Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Word of God (John 1) QUESTIONS

Testimony of the Eyewitnesses of Christ

READ John 20:31

Why were the Gospels in the New Testament written?


READ LoF 2:54-56

What is the purpose of the testimony of those who have stood in the presence of God?

What are our responsibilities, after we have heard or read the words of these prophets?

What is the value of these words if we do not inquire after a knowledge of God ourselves?



The Word

READ John 1:1-3

What does it mean that Christ was in the beginning with God?

What does it mean that Christ (or “the Word”) was God?

Why was Christ called the “Word” of God?

What is the Word?

What was Christ’s role in the Council of Heaven?


READ John 1:4-5

What does it mean that “in him was life”?


READ John 1:9 and D&C 88:11-13

What is the difference between the physical light which shines and lights your day and the “light” that “quickens” your mind or understanding?



The World Does Not Know Christ

READ John 1:10-11 and D&C 84:44-47

Why did the world not recognize Christ as the creator and God of this world?

Why did Christ’s “own” not receive Him?



The Sons of God

READ John 1:12-13

How many sons of God does Christ intend to make?

How does He intend to make them Sons of God?


READ Psalms 2:7

What does it imply “this day I have begotten thee?”


READ Helaman 10:6-10

What is Nephi being given?


READ D&C 88:6-13

How would you summarize this doctrine of light?


READ John 1:14

How does a God condescend?



Responsibility of the Eyewitness of Christ

READ John 1:18 (JST) and Exodus 3:15

What is the responsibility of the individual who sees God?

What testimony is John bearing to us?


Read JSH 1:25

What is the risk to those who bear record of the Son and His Father?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...