Sunday, October 4, 2020

Christ’s Prophecy (3 Nephi 16, 20-21) QUESTIONS

 The Prophesy About the Latter-day Gentiles


The first thing to understand about these three chapters is that they are Christ’s prophesy, quoting the Father.  This is particularly hard doctrine and goes against some of our most deeply held traditions in the LDS Church; it will ask whether you believe Christ and His Book of Mormon or other, much more comfortable things we have been told are true – because they both can’t be true, as they are in complete opposition to each other, as we will see... 


READ 3 Nephi 16:6-7

Who are the Gentiles and who are the House of Israel?

What is the Fullness of the Gospel?

When is the latter day?

What Gentiles in the latter days received the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Why did the Lord give the Fullness of the Gospel to the Gentiles first in the latter days?


READ 3 Nephi 21:6

What is the promise to the latter day Gentiles?


READ 3 Nephi 16:8-9

How were the native populations of Israel living in the Americas “trodden underfoot”?

What does it mean to be “unbelieving” toward the Fullness of the Gospel?

What is a “wo” from the Father?


READ 3 Nephi 16:9

What does this verse teach us about the roles of the Father and the Son?

Who are the “Lord’s people”?

Why are the Lord’s people allowed to be so mistreated by the Gentiles?


READ 3 Nephi 16:10

Whose prophesy is this?

Will the Gentiles sin against and reject the Fullness of the Gospel and lose it in the latter days?

Who are being referred to when the Lord talks about Gentiles rejecting the Fullness of the Gospel?

Is it possible to reject the Fullness of the Gospel without rejecting the Gospel?

When in the past has the Fullness of the Gospel been rejected but the Gospel and Church still continued on the earth?

What happened to Israel when they rejected the Fullness of the Gospel?

What happens when the Gentiles reject the Fullness of the Gospel?


READ D&C 84:49-60

Why are we still under condemnation as a Church to this day?

How will we know that the latter-day Gentile Church have rejected the Fullness of the Gospel?


READ D&C 13:1-3 and D&C 124:28

What priesthood will never be taken again from the earth?

What priesthood was already lost to the Church by 1841?

Does the promise that the Aaronic Priesthood will never again be taken from the earth mean that the Gentile Church (LDS) will always have it?


READ 2 Nephi 28:14

What does it mean to have “gone astray”?  How many “degrees” astray counts as being “astray”?  1 degree?  10 degrees?  180 degrees?

If a “few humble followers of Christ” have not gone “astray” but have still been “led to err by the precepts of men”, what does that mean and by whom were they taught or led?

When we say the Prophet cannot be led astray or lead us astray, what does that mean?

What about the “Lord’s promise” that the Church will never be led astray?


READ 3 Nephi 16:11

What will cause the Lord to “remember the covenant” He made with “His” people?


READ 3 Nephi 16:12

In the latter days, do the Gentiles claim power and authority over Israel?


READ 3 Nephi 16:14-15

We already spoke about how the Gentiles have “trodden under foot” the House of Israel; what does it mean that the House of Israel will go among the Gentiles and “tread them down”?

Why is salt that has lost its savor cast out and how will the Gentiles become this savorless salt?


READ 3 Nephi 21:8-9

What does it mean that kings will “shut their mouths” when they see what the Father is doing to establish Zion?


READ 3 Nephi 20:15-20

The whole world will see the destruction of the Gentiles in America; what is one of the tools the Lord will use?

Describe the imagery of a “sword” hanging over someone; and why a sword of Justice?


READ 3 Nephi 21:15-18

The Lord names specific purging He will do among the Gentiles in the latter days but the language is that of the ancient Near East – what does He mean?


READ 3 Nephi 21:19-20

How do lies, deception, envy and strife lead to priestcraft and whoredom?


READ 3 Nephi 21:21

Who will Christ execute “vengeance and fury” upon?

How will He execute this vengeance and fury?

Why is it “vengeance” upon the Gentiles?


READ D&C 112:23-26

Where will the Lord’s vengeance and fury with the Gentiles begin?


READ 3 Nephi 16:16

Who will inherit the land of America; who is “this people”?


READ 3 Nephi 16:17-20

According to Christ, what was Isaiah prophesying about?

How will the Lord’s “holy arm” be “made bare” and how will the eyes of all nations see it?

What does the destruction of the Gentiles produce in America?

What do the ideas of “singing together,” “seeing eye to eye” and the Lord bringing again Zion have to do with each other (see also 3 Nephi 20:32-35)?


READ 3 Nephi 16:13

Do the Gentiles have any hope?

What do the Gentiles need to repent of and how do they return to Christ?


READ 3 Nephi 21:22

What does it mean that Christ “will” establish His Church among them; don’t we already have “His” Church?


READ 3 Nephi 21:23-26

Who will bring the Fullness of the Gospel to the House of Israel in the latter days?

What is “this gospel” that the Lord will preach to the Remnant of Israel at that day?


READ D&C 133:26-34

How can the Gentile Church both reject the Fullness of the Gospel, yet servants of the tribe of Ephraim, which is associated with Joseph Smith, be the ones to bestow crowns upon Israel?

So, how big is Christ’s Church among the Gentiles in the latter days?



The Prophesy About the Remnant of Jacob


READ 3 Nephi 20:10

Who is the Remnant of the House of Israel referred to here by Christ?


READ 3 Nephi 20:13, 21-22

How many “Remnants” will there be?

How will these Remnants be “gathered in” to be brought to the knowledge of the Lord who hath redeemed them?

What will differentiate Zion from all other cities?


READ 3 Nephi 20:23-24

What did Moses have that was then lost to Israel because of lack of belief and rejection of Jehovah?

Why does the Lord say “all the prophets from Samuel…”?

What does it mean that all of these prophets “testified of” Christ?

What is the key to the Remnant of Israel awakening?


3 Nephi 20:25-26

What does it mean to be a “child of the prophets”?

Why did the Father send Christ to Israel first?

Does being the literal children guarantee them anything?


READ 3 Nephi 20:27-29

Why did the House of Israel, and why will the Gentiles, merit condemnation, or the Law of Restoration returning their iniquities back upon their own heads?


READ 3 Nephi 20:30-31

Who will accept the Fullness of the Gospel?

What does it mean to accept the Fullness of the Gospel?


READ 3 Nephi 20:36-46

Why do the Remnant need to awake, shake off the dust, arise, and put on their beautiful garments?

How will the Remnant know Christ’s name in the latter day?

Will the Remnant come to know Christ in Zion or before it is built?


READ 3 Nephi 21:1-3

Why is Christ giving us a sign – aren’t signs bad?

How will we know when will these things come to pass?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...