Sunday, April 12, 2020

King Benjamin’s Sermon (Mosiah 1-3) QUESTIONS

A New Name

READ Mosiah 1:3, 5
What are the mysteries of God that are contained in the scriptures and how are they “mysteries” if anyone can read them?

READ Mosiah 1:11-12
What kind of a name can King Benjamin give his people?

READ Mosiah 2:3
What makes a prophet “holy”?

READ Mosiah 2:9
What does it mean to “trifle” and why is Benjamin not “trifling” with his people, or you and me? (see TPJS 391:2) 
How are the mysteries of God communicated?

Principles of Celestial Kingship

READ Mosiah 2:10-15
What are the principles of civic and spiritual leadership that Benjamin has lived by that cause him to have a clear conscience before God?
How did Benjamin not suffer that the people should commit any manner of wickedness without dungeons to throw people in who committed these things?

READ Mosiah 2:16-19
Why do we reverence (i.e. worship) earthly kings, presidents, prophets, priests, gurus, and celebrities so much?
What form of Kingship did Benjamin practice?
What does it mean to be in the “service of your fellow beings”?
How are we “only” in the service of our God when we are in the service of our fellow beings?

Divine Indebtedness

READ Mosiah 2:20-25
What is a profitable servant (employee)?
What does it mean that God has created, kept and preserved us from moment to moment?
What is expected of us?
Why would we be unprofitable even if we were to do all that God has commanded us?
Were we really created of the dust of the earth and what does that mean?
Why can’t we say that we are “as much as the dust of the earth”?

READ Mosiah 2:26-28
Why is a king, president, priest, prophet or celebrity no better than anyone else?
Why is Benjamin teaching his people these things now?

Mosiah 2:32-39
What does it mean to “list to obey the evil spirit”?
What is the “wo” that is pronounced here and why is it not a three-fold “wo” despite it being an “everlasting punishment”?
What does it mean to render to God all that you have and are?
When we say that the “spirit departs”, is that true?
What happens to the man who dies an enemy to God?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father

Mosiah 3:2-4
Why does the angel tell Benjamin to “awake” twice?
How did Benjamin merit this visit from the angel?
What are THE glad tidings of great joy?
What was Benjamin supposed to do with this message?

READ Mosiah 3:5-6
Who is this “Christ” who will condescend to come down from heaven and live in a “tabernacle of clay”?
Was Christ a “son of God who exalted Himself to be God before He was born”?
Did Christ need power given to Him in mortality or did He bring it with Him?
Did Christ experience a veil of forgetfulness and the frailties of the flesh?
Where were the evil spirits located that Christ cast out?

READ Mosiah 3:7
What did Christ suffer?
Why did He suffer the pains of our sicknesses, disappointments, infirmities and afflictions?

READ Mormon 9:3-5 and D&C 19:15-18
What is it like to stand before God under a consciousness of guilt and was this Christ’s ordeal in Gethsemane?
If He suffered these things so that we do not have to, why are some people also called to go through terrible suffering (see D&C 121:3-4)?

READ Mosiah 3:8
What does the name “Jesus Christ” mean?
What does it mean that Jesus was the “Son of God”?
How can Christ be the “Father of heaven and earth, the creator of all things from the beginning”?
Why did the “Father of heaven and earth” choose to be born to a poor, non-priestly family living in backwoods Galilee?

READ Mosiah 3:9
What does it mean that Christ “cometh unto His own, that salvation might come unto the children of men”?
How will the children of men – more specifically His own people, the House of Israel – receive Him?
If the House of Israel had so many books of scripture pointing to the coming of Christ, why did they reject Him?
How can priests who offer sacrifice in the Temple in Jerusalem in similitude of the Son of God attribute Christ’s power to the devil?

READ Mosiah 3:10
Did Benjamin already know that Christ would rise from the dead on the third day and if so, why did the angel tell him what he already knew?
What is implied by Christ “standing” to judge the world?
How is Christ able to give the world a “righteous judgement”?

READ Mosiah 3:11-13
Who does Christ’s blood atone for and who is thrust down to hell?
What makes holy prophets “holy”?
Have there been prophets of God among all people?
What determines how much of God’s message a prophet is able to teach?
What is the purpose of the message?
How do all have “exceedingly great joy”?

The Natural Man

READ Mosiah 3:14-15
Why did the Lord give Israel the Law of Moses if it didn’t have the power to save them?
Why did Israel fail with the Law of Moses?

READ Mosiah 3:16-17
Do little children transgress eternal law through their behavior or are they completely aligned with it?
So what is implied about sin by saying that it is impossible for little children to sin?
Why are children not convicted by their transgressions and mistakes?
What is the relationship between Adam’s fall and Christ’s atonement?
What is the only way we can receive salvation?
What does it mean to be saved “in and through the name of Christ”?

READ Mosiah 3:18
Who is authorized to judge us?
How are we to judge each other?

READ Mosiah 3:19
What is it about the natural state of man that when they are children they are saved by Christ but when they are grown they have become enemies to God?
Why is the natural man an enemy to God – why not just distant from God?
What is the difference between a religious natural man and an irreligious natural man?
How does the natural man become an enemy to God, as he moves from childhood to adult?
What does it mean to “yield” to the “enticings” of the Holy Spirit?
What does it mean to “put off the natural man”?
What does it mean to “becometh a Saint through the atonement of Christ”?
What does it mean to become “as a child”?
Who should we be submissive to if we want to put off the natural man?
How are meekness and humility different?
In what context is patience used here?
How can we be “full of love”?
Why would the Lord “see fit” to “inflict” difficult things upon those who are seeking to be sanctified?
Why must we be willing to submit to the refiner’s fire?
If you want to be Christ’s child – to take upon yourself His name and thereby join His family – what must you do?

READ Mosiah 3:20-22
What is the duty of all those who have been told about a “Savior”?
What do the three names of Christ “Lord God Omnipotent” refer to?

READ Mosiah 3:23
What else did the angel have for Benjamin?
How can we tell that this message is a true message from God?

READ Mosiah 3:24
What are the works you will fairly be judged on?

READ Mosiah 3:25-27
Why are these verses directed to the damned and what percentage of the listeners and readers of this message might it apply to?
Can this message be from God, as it is very offensive and unfeeling toward its intended audience?
What does “consigned to an awful view of their own guilt and abominations” imply?
What does “shrink” mean and what would cause you shrink from the presence of God?
Why would the damned rather be in a state of misery and endless torment than stay one second longer in the presence of God?
If “endless torment” is God’s punishment and does not last forever (see D&C 19:6-12), what is it about this experience that will last forever in the mind of anyone who suffers it (see D&C 19:15-18) such that they are “unable to return” to a state of “pre-suffering innocence”?
Why is the phrase “drunk damnation to their souls” used?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...