Paul’s First Mission to Greece
READ Acts 16:16-21
What issue do the men have against Paul
and Silas?
READ Acts 16:22-40
Why did the Magistrates fear when they
were told that Paul was a Roman (citizen)?
Why did Paul not say anything when the
police first took them and beat them?
Why did Paul not escape when the
earthquake hit?
Why did the Lord send the earthquake if
it wasn’t for Paul’s escape?
READ Acts 17:1-10
How did Paul teach the Thessalonians?
Who was open to the message?
What did the unbelieving Jews do?
When the Jews in Thessalonica find out
that Paul and Silas are preaching in Berea, they travel the 40 miles to break
things up there, too. Silas stays but
Paul is carted off to Athens in a ship.
Why did Paul need to go but Silas could
READ Acts 17:16-23
Who is Paul primarily targeting for his
Why is Paul so upset that Athens is
“wholly given to idolatry”?
What is wrong with wanting to hear “new
What is the problem with “ignorantly
worshiping” the “unknown god”?
How do we find out what the “unknown god”
is really like?
READ Acts 17:24-32
What does it mean that God “dwelleth not
in temples made with hands”?
What does it mean that “in Him we live
and move and have our being”?
Why did God make the world?
What was easy to have faith in while in
God’s presence and what was difficult to have faith in?
What does it mean to “feel after” God?
Paul’s Letters to the New Converts in
Thessalonica, Greece:
Thessalonica was the chief city of
Macedonia (northern Greece) due to commerce from its port. It was a “free city” within the Roman Empire
(no military occupation or taxation, and was allowed self-government). There was a sizable Jewish population in the
city. These two letters to the new
branches of the Church in Thessalonica were written shortly after Paul was
forced to leave the city (see Acts 17) in approximately 50 or 51 AD.
First Thessalonians contains an account
of the missionaries visit to the city (1 Thes 2-3), an exhortation to righteous
living (1 Thes 4:1-12 and 5:8-22) and a doctrinal exposition on the Second
Coming of Christ (1 Thes 4:13-5:7).
READ 1 Thessalonians 2:3-7
How did Paul and the missionaries teach
the gospel?
READ 1 Thessalonians 2:13
How did the Thessalonians who converted
receive the message?
Second Thessalonians was written not long
after the first letter. It revisits the
subject of the Second Coming of Christ from the first letter.
READ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (including
JST) and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
What is Paul’s warning to the Saints with
regards to the events and timing of the Second Coming of Christ?
How does Apostasy take place?
Why is apostasy from within a much more
effective tool for Satan than persecution from without?
What does being a “son of perdition”
What does this “son of perdition” do?
What doctrines does Satan attack first?
What is the process Satan follows to
perpetrate an apostasy?
READ 2 Thessalonians 3:8-13
What is the example that Paul gives to
the Thessalonians?