The Lost Sheep
READ Luke 15:1-2
What is the context for these “parables
of the lost”?
READ Luke 15:3-7
How did the one sheep get lost?
How did the shepherd know the one was
What did the shepherd do when he
discovered one was missing?
What did the shepherd do when he found
the sheep?
Could the sheep have found its way back
without the shepherd?
What does Christ mean when He uses the
terms “sinner” and “just person”?
Are Christ’s ratios right? 99 just to 1 sinner?
The Lost Coin
READ Luke 15:8-10
How did the coin get lost?
How does that relate to a person being
Was the coin valuable to the woman?
The Lost Sons (The Prodigal Son)
READ Luke 15:11-16
How did the son get lost?
Why did he leave?
Why did the father not go after the
younger son, as the shepherd and the woman went after the sheep and the coin?
How did the younger son use his
What did the mighty famine do?
To the Jewish audience, what did feeding
the swine mean?
What state is the young son in, wanting
to eat the swine’s food?
Who does the father symbolize in this
What is the inheritance?
What does leaving his father and going
into a far country represent?
What is the mighty famine?
READ Luke 15:17-19
What caused the younger son to come to
What does he do when he finally “comes to
What would a bystander in a city of that
“far country” have seen, watching the younger son arrive vs. watching him
READ Luke 15:20-24
How did the father see the son coming “a
great way off”?
What did the father do when he saw his
prodigal son returning?
What does the son do when he sees his
father coming?
What does his father do at this
What does the robe represent?
What do the shoes represent?
What does the ring represent?
What does the feast represent?
What does it mean that the son was “dead”
but is “alive again”?
READ Luke 15:25-32
Why was the elder son angry?
Was the elder son invited into the house?
Why did the Father come out to entreat
the elder son?
How do we know that the elder son has
broken the father’s commandments?
Why did the younger son merit a feast
while the older son did not?
Is the elder son “ever with” the Father
if he remains outside the House?
Who is the younger son?
Who is the elder son?
What must the elder do to actually
inherit “all that I (the Father) has”?
Why should the older son not worry about
the younger son also receiving “all that the Father has”?
How do we know that this reading of the
parable has merit?
The Ten Lepers
READ Luke 17:11-19
Why did the lepers stand “a far off”?
How did lepers provide for themselves?
Why did Christ heal the lepers?
What would have happened if that group
had not collected together, knowing Christ was coming that direction and having
faith in His power to heal, such that they called out for mercy?
Why did Christ not need to lay hands on
the lepers to heal them?
Why did Christ tell them to go show
themselves unto the Priests – was it to be cleansed by them?
What kind of faith did it take the ten to
go to the Priests?
The ceremony to commemorate the cleansing
of a leper is found in Leviticus 14:1-32.
How would you summarize it and what did the symbolism mean?
So where did the ten lepers set off to?
Why did the one Samaritan return to