Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Exodus to Mount Sinai (Exodus 15-20, 32-34) QUESTIONS

Crossing the Red Sea

READ Exodus 14:9,12

What are the Israelites doing?


READ Exodus 14:21-22

What do you think the Israelites were saying to themselves when Moses divided the sea?


READ 1 Corinthians 10:1-5

What is Paul teaching us here about the parting of the Red Sea?



The Lord’s Wilderness of Sanctification

READ Exodus 15:1-2; 21-25

What does it take to distract Israel from God’s greatness?

What kind of tree made the water sweet?


READ Exodus 16:1-4

What is the “Wilderness of Sin”?

How are the Israelites doing so far?

How does one enter the Lord’s “Wilderness School”?

Why is His school be held in the Wilderness?


READ Exodus 16: 9, 12

What is the Lord trying to teach the Children of Israel?


READ John 6:35, 48-51, 63

Why did the Children of Israel eat manna and are dead?


READ D&C 88:66-68

How are Christ’s words “spirit,” “truth” and “life”?



The Sinai Temple

READ D&C 84:19-23

What did Moses plainly teach to the Children of Israel?


READ D&C 93:1

How should they have sanctified themselves to enter the presence of the Lord?


READ Exodus 19:5-6, 10-11

Who was invited or called to receive this High Priesthood and enter into the rest or presence of God?


READ Exodus 19:12, 16-17, 23-24

Why can’t the people ascend Mount Sinai past the “bounds”?


Mormon 9:3-5

What is God doing in these verses?


READ Exodus 20:18-21

What is their response to the Lord’s invitation that all should enter into His presence?

How does Moses reply to their concern?


READ D&C 84:24

How did the Lord react to their rejection of His offer to come unto Him themselves, but to send Moses instead?



The Ten Commandments

READ Exodus 20:2-4, 7-8

What is the common theme in the first four of the Ten Commandments?


READ Exodus 20:12-17

What is the common theme in the last six of the Ten Commandments?


READ Matt 22:36-40

How does the Aaronic Ten Commandments come alive in Christ’s Celestial law?



The Tabernacle

In Chapter 24, the Children of Israel make a covenant by sacrifice to keep the commandments of the Lord.  What does the Lord command them to do next?

What is the difference between making a covenant by sacrifice and making a covenant to sacrifice?


READ Exodus 25:8, 22

What is the purpose of the Tabernacle and its Ark?


READ JST Exodus 34:1 and Leviticus 16:2

What happened with regards to the tabernacle as a result of Israel's breaking their covenant with The Lord?



The Law of Moses

READ D&C 84:25-27

Having given up the right to know God themselves, what does the Lord do for the Children of Israel?

What does "preparatory gospel" include?


READ Luke 24:25-27

What did Christ teach the two on the Road to Emmaus about the Law?

What is our modern day "Law of Moses"?

What are the advantages of these "Laws"?

What could be a danger of this approach?


READ Galatians 3:24-25

What does Paul teach us about the purpose of the Law?


Let's explore some of the ways that the Law was designed to point people to Christ rather than being an end of itself...


READ 3 Nephi 12:19

Why would The Lord give a Law that the Israelites would never be able to come close to living?

What happened when the Israelites failed to keep these commandments?


READ Alma 34:13-14

Why did the Law require the sacrifice of an animal?


READ 3 Nephi 9:19-20

What is the sacrifice required of those seeking to live the higher law?


Let's read about the Day of Atonement...


READ Leviticus 16:7-10, 15, 21

Who does the goat of the sin offering represent?

What does the sprinkling of that goat's blood before the Mercy Seat represent?

Who does the "live goat" or “scape goat” represent?

What is the difference between the two actual goats?


On the actual Day of Atonement, we see this same story play out in real life...


READ Luke 23:14-25

Christ, of course, is the one the people demand to be sacrificed, but how is Bar-abbas the "scapegoat" who represents us?

Why was the veil in the temple torn at Christ’s death?


READ D&C 88:32-33

In summary, why were the children of Israel given the Law of Moses?


READ Alma 12:28-30

Why does the preparatory gospel include the key of the ministering of angels?

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