Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10-15) QUESTIONS

The Gospel to the Gentiles

READ Acts 10:1-4

What is Cornelius, the Roman Centurion, being told by the angel?

What is implied by this?


READ Acts 10:34-35

So, if God is no respecter of persons, what does it mean to be a “chosen” people?

What does it mean that God is no respecter of persons?


READ Acts 10:5, 9-16

What do the “unclean” or “common” animals represent?

But what does it mean that “what God hath cleansed, that call not thou common”?

What is the message of this vision to Peter?

What is the significance of the proclamation being given to Peter three times?


READ 1 Nephi 13:42

What does this prophecy mean?

Why was this revelation so shocking to Peter?


READ Acts 10:19-20, 24-32, and 44-48

What is the sign that the gospel is really to be preached to the Gentiles?



Peter’s Escape from Prison

READ Acts 12:1-5

In the context of Christ, Stephen and James deaths, what might have the Church assumed would happen to Peter?

What was their reaction?


READ Acts 12:6-11

How did the Lord release Peter from prison?

How did Peter react?

Is there precedent for this kind of intrusive action from heaven?



Paul vs. the Judaizers

READ Acts 11:1-3

What happened when the rest of the Church in Jerusalem heard what Peter had done in opening the Gospel to the Gentiles?


READ Acts 11:22-26

Why do they get Saul/Paul from Tarsus?


Paul and Barnabus preach Christ as the Messiah in the Jewish synagogue in Antioch (see Acts 13:14-41). 

READ Acts 14:42-48

How did the Jews generally react to Paul’s preaching that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah?

How did the Gentiles react to the missionary message?


READ Acts 14:50

How did the Jews react to the Gentiles accepting the Gospel of Christ?


READ Acts 15:1-5

What do the Jewish Christians want to do with the Gentile converts?

Why do they want this?

What is the problem with conflating culture and traditions (of the fathers) with the doctrine of Christ?

What is the problem with settling for a “starter” gospel rather than the “mysteries of godliness”?

Is the gospel going to the Gentiles a sea-change for God, and if so, why did He do it?


READ Acts 15:6-18

Why were the Apostles and elders disputing?

Why was there no difference between converted Gentiles and Jewish Christians?

What had Simeon declared to them?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...