With the departure of Judas to betray the Lord to the Church leaders, Christ gives the remaining eleven Apostles one last master discourse.
I AM the Way
READ John 14:1-6
Why does Christ say there are “many
We’ve already discussed where Christ is
going (to the Father in the Celestial Kingdom); how does one get there?
What is the Way?
READ John 14:7-11
What did Christ mean when He said, “he
that hath seen me hath seen the Father”?
How is Christ in the Father and the
Father is in Him and how can we become one with Them?
READ John 14:12-14
What does it mean that the works Christ
does will also be done by His followers – including greater works?
The First Comforter
READ John 14:15-17, 24-26
What will you do if you truly love
If you don’t keep Christ’s commandments,
what is implied?
What is implied by the use of the word
What is this “comforter” that the Father
will give?
READ John 15:26-27 and John 16:5-16
What is the role of this First Comforter?
What is implied by the fact that the Lord
still had many things to teach the Apostles?
The Second Comforter
READ John 14:18-22
How will Christ Himself comfort us?
READ D&C 130:3
So, is this an actual visitation in the
mortal flesh?
READ TPJS 171:2 and TPJS 172:5
What is the purpose of the Second
Who has the privilege of knowing the Lord
in this way?
A Habitation with God
READ John 14:23
How can you know someone if you only meet
them once?
What is a “habitation” with God?
How do we gain a habitation with God in
this life?
READ John 14:27-31
What is Christ’s peace and how is it
different from the world’s peace?
The True Vine
READ John 15:1-8
What does it mean that Christ is the true
vine and His Father is the husbandman?
What does the husbandman do to the vine?
What is the relationship between the vine
and the branch?
How are the disciples “clean” through the
“word” which Christ has spoken unto them?
How might a branch not abide in the vine?
What happens when a branch abides in the
vine and how is this done?
What is the “fruit of the branches”?
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This
READ John 15:9-17
What is implied about the love the Father
has for Christ?
What happens if we remain connected to
How can we remain connected to Christ?
What is implied about how we are
connected to God and to each other?
In the context of this discussion of the
true vine, what did Christ mean when He said “that my joy might remain in you”?
Why is loving one another a commandment?
How can you recognize God’s love in
How are we to love each other as Christ
loved us?
What is implied by the phrase “greater
love hath no man that this”?
If God’s friends do everything they are
told to do, what is the difference between a “friend” and a “servant”?
How can Christ have chosen a select few
without violating their agency, as they did not choose Him?
What ordination is Christ referencing
READ John 15:18-25
If Christ and those who follow Him are so
filled with light and love, why does the world hate them?
If Christ’s example made the Jews
accountable – and angry, because they could no longer sin without guilt, why
did Christ come to teach them?
Casting Out God’s Messengers
READ John 16:1-4
What does it mean that “they shall put
you out of the synagogues”?
What does it mean that those that kill
them will think they are doing God’s work?
So why did these very religious people
fight so vehemently against Christ and later His Apostles?
Ascending to God
READ John 16:17-21
What does it mean that Christ will depart
briefly, then when He has ascended to the Father, He will be by the Apostles’
How is a woman’s giving birth to a baby a
good metaphor for Christ’s resurrection or for our birth of the spirit?
READ John 16:22-27 (including JST
footnote) and D&C 88:75
What joy comes to mankind from Christ
that no one can take from them?
What power must one possess to be able to
ask God and be guaranteed that it will be given?
Why will Christ not “pray unto the
Father” for them after that day?
This Is Life Eternal
READ John 17:1-3
What is implied by Christ’s prayer?
How did Christ gain the power to heal all
weaknesses and redeem all creation?
What is life eternal?
READ Ether 3:19-20
What is knowledge?
READ 1 John 4:7-8
What are the first steps to knowing God?
READ Mosiah 4:11-16 and Mosiah 5:12-13
After you have been born of God and
received His name, what must you do next to know God?
READ 2 Nephi 32:6-7 and 3 Nephi 11:14-17
When we have been tried and found true,
how does Christ introduce Himself to us?
READ D&C 132:21-24
When must this happen?
When will this happen to us?
If eternal life is to know God and knowing
God means to meet Him in the flesh, what is implied if you have not yet had an
audience with Christ?
READ John 17:4-14
What does it mean that the Father gave
certain souls to Christ that were formerly His (the Father’s)?
In the World but Not of the World
READ John 17:15-16
What does it mean to be “not of” the
world vs. being “of” the world?
Why does the Lord pray that the Father
does not take the disciples out of the world but protects them from the evil in
Be One
READ John 17:17-26
How are we sanctified?
How are the Father and Son one?
What enables us to become one with God or
with each other?