Sunday, July 2, 2023

He is Risen (Matthew 28; Luke 24; John 20) QUESTIONS

The Narrative of the Resurrection

READ John 20:1 and Matthew 28:1-4

What time in the morning did Christ rise from the dead?


READ Moses 6:63

Why had the Jews and Romans sealed the tomb and set a guard?

What happened on Easter morning?

Why was the stone rolled away – did it have to be?


READ Matthew 28:5-8

What is the angel’s joyous testimony?

What is his charge to the women?


READ Luke 24:10-11

How did the Apostles react to this testimony?


READ John 20:3-8

What did the Apostles do?


READ John 20:11-17

Who is the first mortal to see the living, resurrected Christ?

What had Mary done after she had told the Apostles about the experience with the angels at the tomb?

Who met her there?

Why does Mary suppose Christ to be the gardener?

So, what really happened at the tomb when Mary recognized Christ?


READ Matthew 28:9

Who were the next witnesses to Christ’s resurrection?

What do they do when they see Him?


READ Luke 24:13-32

On the Road to Emmaus, how did Christ enter their conversation and what does this teach us about Him?

What does this exchange about the testimony of the women tell us about where the men were with regards to their faith?

How did Christ react to this lack of faith?

What was Christ’s message to them for several hours as they walked the Road to Emmaus?

What does Christ’s seeking to go further when Cleopus and his companion got to Emmaus teach us about how we must engage with Him?

Why might the breaking of the bread be what opened their eyes to Christ’s identity?

Why did He vanish from their presence?


READ Luke 24:34

Who did Christ visit next?

What is implied about the Apostles by the way they introduced this knowledge to Cleopas and his companion?


READ John 20:19-20 and Luke 24:36-45

Even after all these witnesses, including 3 in the room that had been visited by Christ that very day, how did the Apostles and disciples react when Jesus appeared in the locked upper room?

How could Christ, with a resurrected physical body of flesh and bones, walk through a wall to surprise the Apostles in a locked room?

How do the Apostles, the disciples and the women gain a knowledge of the reality of the resurrection of Christ?


READ John 20:26-31 and LoF 2:56

Why did all these witnesses see the risen Lord?

Are those who believe in Christ without seeing Him more blessed than those who see Him?

If those who have not seen Christ but have faith to believe are also blessed, why did Christ show Himself to them and not just send the Holy Ghost to testify that He had indeed risen?

In D&C 93:1, the Lord says that anyone who forsakes their sins, calls on His name and follows His commandments will see His face and know that He is (see also John 7:17); if you find yourself doing what He said and not obtaining the result, why is that the case?

What is implied by the order in which Christ visited the mortal witnesses of His resurrection?



The Doctrine of the Resurrection

What is resurrection?

What are the implications of this definition?

If we don't have a physical resurrection, who will we be in the eternities?


READ Alma 42:15, Romans 6:23 and Alma 12:27

What requires that all mortals die?


READ Hebrews 4:15 and D&C 20:22

Did Christ sin?


READ Mosiah 15:9

Why was Christ able to break the bands of death?

What did that allow Christ to then do?



“Here, then, is eternal life—to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, by namely, by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one; from grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation, until you attain to the resurrection of the dead, and are able to dwell in everlasting burnings, and to sit in glory, as do those who sit enthroned in everlasting power. And I want you to know that God, in the last days, while certain individuals are proclaiming his name, is not trifling with you or me.”

What does it mean to “attain” to something?

What does it mean to “attain to the resurrection of the dead”?

What is the difference between Christ’s resurrection that we benefit from and a resurrection that we “attain” to ourselves?


READ Alma 11:45

How does Joseph Smith’s teaching of resurrection as something that everyone who is saved must attain to in a future eternity square with Amulek’s discourse?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...