Sunday, June 25, 2023

Golgotha (Matthew 26-27; Mark 14; Luke 23; John 18-19) QUESTIONS

The Betrayal and Arrest

READ Matthew 26:47-50

Why did Christ call Judas “friend”?


READ John 18:4-12

Why did the Jewish guards and priests fall to the ground when Christ answers them “I am He”?

Why then does Peter lash out at the servant and cut off his ear?


READ John 18:13-14

Can an evil man prophesy a message from God?



The Jewish Trial

Incidentally, the trial was illegal by Jewish or Roman law in several ways, including meeting at night, not being able to find witnesses that could agree, a defendant could not condemn himself, and proclaiming a death sentence (only Romans could do this).

READ John 18:19-23

How did Christ conduct His ministry?

What did Annas accuse Jesus of?


READ Mark 14:61-65

What question did Christ answer to the High Priests and why?

What is the supreme irony in Caiaphas’ question to Christ?



The Roman Trial

READ John 18:33-40 and Luke 23:18-23

What world is His kingdom of?

Why was Christ born?

What is truth?

Where does the custom come from to release a prisoner?

What does Bar-Abbas mean?


READ Deuteronomy 21:22-23

Why did the Jewish leaders want Christ crucified instead of killed in another way?



The Scourging

Some prisoners didn’t survive the scourging and Christ had already suffered the infinite Atonement the night before and had then been subjected to an illegal trial that lasted all night.  The Romans were adept at using a cat-o-nine tails whip, woven with steel or bone, to take the skin off the back of the individual from neck to shin. 

READ Matthew 27:26-31

Many ancient cultures held a ceremonial drama, about the humiliation and sacrificial death of the “substitute” King (the “Corn King” of ancient Celtic religions, for instance) who was killed that the people might live; what elements of that drama do you see playing out in what the Romans soldiers did to Christ?



The Crucifixion

Crucifixion may have been the cruelest and most brutal way to execute a criminal ever systemically used by a government.  It combined prolonged, agonizing torture and public humiliation, and it served as an intimidating deterrent to others.  But Christ had to descend below all things (see D&C 122:8), and crucifixion provided that kind of ignominious death. 

READ Numbers 21:6-9

What did the brass serpent on the pole symbolize?

Is the serpent a symbol of evil or good?


READ Matthew 27:32-33

Why did the Romans compel Simon to carry the cross?


READ John 19:17-22

Why would Pilate not change the “accusation” posted above Christ on the cross?


READ Luke 23:34-39 and Matthew 27:39-44

What does Christ teach us in this prayer to the Father?

What last temptation was Satan serving up to Christ through the Jewish leaders, Roman soldiers and fellow prisoner?

Why did Christ not come down from the Cross?


READ Isaiah 50:5-9

What does it mean that Christ set His “face like a flint”?


READ Matthew 27:45-46

Three hours into the torture of the cross, Christ cried out in a loud voice, to be heard over the large crowd…what was Christ saying?


READ Psalm 22:1-21

Did the Father “forsake” the Son at the end?


READ Psalm 22:22-31

Given the bitter cup that Christ had to drink, why does He lead the shout of praise for the Father in the Great Congregation at the Heavenly Temple?


READ Luke 23:46 and John 19:30

Why did Christ shout “It is finished” in a loud voice?

When He knew His suffering or path was completed, what did He do?


READ Matthew 27:51 and 54

How did the Roman centurion react as he witnessed this event firsthand?

What happened at Christ’s death?

What does the Veil of the Temple being rent mean?


READ John 19:31-37

Why did the religious leaders want to break the legs of the crucified?

Why did Roman soldiers break the bones of those hanging on a cross?

Why did the soldiers not break Christ’s legs but what did they do instead?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...