Christ’s Yoke
Matthew 11:28-30
In what ways do mortals “labor” and
become “heavy laden”?
What is the “rest” that Christ offers?
What is the Lord’s “yoke”?
How does taking the Lord’s yoke or
covenant upon us help us to “learn of (Him)”?
How is His yoke easy and His burden
Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 12:1-14
Why was it not lawful to gather corn on
the Sabbath day?
What does “the Son of Man is Lord even of
the Sabbath Day” mean?
What does the phrase “I will have mercy,
and not sacrifice” teach us about how the Lord would have His day spent?
READ Luke 13:10-17
Why did Christ heal on the Sabbath?
The Woman and the Pharisee
READ Luke 7:36-50
Why did the woman wash Christ’s feet and
anoint them?
Why did the Pharisee not observe the
common customs of the day with regards to a dinner guest like Christ?
Although the Pharisee was very religious,
what quality did the woman possess that he did not – and it prevented him from
receiving forgiveness?
Accused of Devil Worship
READ Matthew 12:22-30
Christ is clearly showing He has power to
heal, power over the elements, and power to cast out the devil – so what are
the two choices the Jewish leaders have to explain His abilities?
What does Christ’s argument about a
“house divided against itself” mean?