Sunday, April 2, 2023

Parables of Love (Matthew 18, 22; Luke 10) QUESTIONS

Become as Little Children

READ Matthew 18:1-6 and 10-11 (see JST)

How are little children humble?

Who is the greatest in the Kingdom?

Why does Christ use a child to describe what He is like?

What does it imply that “their angels do always behold the face of my Father”?

What does it mean to become as little children?

What happens to those who offend or despise little children or others who have attained to that level of humility?



Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

READ Matthew 18:21-35

How much is ten thousand talents worth?

How much should the servant expect the servant to pay him back – what would be fair?

Is the servant going to be able to pay back the debt?

How much is the Master asking for?

Is this fair?

Why did the Master forgive the debt?

How much is 100 pence worth today?

Is the debtor going to be able to pay back the debt?

How much should the servant expect the debtor to pay him back – what would be fair?

Why did the Master forgive the first servant’s debt?

Why did the Unmerciful Servant not have compassion on his fellow servant?

What does it mean to “forgive them from your hearts”?

What did the Unmerciful Servant get in the end?



Parable of the Good Samaritan

READ Luke 10:25-29

Is the lawyer’s answer correct?


READ Matthew 22:36-40

What question is Christ answering?


READ Luke 10:30-37

How did the robbers leave the Jewish traveler?

Why was it “by chance” that a Priest and a Levite were taking the Jericho Road?

Why would the Priest and Levite cross to the other side of the road when they saw the man?

Should our primary allegiance be to truth or to loving and serving others?

What status did the Priest and Levite have in Jewish society?

What status did the Samaritans have in Jewish society?

Was the man who fell among thieves Jewish or Samaritan?

Jews hate Samaritans, so why did the Samaritan go to the wounded man?

When the Samaritan has bound up his wounds and taken him to the inn, how much money did he leave for the innkeeper?

Why did the lawyer ask “who is my neighbor”?

Who is the neighbor?

Instead of asking “who is my neighbor”, what question should the lawyer have asked if he was really interested in gaining eternal life?

So, how did the Good Samaritan love his neighbor?



Martha and Mary

READ Luke 10:38-42

What is Martha careful and troubled about?

What was Mary doing?

What commandment was Martha keeping?

What commandment was Mary keeping?

What one thing is “needful” and the “good part”?

Who had more to offer that night, Martha’s meal for Christ or Christ’s teachings to Martha which she missed?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...