Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Woman & the Man in the Lord (1 Corinthians 11-16)

The Woman and the Man in the Lord

READ 1 Corinthians 11:11-12

What does it mean that “neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord”?

It refers to the sealing of the man and the woman into an eternal family unit.

It refers to the definition of “Elohim” as a plural name: the need for a male and female god to be one if they are to be “in the Lord” and fulfill the measure of their ultimate eternal creation.

The sealing completes what is left incomplete upon entry into this mortal world – because it is “not good” to be alone or separate (see Genesis 2:18), either in this world or the eternities.


READ Moses 2:27 and Moses 6:9

When man was created in the “image of God”; what does that mean?

The image of God is male and female TOGETHER as one “God”.

God is the creator of infinite creations, which requires both the male and female god to accomplish; they have different traits that they bring to the task of creation; mortal men and women are the same on earth.


READ Genesis 1:3 and LoF 1:13-17

How does God create?

The speak Their words or thoughts.

They imagine or conceive Their creation into existence.

It is an act of faith – as a principle of power.

We might describe it as God imagining or conceiving light into existence and since we are made of light, it would be equally true that They conceive or imagine or “manifest” or “organize” us into life (I would say life not existence because we have always existed in one form or another).


READ D&C 93:30

If we, as intelligence, were conceived of solely by the Father, how can we ever be independent of Him?

We cannot; if we were the product of only one mind’s thought or word, we could never act independently of the one mind. 

Everything about the conceived individual would be under the exclusive control of the one mind – they would be wholly predictable and subordinate to the single mind – they cannot take on a “life of their own.” 

So how can we be independent in the sphere in which we’ve been placed by God?

Only when two entities are jointly conceiving an individual intelligence does it become possible for the individual conceived to be independent of control. 

So long as both gods have input, neither one can fully control what the third personality will choose to do – in fact, this dynamic introduces the element of choice for the third. 

“God” means “Elohim” which is plural = the image of God is the male and female God.

But the last critical step of the process happens when that intelligence accepts that right of self-determination and makes a choice freely – only then do they exist as an independent entity (see also 2 Nephi 2:13-14, 26), regardless of the fact that they may have existed previously as a dependent entity.

Why is Elohim a plural name for God?

It is absolutely essential to the process of “creation” or “conceiving” for God the Father to have a female consort or Mother God.  When the Father and Mother hold the same thought (or word or intelligence) together, with faith in the existence of this new creation, while neither one is fully controlling the individual intelligence, then existence is possible – that new individual can then make their own choices to act and not be acted upon as a puppet. 

Because they are “one”, they are called by a single name (Elohim) but they are two entities because they must choose to act as one but be two, to create the dynamic just described.  “God” is two.

For the mortal man, having a wife and being able to ascend to the Lord‘s presence are not unrelated. They are instead, intimately connected.  We must be in the image of God – completed as a “person” – neither the man without the woman or the woman without the man, in the Lord.  Mortals are saved in a union designed, like God, to produce eternal progeny. 



Gifts of the Spirit

READ 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-11

Why are gifts of the Spirit given?

To bless the lives of other Saints (v7).

To show the presence of the light of heaven.

As an “earnest money” of the inheritance of light to be received later, in fullness.

To prove to the individual experiencing them, that they are in covenant and following in the right Way.


READ TPJS 271:4 and 272:2

Can gifts of the Spirit come without the Holy Ghost?

No (see TPJS 272:2).

They are among the “diversities of gifts” but the same Spirit.


READ 1 Corinthians 12:14, 18-20, 25-26

Is there a body part that is so preeminent that it can exist without the rest?

Not outside of science fiction.

The brain needs the heart, etc.

Why does God give different gifts to different people?

So all will be valued as part of the “body of Christ”.

So all will have some part to play – all have some opportunity to contribute to the edification or enabling of the rest.



The Gift of Charity

READ 1 Corinthians 12:31-1 Corinthians 13:3

Joseph Smith said we are only saved as quickly as we gain saving knowledge – which means to know we’ve been sealed up to Eternal Life by the voice of God Himself; understanding the mysteries enables you to walk back into God’s presence; being able to move mountains shows you’ve been given the High Priesthood After the Order of the Son of God with its accompanying sealing power… So why, if we gain all of those things but do not have charity, are we “nothing” and will “fail” (v8)?

We have become a danger to the Universe – we have become Perdition and a Satan.

Somehow we have managed to attain to the blessings of God’s eternal inheritance without becoming as He is – a God of love; implied is that we’ve chosen to betray God after we’ve been following Him and know Him.

Without God, we are truly nothing… good.


READ 1 Corinthians 13:4-10

How do these verses typify how Christ works with us?

He does not compel – rather He invites people to follow Him, He “draws” men to Him.

He is meek – He meets us where we are and does not force His agenda on us – He honors our agency.

He has already borne all things for us but He continues to minister to us, largely unseen – and He will continue to minister in patience until the last day.

He became the greatest by suffering and serving the most, and despite being God, He will speak to us in plain humility, as one man speaks to another.

In the garden and on the cross, it was His love for us and for His Father and Mother that kept Him going to the bitter end, despite wanting to “let the cup pass from Him” – He did not fail us.


READ John 13:34-35

Why is love the Great Sign of the true follower of Christ?

He told us that if we love Him, we’ll keep His commandments – with loving others being the preeminent commandment to keep.

We emulate what we love, so if Christ has our heart, all we want – with our whole souls – is to be like Him and to do things that please Him – and that means to love as He loved (see also John 15:9-13).

As we are born of the Spirit and continue through the Lord’s Wilderness to the Tree of Life to partake of the Fruit by obedience to His commandments, we will be filled with light and glory, and we will begin to resonate at a higher frequency – love vibrates at a high frequency while fear vibrates at a low frequency – think about energy, heat, speed, and quickening.

Everything He did was due to His love for us – and He said, “be even as I am” – in other words, love others as I love you if you will be like me.


READ 1 Corinthians 13:11-13

What is the glass we look through darkly?

The veil between this world and the unseen world.

The veil between the mortal timebound universe and the heavens where God is outside of time.

When will we know as we are known?

When we rend the veil and are face to face with our Lord.

When we’ve spent enough time with Him in various circumstances to know Him as He knows us.

It DOES NOT SAY “when we die”.

This suggests that Paul was still continuing his journey back to the Lord to be sealed up to Eternal Life, even though he had already seen Him at least once by this point; implied is that just seeing the Lord – even in person – is not the end of the journey.

Why is charity the greatest of the three?

Because it encapsulates, in a word, who or what God is.

He exists to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of others, and He does it through condescension and eternal sacrifice.

Faith and hope are “rungs on the ladder” to charity.



The Reality of the Resurrection

READ 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

How do we know the resurrection happened?

The testimony of witnesses.

When we feel the wounds of the Lord for ourselves in the flesh.

What is the problem with the testimony of witnesses?

They could be lying (a conspiracy, since there are so many named).

They could be mistaken or tricked.

They could be insane.

What does a witness do for you?

It introduces an idea (in this case): Christ rose from the dead.

It introduces the possibility that there is proof: Others say they have seen Him and felt tokens that prove it is Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified.

It can inspire you to find out for yourself if the witness is true.

Religion and the spiritual experiences that come with it are all intensely personal and anecdotal.  That is the point – God wants to entice you to find Him yourself (see LoF 2:54-56).

Can it be proven that Christ rose from the dead?

Yes; He can actually come to you during your mortal life and you can feel the prints of the nails for yourself - through the mortal senses and the accompanying witness of the Holy Spirit, you can know He lives.

Then you can say “I know of a surety and bear record that it was He that came!” – (see 3 Nephi 11:14-15).

There is a reason that a perfect God with a resurrected body would chose to retain the ugly, marring, physical marks of death which can be felt by a mortal with a telestial body of flesh and blood.

Ultimately, He will appear to all those who remain on the earth when He comes in fire and glory. 


READ 1 Corinthians 15:21-22

What is the relationship between Adam and Christ?

Everything that consequentially went wrong with the Earth after the Fall of Adam is redeemed and reclaimed by Christ through His Atonement and Resurrection.

Adam was the first man and Christ was the “worm” or “least of all” who was made guilty of all of the sins of all mankind.

Adam transgressed and fell, becoming subject to death while Christ kept all of the commandments and triumphed over death and hell.

Christ is the Son of God and Adam is His Archangel, Michael.


READ 1 Corinthians 15:40-44

What is Paul teaching us that we will receive in the resurrection?

A physical, spiritual (refined with light) body that is incorruptible.

But not all of these bodies are the same – some are quickened by a Celestial glory (able to stand in the presence of the Father/Elohim), some by a Terrestrial glory (able to stand in the presence of the Son), and some a Telestial glory (unable to stand in the presence of Gods without transfiguration and protection).

While there are “kingdoms” where those with certain kinds of bodies can dwell, Paul refers to the bodies themselves as of different glories.


READ D&C 130:18-21

How does one receive one kind of body or glory over another?

It depends on how much intelligence or knowledge they gathered to themselves in this life.

Which light depends on what they were diligently doing and who they were obedient to: were they keeping God’s laws that they might receive the accompanying blessings or following after their own desires or someone else’s; were they abiding by the principles of eternal light or not.


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...