Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Nativity (Luke 2; Matthew 2) QUESTIONS

Christ’s Birth

READ Luke 2:1-7

Why was Jesus prophesied to be born in Bethlehem?

With Christ’s birth occurring in April and not December, why else was there “no room in the inn”?

Why may have Christ’s birth in a stable cave have been preferable to the “inn” for Mary?


READ Matthew 2:1-3

Where did the Wise Men go to find Christ?

Why was Christ born in such humble circumstances when He could have been born in a palace?


READ Luke 2:8-14

Why do we not have a record of angels appearing to others around Bethlehem to proclaim Christ’s birth?

What flock were these shepherds watching over and what is the significance?

What does the name “Jesus” or “Yeshua” mean?

What does “Christ” mean?

Who does “the Lord” refer to?

What is the actual translation of the angel’s message to the shepherds?

Why is the sign of the birth of the Lord God Jehovah that He will be lying in swaddling clothes and lying in a manager?


READ Luke 2:15-20

Why did the shepherds decide to leave the flocks immediately and make haste to find the child?

What do you think Mary and Joseph’s reaction was to a bunch of shepherds running into the cave and falling at their feet to worship their newborn?

Why did all that heard the shepherds’ testimony “wonder” at it?


READ Luke 2:25-30 and 2:36-38

Who else added their testimony to the shepherds?



The Magi from the East

Skipping ahead in the narrative, we already read the beginning of the account of the Magi from the East…


READ Matthew 2:4-12, 16

How did the Chief Priests and scribes know where Christ was to be born?

So why did their study of the scriptures not lead them to recognize and accept Jesus as that Messiah?

What else where the Magi studying that the Chief Priests had missed and what is implied?

Why did the Magi bring these specific gifts to the Lord?

How long had the Magi been traveling to get to Christ and what does this imply?

What does the Magi’s error in judgment with regard to Herod’s character and their subsequent revelatory dream teach us?



Christ’s Childhood

READ Luke 2:40-52 (including JST v46)

What does the fact that the scribes and priests were astonished by the answers Jesus gave them to their questions imply?

What is the difference between one who studies the scriptures for thousands of hours and one who “gazes into heaven for five minutes”? (see TPJS 365:1)


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...