To celebrate Easter, I thought about posting another sacrament talk - one about the birth of the Spirit - but instead I’ve decided to share a kind of meditation/prayer that I created several years ago. This prayer is very personal to me and is not something I would share if this blog was not anonymous. The secret to something like this, I’ve found, is that it must come from the heart or it is a vain repetition. For me, this does come from my heart and reflects my deepest desires. I usually plead for the Lord for mercy upon myself (“May I repent and be forgiven) and then focus on my family, extended family and friends, thinking about each of them and then repeat the prayer on our behalf together... “May WE repent and be forgiven.”
This is my prayer for all of us this Easter and especially on this Thursday Gethsemane night before Good Friday.
May we repent and be forgiven;
May we obey all Thy commandments;
May we receive further light and knowledge;
May we lose our lives in love and service;
May we awake & arise;
May we walk in Thy Way;
May we come unto Thee;
May we be one with Thee;
May we see the truth;
May we love unconditionally;
May we protect those in danger;
May we heal those in need;
May we bless all those around us and find joy in the sacrifice;
May we commune with Thee by understanding the utmost heavens and contemplating the deepest abyss;
May we know Thee by walking Thy path with Thee;
May we become like Thee, holy as Thou art holy, by abiding with Thee;
We are blind, we are lost, we are fallen
Hosanna! Lord, please come unto us now!
Hosanna! Lord, please save us now!
Hosanna! Lord, please sanctify us now!
Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
With beauty before us, may we walk;
With beauty behind us, may we walk;
With beauty below us, may we walk;
With beauty above us, may we walk;
With beauty all around us, may we walk;
With beauty within us, may we walk;
In beauty, it is finished;
In beauty, it is finished;
In beauty, it is finished.
In beauty, it begins...