Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Feast of Tabernacles (John 7-8)

This event takes place in the Autumn, six months before Christ would suffer the atonement, die and be resurrected.  Christ leaves Galilee and ministers again in Judea. 


At the Feast of Tabernacles

READ John 7:1-2, 10-13

What is the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)?

A weeklong religious festival held in Autumn of each year to commemorate the Exodus and renew the Jew’s covenants with Jehovah.

They would eat and sleep in booths/tabernacles made of tree branches – to remind the people of when the children of Israel dwelt in tents in the wilderness for 40 years.

The waving of palm branches signified their acceptance of Jehovah as their King.

Eating of goodly fruit (the citron) as a kind of thanksgiving feast.

Rituals in the temple represented the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon Israel and the light of God that resulted.

It was the most joyous of the seven Hebrew holy days/festivals.

Also symbolizes the Millennial enthronement of the King and Queen.

It is the celebration of the marriage of the bride to the bridegroom – it is the marriage feast or wedding party.

Christ is the groom and the Church is the bride; really each of us individually is the bride – this speaks to our personal relationship with Christ; God’s work and glory is saving people – those He saves become His family, and that family or House of God or “Church of the Firstborn” is as close to an institution or organization or “church” as you will get in heaven.


READ John 7:14-18

What will a true messenger always have?

A message or doctrine given to him/her directly from God – they have a quote from God to give to you (“thus sayeth the Lord”).

S/he does not come on their own errand to “free-lance”.

Even Christ did not share His own doctrine.

That is not to say that other beings (even of relative light) don’t come with their own messages – but they cannot be defined as “true messengers” if they have not come from God’s presence with a message to you because only Elohim is a God of Truth and Light (but remember that is a plural title).

How can you know if the message or doctrine is true and from God?

You can only know it is true if you do it – follow the commandment or message; walk in the path; and it increases the light and knowledge you have.

If it is from God, the “fruits” of the Spirit will follow; walking in God’s path increases light and knowledge.

The true messenger seeks no glory but deflects all praise back to Him who sent Him – he refuses to be idolized, praised or worshipped.

The false messenger seeks his own glory – to be a light to be looked to and fawned over.

What can be deduced from a situation where a person is truly living what is purported to be the gospel but does not enjoy the same “fruits” as the ancients did who wrote the scriptures?

Either, the gospel is not true and there is no God in heaven (and the ancients were lying) or the version of the gospel the modern “saint” is living has been corrupted beyond efficacy.


READ John 7:19-24

Why were the Jews so angry about Christ healing on the Sabbath?

It was against their law.

But the problem was that they had changed and augmented the Law of Moses and healing was against these additional traditions.

But it was not against the law of God.

How can one judge correctly?

Use the light of God – that is righteous judgement.

Do not use your false traditions to decide if something is good; it may appear to be evil, but it only appears that way because you are looking at it through a false paradigm or lens of what is true and good.


READ John 7:27-36

Where did the Jews believe the Messiah would come from?

Directly from heaven – no man would know Him from earth.

They are expecting the last days’ scenario when Christ comes from the sky in glory.

Why did the Jews not recognize Christ as the Messiah, regardless of where He had come from?

The Jews did not know God.

The heavens had been silent for hundreds of years, by this point, their “ground” was “dry” (see Isaiah 53:2) – no Spirit or revelation.

While Christ was born in Bethlehem and raised in Egypt and Nazareth, He was sent to earth by God.

Although born as a mortal on earth, Jesus knew God and was “from Him”.

But seemingly, the only people who could recognize that he was “from God” were either those who also knew God (i.e. John the Baptist, Mary, the Wise Men, etc) or those who were seeking to know Him (i.e. Peter, John, those who were healed, those who saw His miracles as “good works” that only one sent from God could do, etc).

What does it mean that after Christ had returned to God, the Jews would seek Him but not be able to find Him?

At this time the Jewish leaders’ attitude is that if Christ left them they would never try to be with Him because they think He is a heretic; they do not want to be with Him – now or ever.

Even though they would have loved for Christ to have left Jerusalem and gone out among the Gentiles to teach them, after His death some must have had a change of heart regarding Jesus of Nazareth being the Messiah – either in this life (with the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD) or in the spirit world after their deaths.

The Jews as a people would continue to seek after the Messiah for centuries after Christ but would continue to be disappointed until many now no longer believe – they are secular or ethnic Jews, no longer believing or practicing the religion; the holocaust is sited as a contributing reason for this over the last century.

Christ will rise up to where those who have rejected Him can never come, even if they have a change of heart after death and want to be with Him (see D&C 76:109-112).



Last Day of the Feast: The Pouring Out

On the last day of the feast, after the evening sacrifice, the Priests walked around the Altar of Sacrifice in the Court of Israel seven times.  There was a vast crowd which filled the various courts of the temple and each person had a palm frond to wave.  The High Priest (Caiaphas) went to the top of the altar, and everyone would hold their palm branches still and vertical in the air.  The High Priest raised the pitcher of water, drawn from the Pool of Siloam, and poured out the water onto the altar.  The priests began to chant “hallelujah” or “praise ye Jehovah”.  The crowd answer back “hallelujah” and wave their branches.  The Priest chants, “Praise, O ye servants of Jehovah.  Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for ever more!”  “Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!” replies the crowd.  The Priest says, “Who is like unto Jehovah who dwelleth on high?  Tremble thou earth, at the presence of the Lord.  Hallelujah all ye nations.  Praise him, all ye people!”  “Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!” shout the people.  “O work then now thy salvation, Jehovah.  Save us now, we beseech thee, O Lord!” cries the Priest.  “Hosanna” (or “save now”) cry the people.  The Priest finishes with: “Blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord!”  “Hallelujah!  Hosanna!” shout the people.  And then at this moment…


READ John 7:37-39

What did the pouring out of the water onto the altar symbolize?

The pouring out of God’s Spirit onto or into the people of Israel.

Where does that spirit or “water” come from?

From God alone – it is His Spirit and is not controlled by men or a church.

What must we/the people do to receive it?

Sacrifice on the altar – our whole souls/broken hearts and contrite spirits.

The water is poured out onto the altar in symbol of our sacrifice.

So, what is Christ saying when He proclaims “let him come unto me and drink”?

I am the Messiah.

I am your God.

I am the one from whom the Holy Spirit comes or emanates.

What does it mean “out of (your) belly shall flow… living water”?

You will have the Spirit to be with you – not just occasionally or consistently but continually; it will change your nature and bring you back into constant communion with God; you will have the mind of God within you and it will be a source of constant revelation and sanctification – you will be connected to God at all times.

Ultimately, with this connection, you can become like Christ, with life in yourself, having attained the resurrection and become as God.


READ John 7:40-43

What was the reaction of the people when Christ stood up and declared that HE had/was the living water?

Many thought He was the Messiah – they believed Him.

Who would have been likely to have sown doubt by reminding the people that Christ was to come from Bethlehem not Galilee?

The Priests and Pharisees.

Those who had the most to lose – those with authority in the church which stood between the people and Christ.

Why did people not know that Christ was actually born in Bethlehem?

Because His birth there was unheralded by men – only Heaven knew and the few shepherds they told.

Because Christ was an obscure, itinerate preacher from Galilee, very few people knew “from whence He came”.



Last Day of the Feast: Lighting the Great Menorahs

In the Court of the Women, there were four massive “menorahs”, fifty feet tall, at each corner of the Court.  They were taller than the surrounding walls so that when lit, they would light the whole Temple complex.  Each menorah had four large golden bowls that were filled with olive oil and wicks.  After the Pouring Out ceremony, when the city was fully dark, priests with silver trumpets blasted three notes to announce the lighting of the great menorahs.  Four Priests climbed the ladders carrying torches lit from the fires of the Altar of Sacrifice and simultaneously lit the four great menorahs.  The light was so bright in the dark night that you could pick out details on the Mount of Olives, across the Kidron Valley.  The light symbolized that Jehovah had come to the Temple – His presence and glory was there!  The people waved their palm branches and cried, “Hallelujah!  Hallelujah! Praise be to the Lord.  Praise ye Jehovah!”  At that moment, Jesus again stands up and says unto them…


READ John 8:12

In the context of the Lighting Ceremony, what does it mean that Christ is the light of the world?

He is the source of the physical light they see, including the fire that is burning in the Menorahs, the light from the stars above, and the sun that has just gone down (see D&C 88:7, 11).

He is the source of spiritual and mental enlightenment (see D&C 88:11).

He is the source of the glory of God – the light that proceeds from God and fills the immensity of space (D&C 88:12-13).

He gives life to all things – both creating it from energy or element that is a part of Him and then redeeming it when those elements and intelligences in His creation have fallen.

He is their God (see 3 Nephi 11:14).


READ D&C 88:6-13

How did He attain to this light?

He ascended up on high and descended below all things, so that He could comprehend all things (remember that knowledge saves a man and knowledge is gained by experience).

In other words, Christ has ascended up Jacob’s Ladder to become a God Himself.


READ John 8:13-24

How does the Father bear record of the Son?

Through His own voice; whether we have the capability to even hear it, much less understand it, is a function of how well our spirits are tuned to His frequency (see 3 Nephi 11:3-8) – but His voice bears record of the Son for those with ears to hear.

Through the Holy Spirit.

The Words the Father gave the Son to say are true, and they will all be borne out as being true, in time.

Why can’t they hear the Father’s testimony?

They are from “beneath” – from a lower estate; they are stuck in this world and cannot accompany Christ on His path to heaven (because they’ve not done His works and don’t have His level of glory or light).

They are fallen, their hearts are hard, and their ears are closed to Christ’s words; they will die under the burden of their sins.

They are spiritually dead – separated from God.

They do not “know” Christ; they do not believe that He brings light and life with Him to them – in the form of God’s Word and Christ’s Atonement.

They do not “know” the Father, whom they say they worship.

Where is Christ going?

He will continue onward, following the path of His Father (see TPJS 390-393).

Christ is not of this world but is from the heavens; He has condescended to come here but will return to His home in heaven.


READ John 8:25-29

Did Christ hide His identity from the Jews?

No – He was always clear and honest about who He was but they didn’t believe Him.

When will they KNOW that Christ is the Son of God?

When He has attained to the resurrection, after they have killed Him.

Why has the Father not left the Son?

Christ does ALWAYS those things that please God.

Despite Christ’s mortal tabernacle (body), He has reconnected with God and they are one again, as they were in heaven; this despite Christ’s “alienation” which came because of His condescending to lay His glory aside and be born into a mortal body.


READ John 8:30-36

How do we become Christ’s disciples?

Continue in His word – do those things that Christ taught; like Christ did with the Father’s word.

What is knowledge?

The personal record of experience (the memory of that which has been experienced).

How do we gain experience?

By doing – by living in a world of choice.

What is the testimony of another person who says he knows something?

It is their personal experience with God.

It is a report.

We can choose to believe or disbelieve the report.

What is the Truth?

Knowledge of things as they really are, were and are to come (D&C 93:24).

Christ is the Truth (see John 14:6).

How do we KNOW the truth?

We must experience Christ – from baptism by fire to second comforter and beyond… (see 2 Nephi 32:6).

We do this by following His word – He tells us how to come unto Him.

How will the Truth set us free?

His resurrection will free us from death.

His atonement can save us from hell.


READ John 8:37-59

What does it mean when Christ says “ye have not known Him (God); but I know Him”?

Christ has experienced the Father – He “knows” Him.

Christ is teaching what the Father has shown Him while He was in God’s presence; while in His mortal life God the Father appeared to Him; likely He transcended the flesh and visited the Father, in Heaven, too.

There is an implication here that we (fallen, mortals) have not known God either here or in heaven; that if we had known God there, that we would recognize Him or His word here and would follow the “clues” we find hidden in plain sight, back into His presence in the flesh; if that is true, all is not lost as we can still use our agency to awake and arise from the dust and seek Him out from here – and whatever success we have (light we gain) will go with us in the life to come. 

How can you tell who your Father is?

Who or what do you think about?

Who do you seek out?

Who do you love?

Who do you listen to or obey?

Who do you truly know?

Whose traits do you demonstrate?

Whose work are you doing?

How can Christ promise that if anyone keeps His sayings, he shall never see death?

The TSJ translation says: “if anyone stands watch awaiting direction from me, he shall not be overtaken even by death, throughout eons”; “Stands watch awaiting direction” means to watch for His words like a sentinel, always on guard, awaiting His direction as if you are on the highest alert for it.

Although Enoch, Moses, Elijah, John and others were translated, that does not mean that people who died like Adam, Noah, Abraham and Joseph Smith did not keep Christ’s sayings.

Not being overtaken by death throughout eons means inheriting eternal lives rather than going down the broad road that leads to the “deaths”; it means being redeemed by being brought back into God’s presence (see Ether 3:13) and being one with Him again – no longer separated physically (having a habitation with God) or spiritually (being one with God – having God in you and you in God) via the Holy Spirit.

“Seeing death” (or living “the deaths”) refers to living mortal lives or probations that do not end in one gaining or retaining eternal life; they are an endless cycle of probations where nothing is learned – no light and knowledge was gained; endless probations of spiritual death or separation from God; they do not end with the individual dwelling with God or Christ (see D&C 132:21-25; D&C 76:112).

Christ says that no adversary can remove them out of His hand (see John 10:28).

What does “before Abraham was, I am” mean?

Before Abraham was, I (Jesus) was.

I am from all eternity – I have existed in all ages (even before Abraham).

I am = I exist = Yahweh.

He is saying, “I am the I AM – I am Jehovah”.

Why did they try to pick up stones to kill Jesus?

In their eyes, He had committed sacrilege – saying that HE was God.



Woman Taken in Adultery

READ John 8:2-11

What is the trap that the Pharisees are laying for Christ with this woman?

If He says “let her go”, He is contradicting the Law of Moses, which was very clear with regards to adultery – this would turn the people against Him.

If He says “stone her”, He will be in direct violation of the Roman law which stated that the Jewish council had no right to pronounce a death sentence – He would have been arrested by the Romans.

The KJV is a poor translation of verse 7, it should say “let him who is without THIS sin be the one to cast the first stone” – why did these words condemn the Jewish leaders?

They may have committed adultery or fornication themselves at some point.

They had entrapped this woman to condemn Jesus.

They were complicit in this very sin – having arranged it.

How did they catch this woman in the very act of adultery?

It is a set up – the Pharisees orchestrated it – the woman was entrapped by a Pharisee or someone in their employ to commit adultery and then they burst in on the couple in the act and took the woman (not the man…) to be stoned; really to trap Jesus.

Otherwise, how did they find her committing adultery?

And where was the man??

In Jewish law, the eyewitness whose testimony was responsible for bringing about a conviction in a capital crime was required to cast the first stone during the execution – as a way of discouraging false witness.  Jesus is saying “if you wish to execute the Law, then let the eyewitness who is not implicated in this sin, or has not also committed this sin, cast the first stone at her.”  They stood condemned so no one threw that first stone.


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...