Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wisdom (Proverbs; Ecclesiastes)

These books were supposedly written by King Solomon and represent the wisdom he gained from his failure to be valiant to the testimony of Jesus he had received.


READ Proverbs 1:2-5

What is the Book of Proverbs primarily about?

Knowing wisdom.

Receiving wisdom.

Increasing in wisdom/being more filled with wisdom.


READ Proverbs 1:6

What is the implication of the word “interpretation” in this verse?

That the book is more than a collection of proverbs with obviously transparent meaning.

There is hidden meaning (“dark sayings”) in the book for those with eyes to see.

We truly understand these proverbs only when the hidden meaning comes to light.


READ Proverbs 3:5-7

Why does the Lord tell us to “lean not unto thine own understanding”?

His ways are not our ways - we have a hard time comprehending the things of God as we are not filled with enough light.

We need to be humble and admit that fact or we will never get more light and knowledge, in fact we will lose all we have (see Alma 12:10-11).


READ Proverbs 4:7

How is wisdom the “principal” or most important thing to gain?  What about charity?  Or faith in Christ unto salvation?  Or knowing God, which is eternal life?

Solomon gained great wisdom and did great “folly” and sinned – so how could wisdom be more important?

Wisdom is understanding the light and the dark – both sides of the “pendulum” of any element of knowledge or intelligence; and from that full understanding comes context and judgement regarding what is most important and how/when to apply that knowledge. 

But there must be more to understanding the meaning of the word “wisdom” than the common definition, for wisdom to be more “principal” than faith, charity or knowing God. 


READ Ecclesiastes 1:16-18

How does the insight from this scripture (wisdom = grief and knowledge = sorrow) square with wisdom being the “principle thing”?

You can’t know light without comprehending darkness; same with health vs sickness, good vs evil, sacrifice vs selfishness, etc. (see Moses 5:11).

Things are only known in opposition, and through our personal experience – again, it is the pendulum principle but in the context of personal experience and learning; it is the idea of karma – which we must work through – the full consequences of our actions and thoughts. 

But there is also the idea of comprehending the darkest abyss so that one can truly understand the highest heaven – walking in the valley of the shadow of death to be able to save others from eternal death.



What is Wisdom?

In the following Proverbs, what are the characteristics and power of Wisdom?

READ Proverbs 1:23

If you repent, she will pour out her spirit unto you and make her words known to you.


READ Proverbs 1:24-26

Those who don’t listen to her, disregard and disdain her word, and will not follow her, will Wisdom allow to be destroyed by their own calamity.


READ Proverbs 1:28-31

She is slow to hearken to those who have persisted in their disobedience.

They will not find her, in that day; they will lose their knowledge of her.

Finding her is connected to seeking after knowledge (John 17:3 again) and choosing to respect/worship (i.e. “fear”) the Lord God.


READ Proverbs 3:13

Finding her leads to happiness and understanding (see TPJS 365:1).


READ Proverbs 3:16

She has power over death - how long we live.

She has power over “riches and honor” (earthly or heavenly?).


READ Proverbs 3:17

ALL her paths are peace.

This is interesting, because some of her “paths” lead through the valley of the shadow of death.


READ Proverbs 3:18

She is a Tree of Life - she exceeds all beauty, she is bright white in glory, she is precious above all, she is the love of God (see 1 Nephi 11:8-23, 25).

She “bears fruit” which will make you happy/fill you with joy, and is the sweetest tasting thing in the world (see 1 Nephi 8:10-12).


READ Proverbs 3:19

Hers is the power by which the Lord created/established the earth and the heavens.


READ Proverbs 4:8

She promotes those who exalt (honor/worship/cause her to increase in glory…) her.

She brings those who embrace her to honor.


READ Proverbs 4:9 (also 8:15)

She lays the Crown of Glory on the heads of all those who receive it through grace.


READ Proverbs 8:1-2

She calls or cries out to us all from the top (throne) of the high places (the heavens).


READ Proverbs 8:7-8

She speaks only truth and righteousness.


READ Proverbs 8:14

She is a being characterized by her counsel.

She is strong/powerful in and of herself.


READ Proverbs 8:17

She loves those who love her and seek for her early (naturally, without duress).


READ Proverbs 8:18

The riches/heavenly honor that she possesses are eternal (durable).


READ Proverbs 8:22-26

The Lord possessed her in the beginning; before his “works of old”.

She existed eternally (from everlasting).

She existed before the earth was formed.

She did not make the earth (“he” did).


READ Proverbs 8:27-31

She was with God when He prepared the heavens and created the earth.

She was by God - brought up with Him.

She was God’s daily delight.

She was delighted with His creation.

She delighted in mankind.


READ Proverbs 8:32

We are her children.

We are blessed if we keep her ways/commandments.


READ Proverbs 8:35

Those who find Wisdom, find life.

If they find her, they will obtain the Lord’s favor.


READ Proverbs 9:1-5

She has built her house and prepared a feast.

She has sent her messengers to the “highest places of the city” to find the “simple” who want understanding to bid them to the feast.

Her meal of bread and wine is free to those who will “come, eat”.


READ Proverbs 1:7

What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

Knowledge: truth is knowledge of things as they are, as they were, and as they are to come (D&C 93:24); “knowledge implies more than faith” although “through faith they were to obtain this knowledge (of God) - see LoF 7:18.

Wisdom then converts that knowledge into understanding; it is the application of that knowledge in alignment with the mind of God (Holy Spirit).

Why is wisdom personified as a woman?

Wisdom is Heavenly Mother, the Eternal Consort; the Goddess; the Queen and Priestess.

Wisdom is Mary the Elect Lady and consort or wife of the Lord Jesus Christ (Mary Magdalene).

Wisdom is the Goddess of any man who also becomes a God…but they must rise to that height together or not at all; it cannot be done separately or individually.



How Do We Find Wisdom?

READ 2 Nephi 9:27-28

What is the difference between learning and wisdom?

The learned think they are wise because of their learning.

But the world’s learning will never lead to wisdom.

This does not just refer to “book learnin’ vs. common sense” – wisdom is much more than applied “pattern recognition” or even intuition. 

The learned go to man to be educated while the wise go to God and counsel with Him/Them.


READ 2 Nephi 9:41-43

How do we find Wisdom?

Through our adversity – by walking through the valley of the shadow of death, as every woman does who gives birth in this fallen world.  Wisdom is found by experiencing both sides of the pendulum – the highest heavens and the deepest abyss. 

To find wisdom, we must go through Christ (see also John 14:6); Elohim is revealed to us through Jesus Christ – and Elohim is a plural word for God = the Father and the Goddess/Mother. 


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