications of this relationship? (Shepherd)

How does the shepherd care for the health of the sheep?

How do the sheep learn the voice of the shepherd?

Why do we need a shepherd and not a hireling?

Why will the shepherd lay down his life for the sheep?


READ John 10:16-18

Who are the other sheep not part of this fold?

What does it mean that Christ has sheep distributed all over the world but they are of one fold?

Why does the Father trust Christ with the flock?


READ John 10:19-30

Why did the Jewish leaders think Christ had a devil in Him?

What is the problem with the argument that Christ was in league with the devil?

What does it mean that the Jewish leaders were not part of the flock given to Christ by the Father, and what is implied by this statement?


READ John 10:31-42

What doctrine is Christ teaching here – that “ye are gods”?

Why is Christ teaching this doctrine as a defense against blasphemy?

How are we supposed to judge Christ – or anyone who comes in His name, for that matter?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...