Background on Philippians: Sent from Paul in prison in Rome to Philippi in northern Greece around 62 AD - the most stable of all of Paul’s Churches.
READ Philippians 2:2-4
How are we to regard each other?
How are we to regard ourselves?
READ Philippians 2:5-11
Why should we be humble and meek?
What is the condescension of God/Christ?
What glory did Christ earn, having
successfully accomplished His mission to earth?
READ Philippians 2:12-15, Mormon 9:27 and
TPJS 392:1
How did Christ work out His kingdom and
salvation with fear and trembling?
How must we work out our salvation with
fear and trembling before Him?
READ Philippians 3:3-9
What is Paul saying about his
righteousness in terms of living the Law?
READ LoF 6:2 and 6:7
What was Paul willing to give up to know
Christ and be in covenant with Him?
READ Philippians 3:10-14
What does being found in (covenant) with
Christ lead to?
Why is Paul worried about attaining to
the resurrection of the just?
12 is a difficult translation – it could be translated: “I have not yet
attained to the resurrection and to perfection, but I follow after Christ, so
that I myself may lay hold of that which Christ has already laid hold of for
me.” He is referring to the resurrection
of the “just” or perfect.
What is Paul’s goal?
READ Philippians 4:8, 11-13
What is Paul’s secret to contentment?
Background on Colossians: Sent from Paul
in prison in Rome to the church in Colossae in central Turkey around 61 AD. A large and prosperous city on the East/West
trade route, 100 miles east of Ephesus - a place resembling the arid country of
the American West.
READ Colossians 1:9-10
Why is obtaining the will of the Lord so
READ Colossians 1:23 and Colossians
Before we can be truly “grounded and
settled”, “rooted and built up” and “established in the faith”, what must we
If we have not been born of the Spirit,
what may happen to us?
READ Colossians 3:12-14
How do those who “walk in Christ” (have
received the baptism of fire) act; how can you spot them?
Background on Philemon: Sent from Paul in
prison in Rome to Philemon, a wealthy Christian living in Colossae. It was written to ask forgiveness for the
runaway slave, Onesimus. Approximately
61 AD.
READ Philemon 1:10-12
What does Paul mean by saying Onesimus is
“begotten” by Paul in his bonds?
How was Onesimus unprofitable to
READ Philemon 1:13-18
Why is Paul sending Onesimus home to
Colossae and Philemon?
READ Philemon 1:19-21
What does Paul mean that Philemon owes
Paul “thine own self”?
Why is Paul writing the letter?
How might Philemon had reacted if his
runaway slave had just returned on his doorstep one day without any letter or