Work in Secret
READ Matthew 6:1-4
What is recognition for your good works
and service to others?
What are the only ways to reserve for
yourself a blessing in heaven for serving others?
Does this mean you should not serve if
these conditions are not met?
What does “doing alms in secret” test?
Who does the beneficiary thank and praise
when service is done anonymously?
READ Matthew 6:5-6
Who are those who pray “to be seen of
men” praying to?
What do these verses about service and
prayer teach us about the journey back to God?
Why must you go to God directly for some
The Lord’s Prayer
READ Matthew 6:7-8
What is vain repetition and why is it
If God already knows what we are in need
of before we pray, then why should be pray?
Why does God give us weaknesses and
READ Matthew 6:9-15
Whose will is done on earth?
How can the Father’s will be done on
What is the relationship between
forgiving others and receiving forgiveness from God?
Will God lead us into temptation?
So, what does this phrase mean?
Does mankind, or in this case Christ,
confer the kingdom, power and glory upon God?
Your Treasure
READ Matthew 6:19-21
What in this world will endure?
How can you tell what is treasured in the
READ Matthew 6:22-23
What is your “eye”?
How does one fill themselves with light
or fill themselves with darkness?
Are you your thoughts or feelings?
Why is this vital to realize?
READ Matthew 6:24
How many Masters do you have?
So, is it a matter of priority?
What is “mammon”?
How is the Sermon on the Mount a call to
a much higher way of life?
READ Matthew 7:1-5 and 12
What is the law of reciprocity?
The JST gives us more insight - how
should we judge each other?
What is our inherent problem with regards
to our ability to judge?
Matthew 7:7-11
Who is allowed to ask, seek and knock at
the Lord’s door?
What will happen if you do not ask, seek
and knock?
What might delay you from receiving some
blessings from the Lord after you’ve asked to receive them?
What does the word “findeth” suggest?
What does “it shall be opened” imply?
What kind of gifts does God always give?
Does God know the difference between
stones and bread?
What happens if we don’t like the certain
kind of “bread” that God has given us when we asked?
Matthew 7:12
Following on this discussion of giving
gifts, what does the Golden Rule imply?
If we truly believed that the Golden Rule
was a Law of Heaven and that to abide by it would then deliver the blessing,
how would we act?
Matthew 7:13-14
A better translation of this verse is
“narrow is the gate and difficult is the way…” so what does a narrow gate
Why would many go in at the wide and
broad or easy way, as it leads to destruction?
Why is the Lord’s Way difficult?
Is it true that only a “few” will find
READ 2 Nephi 9:41
Who is the Gatekeeper?
Matthew 7:15-20
What does sheep’s clothing enable the
false prophet to do?
What makes a prophet false?
How can we tell the true sheep from the wolves
in sheep’s clothing?
What are the fruits of a false prophet?
What are the fruits of a true prophet?
Matthew 7:21-23
What is required to enter the kingdom of
How is it possible that people will claim
to prophesy, cast out devils and do many wonderful works in Christ’s name and
yet He never knew them?
What will happen to those who actually do
prophesy, cast out devils and do many wonderful works in Christ’s name – but do
not really know Him?
READ Matthew 7:24-29
Who is the “wise man”?
What is the “house”?
What is the “rock”?
What is the “sand”?
What is the “flood”?
Who chooses where to build the House?