Author's note: 31 years ago today, the Lord blessed me with my first true birth of the spirit - the watershed experience that was light years different from any of the spiritual experiences I had had before. It was the day I entered into "The Gate." While I've strayed from the path since then and have had to find it again, as well as having set up camp and not moved for years, a la Lehi's family in the desert, the knowledge I learned that day regarding the reality of God and His love for me (despite who I am) has been fundamental to who I am now, the daily walk I lead, and the End I am seeking for. Jesus is the Christ - I know this because He has changed me - I am not the person I was before. And because I know that the Gate to the Way is real, I have faith that the End is also real, and I walk the way, in beauty, back to Him.
READ 1 Peter 1:3-9
is the inheritance being reserved for the elect of God?
In heaven.
But we must find our way back there, past
the angels that stand as sentinels.
Able to abide the glory and everlasting
burnings that God dwells in.
is the trial of faith like fire?
It is a refiner’s fire.
It helps to remove the impurities from us
– burns them out of us as we gain more light through exercising faith and
acting in obedience to God’s will and commandments.
is the trial of faith more precious than gold?
While gold will eventually be destroyed
by the glorious fire that comes with Christ during His Second Coming, the light
and glory that we have gained through successfully navigating our trials of
faith will stay with us and be an “advantage in the life to come” (see
READ 1 Peter 1:14-17
Christ really want us to be holy like He is?
To be saved, we must be precisely as He
is (see LoF 7:9), as He is the prototype of the saved man – and His and the
Father’s work and glory is to enable us to get to that point so that we can
have immortality and eternal life.
But in the meantime, Christ will justify
us before the Father through His sacrifice, if we will covenant with Him – we
can be “perfect in Christ” and “holy without spot” (see Moroni 10:32-33).
READ 1 Peter 1:22-23
do we become “perfect in Christ” and “holy without spot”?
We are born again through the baptism of
fire/Holy Ghost – receiving an “incorruptible” mighty change of heart and new
creature or spirit to live and abide in us.
We are purified or sanctified by aligning
ourselves with the Lord’s Way – His truth or commandments – becoming like Him
in our thoughts and actions through the Spirit – being quickened.
We are changed as we receive the Gift of
Charity through the Spirit – becoming like God in our love for our fellowmen.
This happens as an event in time as we
“enter the gate” through initially covenanting – laying our whole soul on the
But in my experience, it continues
through a series of “rebirths of the spirit” where, after we’ve continued to
gain more light through experience, we find ourselves again at His altar with a
choice to sacrifice all that we thought we had – but now with increased insight
into the nature of the sacrifice we’re making, thus deepening the relationship
and gaining more light at the expense of more sacrifice. This likely continues until we are “holy
without spot” – the open question is how long this takes to happen.
READ 1 Peter 2:9
does it mean to be a “chosen generation”?
Chosen to receive the revelations from
God which will make it easier (maybe “possible” is a better word) to walk back
into His presence and be saved (as you can’t be saved in ignorance).
Chosen to be “holy” or “set apart” from
the world – which makes those chosen ones out of alignment with the world – to
be hated of the world because the world loves its own and hates all others who
don’t comply with its culture and values.
Chosen to serve all others – to follow
Christ’s example and minister to, teach and bless all who do not yet have the
knowledge of God and His ways.
does Peter call it a “Royal Priesthood”?
Christ is the King of Kings and Great
High Priest.
This is referring to His Priesthood –
After the Order of the Son of God.
It connotes a connection or association
through the veil directly with the Family or House of God.
does “Holy Nation” imply?
A city or country of Zion.
A “nation” where Christ is the King and
dwells with His people.
A group of people who have all come unto
Christ separately but have come together as a house or adopted family of God on
is Zion “peculiar” or “purchased” while others are not?
The people in a true Zion have come unto
Christ in covenant (to the degree that they can stand in His presence).
Their sins are redeemed or purchased by
the blood of Christ.
They are not just “living in” Zion – they
ARE Zion (unlike the Zion experiment in Jackson County, MO in the early 1830s
where people were living in Zion but were filled with jarrings and contention
and had never rent the veil and stood in Christ’s presence). In hindsight, it is a fair question to ask:
were they really living in Zion? They
were living in a place where God said Zion could be built, but Zion is where
the community of Christ are (His covenant family, not the organization of the
same name…) not just a location on a map.
This is why I have a hard time believing that the LDS model of “build
Zion then become Zion people” will ever work (despite the valuable lessons in
the failure of organizational behavior that such an attempt will be guaranteed
to produce – and act as a refining agent for maybe one or two of the many
participants involved) – I think it’s much more likely to work the other way:
become a Zion person then be gathered by angels to a place where others like
you have been also gathered – one of a family and two of a city. Only those that can abide the glory can live
in the true Zion.
READ 1 Peter 3:14-18
does the Lord allow us to suffer if we are doing His will?
Because He honors the agency of those who
fight against Him.
Because it provides a trial of our faith,
as He is a “fourth watch God”.
Because it provides an opportunity for us
to sacrifice our reputation and good name.
Because He did the same thing – we are
following His example and learning a little bit about the lessons He learned.
Because those who are “doing His will”
are likely doing it in a flawed way, as no one is perfect here, which invites
karmic consequences (justice) for our actions.
how the world will react to the testimony of your experiences with God, what
does the Lord want you to do?
Share them anyway – share the “reason of
the hope that is in you”.
Even though you are fearful to do it.
But do it in meekness.
And take what comes.
This is part of the sacrifice required by
the Lord when you receive a testimony like this; it is for you, but it is also
to bear record to others.
will the world react?
Most will not believe you.
They will speak evil of you.
They will call you a liar.
They will question your motives and
accuse you of seeking for power over them or fame setting yourself up as a
light to get gain.
They may even question your sanity.
READ 1 Peter 4:8 (JST)
does charity prevent a multitude of sins?
Sin is inherently selfish while charity
is inherently selfless.
To have a fullness of charity is to be
purified even as Christ is pure – it is to be like Him and when we are like
Him, we have no desire to sin (which serves as a great preventative measure).
READ 1 Peter 4:17-18 and D&C
does the Lord start His judgements on His own House?
The more that is given, the more is
expected – we have greater light and are more responsible if we turn away from
So judgments usually start with those
that know the most – His own House or people on earth.
Calling and Election
READ 2 Peter 1:4-9
“great and precious promises” have we been given?
That we might be partakers of the divine
nature – have the divine nature in us or become one with it.
That will might have immortality and
eternal life.
That we might become as God is - receive
must we have in us to overflowing or in abundance (“abound”) for us to receive
the “great promises” given to us by God?
Diligence – dedicated to the goal,
focused, careful, and persistent work or effort (paradoxically, this can
sometimes mean to “diligently let go” and allow God to take the wheel
completely, as opposed to doubling down in our attempts to save ourselves
through our own works.
Faith – the assurance which men have of
the existence of things which they have not seen and that is also the principle
of action in all intelligent beings (LoF 1:9).
Virtue – behavior showing high moral
Knowledge – spiritually saving
information acquired through experience with God in mortality (out of His
direct presence).
Temperance – self-control.
Patience – the capacity to accept delay,
trouble or suffering without getting upset.
Godliness – piety; conforming to the laws
and wishes of God.
Brotherly kindness – benevolence;
affection for a brother; to cherish.
Charity – the pure love of Christ;
unconditional love.
might a “saint” lack these things?
Either their birth of the spirit was
“still born” (see Alma 5:14-21) – so they are a “saint” in name only.
Or they have broken their covenant (see
Alma 5:26-27) with God.
READ 2 Nephi 31:17-20
does the strait and narrow path lead?
To the Father, through Christ.
Who seal us up to eternal life – to be a
“son of God” (see Mosiah 5:15 and D&C 88:75).
READ 2 Peter 1:10-11 and 16-19
is receiving this promise of eternal life called?
Making one’s calling and election sure.
“The other Comforter spoken of is a
subject of great interest, and perhaps understood by few of this generation.
After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for
the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost, (by the laying on of
hands), which is the first Comforter, then let him continue to humble himself
before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every
word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted.
When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined
to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his
election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the other
Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the Saints.”
does God make one’s calling and election sure?
After faith in Christ, repentance,
baptism, birth of the spirit, humble self, hunger and thirst after
righteousness, living by every word of God have been demonstrated;
“demonstrated” is probably not a good word to use here – after these things
flow naturally from the person, the way hunger and thirst come naturally when
the body craves what it knows it needs; the reborn spirit craves these things
while the natural man craves other things.
And when God has thoroughly proved him
and finds him determined to serve Him at all hazards.
happens when one’s calling and election is made sure?
Their exaltation is sealed upon them.
They have the privilege of receiving the
Second Comforter.
READ TPJS 332:2-333:1
“Now, there is some grand secret here,
and keys to unlock the subject. Notwithstanding the apostle exhorts them to add
to their faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, etc., yet he exhorts them to
make their calling and election sure. And though they had heard an audible
voice from heaven bearing testimony that Jesus was the Son of God, yet he says
we have a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as
unto a light shining in a dark place. Now, wherein could they have a more sure
word of prophecy than to hear the voice of God saying, This is my beloved Son.
Now for the secret and grand key. Though they might hear the voice of God and
know that Jesus was the Son of God, this would be no evidence that their
election and calling was made sure, that they had part with Christ, and were
joint heirs with Him. They then would want that more sure word of prophecy,
that they were sealed in the heavens and had the promise of eternal life in the
kingdom of God. Then, having this promise sealed unto them, it was an anchor to
the soul, sure and steadfast. Though the thunders might roll and lightnings
flash, and earthquakes bellow, and war gather thick around, yet this hope and
knowledge would support the soul in every hour of trial, trouble and
tribulation. Then knowledge through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the
grand key that unlocks the glories and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.”
hearing the voice of God and knowing that Jesus is the Son of God the same
thing as receiving your calling and election?
Great spiritual manifestations and
experiences are one thing but receiving your calling and election means that
you have received a promise to you directly from God that you will be sealed up
to eternal life and exaltation.
This is “the great and precious promise”
that is referred to when one exercises “hope” in “the promise” (as in “faith, hope
and charity”).
would one need to exercise “hope” after receiving such a “great and precious
promise” from God Himself, who cannot lie?
Because this is where the trials REALLY
get started.
Both in mortality and again in the coming
READ TPJS 170:6 and 333:2
“This principle ought (in its proper
place) to be taught, for God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what He
will make known unto the Twelve, and even the least Saint may know all things
as fast as he is able to bear them, for the day must come when no man need say
to his neighbor, Know ye the Lord; for all shall know Him (who remain) from the
least to the greatest. How is this to be done? It is to be done by this sealing
power, and the other Comforter spoken of, which will be manifest by revelation.”
“Then I would exhort you to go on and
continue to call upon God until you make your calling and election sure for
yourselves, by obtaining this more sure word of prophecy, and wait patiently
for the promise until you obtain it.”
should seek to make their calling and election sure?
All of us!
“For the day must come when no man need
say to his neighbor, ‘Know ye the Lord?’ for all shall know Him (who remain)
from the least to the greatest”.
If we are to abide the day of the Second
Coming or even be able to stand the glory of Zion (which is “terrible” to those
who cannot stand in God’s presence), then we must be sealed up to eternal life
by making our calling and election sure.
The Spirit World
READ 1 Peter 3:19-20 and 1 Peter 4:6
(including JST)
does the “second estate” end?
For a great, great majority of mankind,
the second estate extends into the Spirit World.
The same conditions must exist there as
do here, with regards to knowledge/light (or the lack thereof), to continue to
make it a fair probationary state.
That way people are allowed to have a
full range of opportunity to use their agency in mortality – even to the point
of killing others – without the salvation of those impacted being negatively
affected (e.g. the victim of a killer or a war), because they can learn and
embrace the gospel in the Spirit World.
are spirits in prison?
Because they either shunned the
opportunity or were never afforded the opportunity to accept the gospel in the flesh.
Or because they were not true to the
light they were given – like the Rich Man and Lazarus (see Luke 16:19-31).
It is a prison of punishment for evil
deeds and a place of learning for the ignorant or careless (see TPJS 246:1 and
is the purpose of this Spirit World ministry?
The same as any ministry on earth: to
bear testimony of the truth such that the spirits will exercise faith and
To teach saving knowledge through the
Holy Spirit, such that this can happen.
But they still have their agency and can
accept or reject it.
Jude On Apostasy
READ Jude 1:3-4
is Jude writing to the Saints?
Men have become leaders in the Church who
are changing the doctrine of Christ.
They were ordained years before – they
are longtime members or at least have had a long association with the Church.
Either they have assumed leadership
positions quietly, or had left or been excommunicated and have quietly returned
to the Church, or the temptations of leadership (including pride and thirst for
power) led them to change after they assumed their roles.
are they doing?
They are teaching false doctrines – based
on Greek Hellenistic philosophy, which was the popular philosophy of the Roman
empire at the time.
Ungodly = not following God’s
commandments but the ways of the world.
Turning grace into lasciviousness = the
idea of “cheap grace” – all you have to do is confess Christ and He will save
you, regardless of whether you attempt to stop sinning or not.
Denying God = Denying the power of God at
work in the form of miracles and spiritual gifts and teaching that God has done
His work and turned His keys over to men.
READ Jude 1:10-12
are these men like?
They don’t know the Lord but they speak
evil of that which is good (of God).
They are natural men and speak the
knowledge and sophistication of the world (which is as a “brute beast” compared
to the light and knowledge of God).
They are Master Mahan like Cain – your
life for money; they are not their brother’s keeper; they can victimize others
without fear of retribution.
They sell their “prophesies” or “curses”
for money (priestcraft); they have set themselves up as a light to get gain and
praise of the world.
They are an integrated part of the Church
– they do not fear to be driven out because they are now popular and well
thought of (“pillars” of the Church).
They look good – they appear to be very righteous
and filled with God’s power – but it is all a sham (but hard to tell – they
look legitimate) – it’s only when they don’t “rain” that you realize something
is wrong; same analogy with the “fruit”, which are probably dates like the tree
Christ cursed for appearing like it had fruit but it was barren (had nothing
life-giving to give those who came to it).