Sunday, May 14, 2023

From Triumphal Entry to Temple Mount (Matthew 21-23; Luke 19; John 12) QUESTIONS

Mary Anoints Jesus for His Burial

READ John 12:1-8 and Matthew 26:6-13

Why is Mary anointing Christ with spikenard?


In a new translation of the Testimony of St John (TSJ), the interchange is slightly different.

READ TSJ 12: “Six days before the Passover, Jesus returned to Bethany where he had raised Lazarus from the dead. They made supper for him and Martha served. Lazarus was among those who sat at the table with him. Many came to be there to see the man who was raised from the dead and to hear Jesus who had raised him. And among those who were present were his mother, and Mary, the Elect Lady who was companion with Jesus. She cut off the seven locks of his hair that had not been cut before because of the vow, which fell at her feet. This troubled his disciples who feared his strength would depart from him but said nothing because Jesus permitted it to be done. Jesus, seeing their concern, asked, is not a lamb shorn before it is sacrificed? But they did not understand his meaning. And she took royal oil used to coronate a king, containing spikenard, frankincense and myrrh, and applied it to the head, arms and hands, legs and feet of Jesus. And the house was filled with the smell of the royal anointing oil… My mother has safeguarded this gift from my birth until now to be used for this moment. This anointing is required to be done to establish me before I lay down my life. The poor are always in need in this world, but I reign among you for only a short while and then am offered up as a sacrifice on your behalf.”

Why might Mary be called “the Elect Lady”?

What does it mean that Mary cut off the seven locks of His hair?

What additional insight does this translation give us regarding the anointing?



The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

READ Luke 19:28-38 and Matthew 21:8-9

Why did Christ ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?

Why did the people put their coats in his path and wave palm fronds and greenery branches?

Why did they cry “Hosanna to the Son of David” and what did this signify?

Was this an orchestrated ceremony or did it happen spontaneously as a celebration?

What is the outcome of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem?



Christ Prophesies of His Atoning Sacrifice

READ John 12:20-41

How did Christ react to the fact that the time of His sacrifice had arrived?

The Jews did not understand that the Messiah had to die – they thought that He would live forever; how did Christ explain His death to them?

What does it mean to be willing to sacrifice one’s life in this world to obtain endless lives, worlds without end?

When God speaks from heaven, what do people hear?

What is Christ’s advice to the Jews?

Why did the Jews not take His advice?



The Parable of the Two Sons

Christ returns to Bethany for the night and returns again the next day.

READ Matthew 21:23

Why are the Chief Priests so concerned with authority?


READ Matthew 21:24-27

Jesus has proclaimed who His father is before now, why does He decline to answer the Priests at this time?

Why is asking Him about His authority or Messiah-ship the wrong way to get to the truth?


READ Matthew 21:28-32

Although the first son did the work of his father, was there an issue?

Why did the first son then go and work?

Why might the second son commit to work and then not do it?



The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen

READ Matthew 21:33-46 (also 47-56 in JST)

What is the husbandmen’s plan?

Who is the householder?

What is the fruit of the vineyard?

What is the vineyard?

Who are the husbandmen?

What mindset must the husbandmen have to think they can get away with this crime?

How does the “stone which the builders rejected” hinder those who rejected it?

Who is Christ referring to in this parable?



Caesar’s Tribute

READ Matthew 22:15-22

What if “Caesar’s Tribute” conflicts with God’s law?

What is it of Caesar’s that we must render to him?



Resurrection and the “God of the Living”

READ Matthew 22:23-33

What does it mean that “in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels of God in heaven”?

What does it mean that “God is not the God of the dead, but of the living”?



The Great Commandment

READ Matthew 22:34-40

Christ seems to hedge a bit in His answer to the question, so what is the great commandment (singular) in the Law?

What is the great sign of a true follower of Christ?

Why do all of the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments?



What Think Ye of Christ

READ Matthew 22:41-42

What must you know to answer this question?

Why is the answer to this question so important?



Scribes & Pharisees, Hypocrites

When did the Jewish leaders begin to plot Christ’s death in earnest and why?


READ Matthew 23:1-6

Did Christ question their right to preside?

What did He call into question?

Why would they impose burdens on others that they were not willing to take on themselves?


READ Matthew 23:7-12

Why did they want to be called “Rabbi”?

What did they teach – what was their doctrine?

What does the true teacher do?

What is the danger in aspiring to the title of Rabbi (i.e. Master)?

How is true greatness achieved in this life?


READ Matthew 23:13-14, 23-28

How do they shut up Heaven against men?

What is Christ doing by pronouncing these “woes” upon the scribes and Pharisees?

What does it mean that they devour widow’s houses but make long prayers for a pretense?

Why do they pay so much tithing but have omitted the weightier matters?

What does it mean to strain at a gnat but swallow a camel?

Why do they keep the outside of the platter clean while the inside is filthy?

Why is calling the Pharisees “whited sepulchers” such an insult?


READ Matthew 23:29-30, 34-35

What does it mean that the scribes build the tombs of the prophets?

Why do they “garnish” the graves of the righteous?

But what happens when the same God who sent the dead prophets sends living prophets to the religious leaders?

Why do they reject living prophets?


READ Matthew 23:37-38

Why does the hen gather her chickens under her wings?

Why did the Chief Priests have to act immediately to have Christ killed?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...