Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Word of God (John 1)

Testimony of the Eyewitnesses of Christ

READ John 20:31

Why were the Gospels in the New Testament written?

That we might believe that Jesus is the Christ.

And that believing this, that we might also have life through His name.

Because we come unto Christ ourselves through the faith in Christ that these gospels or personal accounts of Christ’s mortal life inspire in us.


READ LoF 2:54-56

What is the purpose of the testimony of those who have stood in the presence of God?

To bear testimony that God is real – that He lives.

To bear testimony of the path back to His presence (that they have followed and can swear that it works).

What are our responsibilities, after we have heard or read the words of these prophets?

To seek after Him ourselves, with diligence and faithfulness.

Until we obtain faith in Him and power with Him (or spiritual light within us through Him) to behold Him face to face.

That we might receive “glorious discoveries” and “eternal certainty” with regards to our own standing before God and exaltation (see LoF 2:54-56).

What is the value of these words if we do not inquire after a knowledge of God ourselves?

Thrill seeking voyeurism – the “goose-pimple gang” (the same spirit that possesses the sign-seeker).



The Word

READ John 1:1-3

What does it mean that Christ was in the beginning with God?

He was a member of the Highest Council of Heaven.

He abode with God.

What does it mean that Christ (or “the Word”) was God?

He is not the Father but…

He was a God before He came to earth.

He had risen up to be called to be a Son of God before He was born on earth.

Why was Christ called the “Word” of God?

Christ embodies the Father’s will so completely.

His Word is God’s Word – they are one.

He followed every “word” or instruction which proceeded from the mouth of God.

He spoke out in the Highest Council.

What is the Word?

It is truth (things as they really were, are and will be – see D&C 93:24; the word of the Lord is truth/light/spirit – see D&C 84:45).

Christ is a god of truth – He embodies truth.

What was Christ’s role in the Council of Heaven?

He organized the creation of the cosmos.

He enabled the existence or life of everything that has come into this cosmos.


READ John 1:4-5

What does it mean that “in him was life”?

Christ had a fullness of, or a full measure of, light/glory/intelligence/spirit.

Christ had life in Himself – He was a source of Light.

He is also a source of life and has always existed – He and all of us are “self-existent” beings (see TPJS 396:2-4).


READ John 1:9 and D&C 88:11-13

What is the difference between the physical light which shines and lights your day and the “light” that “quickens” your mind or understanding?

None – there is no difference.

It all comes from God’s person (presence) – it is God’s power/glory.



The World Does Not Know Christ

READ John 1:10-11 and D&C 84:44-47

Why did the world not recognize Christ as the creator and God of this world?

Unless they “hearken” to the voice of the Spirit, the light that all men are given when they enter the world will not “enlighten” them (see D&C 84:46) and their minds become darkened or muddled – they do not see the truth or things as they really are.

They were unable to comprehend or understand Him because they lacked the light which “quickens” the mind; it can be a vicious cycle because light or knowledge is gained through obedience to eternal law but without the light within them, they did not comprehend and were not attracted to Christ or His light (because light is attracted to light but darkness is attracted to darkness); they must react to the “awakening” experiences God gives them on earth and choose to arise, which will require they exercise faith, as they will not be able to comprehend without light and will not be attracted to the light at first.

Why did Christ’s “own” not receive Him?

Many are called but few are chosen.

Being part of a “chosen people” is more about being given an opportunity to rise up and know God through sacrifice, faith,  and covenants, and then to minister, serve, love and guide others so they might rise up themselves, than it is about inherent or actual worthiness  (Those who crucified Christ were part of the “chosen people” or Israel – in fact, they were the spiritual leaders).

We are self-elect in that we choose to rise up when called or we choose not to.



The Sons of God

READ John 1:12-13

How many sons of God does Christ intend to make?

As many as will receive and believe Him.

As many as He can, as the work and glory of God is our immortality and eternal life – which requires us becoming Sons and Daughters of God.

How does He intend to make them Sons of God?

First those He comes to must perceive the light in Him and not reject it.

They must believe through His name and be born again.

Then, He gives them knowledge or light or intelligence to enable them to follow the path to become like Him, begotten children in the family of God – the path that He walked to ascend in light and truth.

They are then no more “born of blood” to follow the appetites of the flesh or ambitions of man.


READ Psalms 2:7

What does it imply “this day I have begotten thee?”

There is a difference between being a “spirit child” and becoming a “son of God”.

Becoming a son requires being spiritually “begotten”.

It is an event – “entering into the gate” on “this day” (2 Nephi 31) albeit it then requires following a path or a process back to the Father (see D&C 84:47-48).


READ Helaman 10:6-10

What is Nephi being given?

The power of God, while still a mortal.

He has become a “god among us” or Immanuel with this pronouncement from God – a “son of God” or joint-heir with Christ.

This teaching was the very reason that Christ was persecuted and killed – that He was a “god among us” because He said He could forgive sin and was the promised Messiah.


READ D&C 88:6-13

How would you summarize this doctrine of light?

Light = truth = intelligence = glory of God = Spirit (which gives light).

Intelligence (the light of truth) was not created or made and cannot be.

Light gives life to all things and is in all things and is how all things are governed.

Light proceeds from God to fill all space – it is the same light that lets you see and quickens your understanding (physical and mental “light” is the same – it is all also “spiritual” light).

God and Christ have life (a fullness of light/glory/intelligence/ truth) in themselves.

Light grows until the fullness through keeping God’s commandments or “word” (truth), extending grace to others, and becoming precisely what Christ is (resonating at His frequency).

A fullness of light is received from the Father – you must come unto Him through Christ.

Light cleaves to light and repels darkness.

Light is lost through disobedience to commandments (not being as Christ is), which happens when one hardens their heart; loss is facilitated by the Adversary and the traditions of the fathers/men/culture.


READ John 1:14

How does a God condescend?

He is made flesh – He comes down into this mortal sphere from His glory in heaven.

S/He takes upon Himself mortality and must put away the glory and light he/she once had.

He puts Himself at great risk – it is possible to fall from grace – then He ceases to be God (because He does not live up to His word – He fails at what He says He would do); you know the Adversary did his best to get Christ to fall.

As a sinless, perfect being, He allows Himself to unjustly take the sins of the world and suffer as an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

All for a rescue mission – to save as many of us as will believe and follow Him back home to heaven.



Responsibility of the Eyewitness of Christ

READ John 1:18 (JST) and Exodus 3:15

What is the responsibility of the individual who sees God?

It is to bear record of the Son – that Jesus is the only begotten of the Father and dwells in the bosom of the Father (i.e. He lives – you know it because you’ve seen Him and felt His wounds).

This is a paragraph about witnessing or bearing testimony (see v 15 and v 19).

What testimony is John bearing to us?

Christ has advanced in progression far beyond everyone else in this sphere.

He was the Spokesman in the Council of Heaven and God’s heir.

But condescended to be born into flesh so that He could fulfill the will of the Father.

As many as obtain authority in His name shall gain the right to ascend to heaven – He has revealed the pathway of ascension to the Throne of God to us.

The Law of Moses is only a set of carnal instructions to help us enter into the covenant “Gate” back to Christ, but Christ’s gospel empowers endless life through His sacrifice.

He is a living manifestation of the love of the Father; He is the only way through which we can be saved.


Read JSH 1:25

What is the risk to those who bear record of the Son and His Father?

The world will not believe them.

They will lose their standing or respect in the world.

The world will persecute them.

The world will try to get them to deny it = “you’re a liar” or “you’re crazy” or “you’re just trying to get attention or power”.



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...