Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9) QUESTIONS


READ Matthew 17:1-2

Why did they go onto a high mountain?

Why did Christ’s clothes and countenance light up with glory?


READ Mark 9:2-3, 6-7

Why was Christ transfigured?

Where does God dwell?

When Christ is transfigured, what is happening to His mortal body?

To use an example of “quickening” we are all familiar with, what makes mist, water, and ice change from state to state?

How must your physical body adapt if you want to survive in the physical presence of God?


READ Luke 9:32

What happened initially to Peter, James and John when the pillar of fire from heaven opened?

Why might this have happened?



Handing Off the Dispensational Keys

READ Mark 9:4 (JST)

Who else appeared to Christ on the Mount?

Who was Elias?


READ Mark 9:11-13 (JST)

What is the connection between Moses and John the Baptist?

Why would Moses and John the Baptist appear to Christ and his 3 mortal disciples?



The Endowment and Vision of Glory

READ Matthew 17:5 and Luke 9:34-36

What was the “bright cloud” that they feared as they “entered”?

What is the vision the 3 apostles were told to keep to themselves?

Why were they told to keep what they had learned secret?

Why might have these three received an endowment at this time while the others did not?


READ D&C 63:20-21

What else did the Apostles see “transfigured” after they had passed through the veil on the Mount?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...