Sunday, March 12, 2023

Parables of the Kingdom (Matthew 13, 22; Luke 16) QUESTIONS

Teaching In Parables

READ Matthew 13:34-35 and 13:9-15

If God is no respecter of persons, why is it given to the disciples to know the mysteries but to the people it is not given?

Why did Christ teach primarily in parables?

Why was the Sermon on the Mount more plain than the Parables?



Parable of the Soils/Sower

READ Matthew 13:1-8

From an agricultural (literal) perspective, what are the different kinds of soils Jesus is describing?


READ Matthew 13:18-23

What is the seed?

What do the different soils mean?

What is represented by the wayside soil?

Why are these “wayside soil” people like this?

What is represented by the stony soil?

What does “root in themselves” mean?

What kind of heart is represented by the thorny soil?

What does the “deceitfulness of riches” mean?

What does it take to understand the word when you hear it?

If the good ground is “good”, then why does some produce 3x what other “good ground” produces?



Parables of the Kingdom

READ Matthew 13:24-30; 13:36-43 and D&C 86:1-7

Why does The Lord let the Tares grow up with the Wheat?


READ Matthew 13:31-33

Why is the Kingdom of God like a grain of mustard seed?

What are the birds of the air and what does it mean that they come to lodge in the tree?

Why is the Kingdom of God like leaven in three loaves?


READ Matthew 13:44-46

What are the similarities in these two parables?

What are the differences between these two parables and what can we learn?


READ Matthew 13:47-50

Why does the net (or Kingdom of Heaven) gather “every kind” – both “good” and “bad”?

After the fish are caught and brought to shore, what is the second part to this process?



Parable of the Wedding Feast

READ Matthew 22:2-14

Who did the servants find in the highways?

What is the difference between the “bad” people in the highways and the “unworthy” invited guests?

What is it that enables the willing “bad” people to enter into the Wedding Feast and what does it represent?

So back to the Parable of the Net in Matthew 13, who are the “bad” fish that are cast away?



Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus

READ Luke 16:19-21

Why is the poor man named but the rich man is not?

Is the rich man “deceived” by his riches; how do we know?

Why did the Rich Man dress in the royal purple and crave the world’s attention?

What can we learn of Lazarus’ circumstances?

Who is Lazarus?


READ Luke 16:22-23

How did Lazarus and the Rich Man’s fortunes change at death?

Why is the Rich Man in torment?


READ Luke 16:24-31

Why does the Rich Man call out for water to cool him from the flames?

Why does the Rich Man receive no grace or charity in the afterlife?

Why does Abraham say that if the living relatives will not believe the scriptures, they will not be persuaded though one rose from the dead?

What is Christ preaching in this parable?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...