Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Grace of Christ (Romans) QUESTIONS

Background: Letter written by Paul from Corinth to the Saints in Rome in 58 AD, to prepare them for his intended visit.


The Great Dilemma

READ Romans 3:9-12, 20, 23

How can Paul say that there are “none righteous, no, not one”?

What does it mean “by the deeds of the Law” no one is justified?


READ LoF 7:9 and D&C 1:31

What is the solution to this “Great Dilemma”?



The Grace of Christ

READ Romans 3:24 (including JST)

What is grace?


READ Romans 3:28

What does it mean that man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law?


READ Romans 5:1-2

What is Paul teaching (again) here?


READ Romans 5:7-11

Paul can reason that MAYBE one might pledge to die for a righteous or good person, but why would He die for an evil person?

What is Paul’s definition of an undeserving sinner or enemy of God?

What does Atonement mean?

The Role of Righteousness After Entering the Covenant

READ Romans 6:1-7, 11

While we are not saved by our righteousness, what IS the role of righteousness (“works”) after we have entered the gospel covenant and been saved by grace?

How do we feel about sin, having been baptized by fire?

What happened to the natural man when we were born of the Spirit by receiving the baptism of fire and Holy Ghost?


READ Romans 6:16-17

What is Paul teaching us here about the Gospel Covenant we have entered?


READ Romans 6:23

What does it mean that the “wages of sin are death”?


READ Romans 7:14-21 (JST Appendix) and 24-27 (JST Appendix)

What is Paul referring to when he says the “sin that dwelleth in me”?

What is Paul struggling with here?

What is the answer to Paul’s “warring members” problem?


READ Romans 8:5-6 and 9-11

What is the determining factor as to whether or not you are still “abiding in the covenant” with Christ and what is the sign so that you can know your covenant status with Him?


READ Romans 8:14-17

Are these verses referring to the fact that we are all God’s spirit children?

What does it mean, then, to be “adopted” as a son and heir of God?

How do we suffer with Christ?

How is godly character gained?


READ Romans 8:35-39

Can anything separate us from Christ’s love?

What is the only thing that can separate us from Christ’s love for us?


READ Romans 12:1-2

What is Paul begging us to do?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...