Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Song of the Lord (Numbers 22-24; Deuteronomy 6,8,11,32)

Balaam the Prophet

READ Numbers 22:8-13

Who was Balaam?

A prophet of God (or a spiritually gifted individual whose “eyes are opened”) who is not one of the Children of Israel (of the covenant) but receives true prophesy from God and communes with God and His angels.

If a spiritually gifted person curses someone that God does not want cursed, by whose power do they do it?

The adversary’s or any other dark entity who is not aligned with the true and living God.

Does God really curse people?

Yes, if they reject what is freely offered to them and turn to other “gods” like the Children of Israel did (see Deuteronomy 28:15).


Interestingly, when Israel attacks Midian, they kill Balaam who had taught the Midianites how to successfully defeat Israel by tempting them with the worship of false gods.

READ Numbers 24:13

Why would Balaam go from swearing to follow the Lord to selling his spiritual services for money?

We stand in peril every hour that we are here on earth.

Anyone can fall from grace (D&C 20:32) – it’s a cautionary tale to all who have spiritual gifts.



The Song of the Lord

READ Deuteronomy 31:19-22

Why does the Lord give Moses a song?

As a testimony against the people that they were taught the truth but would not embrace it but rather turned from it.

Because words put to music can be more easily remembered and have a more powerful emotional response.


READ Deuteronomy 32:1-2

What is the dew and small rain to the tender plants?

It is a matter of life and death - if they don’t get the moisture to sustain them, they will die in the heat of the day.

This is particularly true of new vegetation without a mature root system.

But if it is heavy rain or a flood, they will also die.

Who are the tender plants (found in the desert land, v.10)?

The Children of Israel.

How did the Lord sustain life for Israel?

Manna from heaven - physical life.

His words and doctrines - revelation, tabernacle, the Law – spiritual life.


READ D&C 130:18-21, D&C 93:36 and D&C 88:13

Why is true doctrine life-giving?

True doctrine is both 1) intelligence and 2) leads to intelligence through via obedience to god’s law.

Intelligence is the glory of god = light.

Light gives life.

“A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth. Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God” (History of the Church 4:588).


READ Deuteronomy 33:13

While all of Israel were admonished to receive the life-giving dew, which group was specifically blessed to receive it?

The Tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh).

The latter day gentiles of the last days – at least until they reject it (see 3 Nephi 16:6-11).


READ Deuteronomy 32:3-4

Who is the “rock”?

The Lord God of Israel.

Why is He called the Rock?

Rock meaning the “stone of Israel” or Temple (Gen 49:24; Gen 28 - Jacob’s Ladder and the stone altar - “God’s house for surely He is in this place”).

Rock as the source of life-giving water (Ex 17:6; 1 Corinthians 10:1, 4).

Rock as the Stone Tablets or Law/Covenant or Word or Truth (3 Nephi 15:9).

Rock as sure foundation (Hel 5:12).


READ Deuteronomy 32:5

What does the “father-child” relationship imply?

Child is loved by father.

Child has same traits or genes as father.

Child can grow up to be like father.

How can you tell if a child is related to a certain father?

Child appears similar to their father (Alma 5:14).

Child does the same works as the father (“like father, like son”) John 8:41.

How could Israel become “no longer His children”?

Jehovah is perfect, a god of truth without iniquity.

While the Children of Israel are corrupt, perverse and crooked.

They have broken the covenant of adoption into the family of Christ.

Is there any hope for Israel to be reconciled with Jehovah?

Yes - READ 1 Nephi 21:14-16.


READ Deuteronomy 32:6, 10-14

What does “requite” or “repay” the Lord imply?

We owe Him; we are in His debt (Mosiah 4:19).

How does the mother eagle teach her young to fly?

By “stirring up the nest” so that it becomes undesirable to stay there in comfort.

But when they finally jump and fall, because they can’t fly she jets down below them and catches them on her back and flies them back up so they can practice again - it is tough love but what is required for them to learn to fly like she can – a leap of faith.

Unlike in our culture, how did Israel regard the “fat” of anything?

It was the best part and was fit to be sacrificed on the altar to God.

It represented plenty or blessings.

“Fat of kidneys of wheat” means the “best of the best of the wheat” or the “cream of the crop”.


READ Deuteronomy 32:15-18

After being offered (and sometimes enjoying) the “cream of the crop” of the Lord’s blessings, what does Israel “waxing fat and kicking” imply?

Gorge themselves on blessings.

Take them for granted - entitlement mentality - no thanksgiving.

Not “fit” or able to do the tasks that good nutrition normally enables.

Why did the Children of Israel view the Lord’s blessings as theirs by right?

They were the “chosen people of the Lord” via Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Their ancestors had procured the blessings which they inherited - no need for personal righteousness or a personal covenant for them; they misunderstood the nature of the covenant given to the Fathers – that all who rise up and receive the covenant themselves will be their sons and daughters; instead they thought that all sons and daughters would be given the covenant as a free birthright.


READ Deuteronomy 32:19-26

What happens when the Lord “hides His face” from a people?

No revelation.

No physical protection.

No economic blessings.

They are left to themselves; if they are inherently strong, they may last for a while on their own merits (in this world, at least) but it won’t last and when they die, they’re stuck.

Why does the Lord scatter His people?

When you sin against the greater light, you receive the greater condemnation.

Like the branches of the olive tree in Jacob, the Lord tries to save the tree by removing bad wood and grafting wild and tame branches into various trees.


READ Deuteronomy 32:36-42

When the Lord has scattered and cursed Israel, what can their gods do?


Their idols (the work of their hands, i.e. economy, military, technology) cannot save them or even help them when the Lord chooses to curse the people.

Why does the Lord curse them?

To show Israel that there is only one “true and living god”.

Their new gods can’t stop the Lord (similar to Egypt).

To get them to repent, if possible.

When they have been sufficiently humbled because they have no power, what will the Lord do?

He will have compassion on them.

They will receive strength again when they return to look to the one true god of strength.


READ Deuteronomy 32:43

Why should they rejoice?

Because the Lord will remember the covenants He’s made.

Finally, a generation will come that will turn to the Lord and remember Him, enabling Him to remember them (as He is no respecter of persons).

He will not force or compel them - let them come who will come and partake of the waters of life freely (see Alma 5:34; Alma 42:27). 

Songs are meant to be remembered, so what is the lyrical arc in this song?

The living god speaks the truth that will save you.

The truth is about your Rock or redeemer.

But you have corrupted yourselves and are no longer His children.

He has given you so many blessings.

And you repay His kindnesses with rejection.

So He left you to yourselves.

You will receive what you deserve and be scattered.

Your new gods will be shown to have no power (arm of flesh).

When you have hit bottom, He will have compassion on you.

You will rejoice again, because He will make atonement for you and you will enter into His land (into His rest or presence).



Moses Is Translated & Taken into Heaven

READ Deuteronomy 34:1-6 and Alma 45:19

What is Moses being shown?

The promised land of Israel.

Why would the Deuteronomists and/or the apostate Christian church want to remove Moses’ translation from the scriptures?

They do not want us believing in or understanding the doctrine of translation.

It sounds a bit too “magical” or “out there” for a sophisticated individual to believe.

What really happened next?

He walked off the mountain, through a pillar of fire, and up Jacob’s Ladder to enter the Rest of the Lord.



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...