Thursday, October 13, 2022

Jeremiah’s Prophecies (Jeremiah 7, 14, 17, 23, 29, 31)

Jeremiah’s Temple Sermon

READ Jeremiah 7:1-7

Why does Jeremiah say “trust not in lying words, saying ‘the temple of the Lord’…”?

Israel had a false sense of security that because they had the Temple, the Lord would protect them from their enemies.

Just because they have a temple doesn’t mean they will be protected unless they are living the covenants they have made there.

And living the covenants is not about the outward ordinances entered into in the Temple, but it’s about the spiritual renewal of the inward being.

How do we know that Israel were not living their temple covenants?

Jeremiah tells them they must “thoroughly amend their ways”.

They are oppressing the stranger, the poor, the widow – they are taking advantage of those that are most vulnerable.

They are following other Gods – “saying Lord, Lord” but not following the Lord’s commandments and Ways.

They ultimately are driven out of Jerusalem and those that remain are taken captive into Babylon.

What is interesting about this time period (609 BC) is that this is right after the religious reforms of King Josiah, implying that they had embraced the “outward ordinances” and performances like the Temple but had not received a mighty change of heart.

Why are the outward ordinances and behavioral standards necessary but not sufficient for salvation?

Appropriately performed actions come from an inward relationship with Christ.

The outward appearances can be faked – a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” – someone who is appearing to be righteous by adhering to your preconceived notions of what a righteous person should act like.

The outward performances are a lot easier to do than the inward sanctification – sacrificing your whole soul on the altar to Christ is tough – and it is real.


READ Jeremiah 7:23-24, 28, 30

They have the Temple, so how has “truth perished”?

They may “walk” into the Temple and do the actions but they are still following their own will and the imaginations of their hearts.

They do not receive correction from the Lord.

They have introduced abominations into the Temple ceremony – they have “changed the ordinances and broken the everlasting covenant”.



Practicing Priestcraft

Let’s see how the Priesthood Leaders react to Jeremiah’s indictment of their “religious” behavior…

READ Jeremiah 14:13-14

Why would the prophets say to Israel that the sword and famine will not touch them but they will have peace?

Because their Prophets are not receiving revelation from God.

They are preaching comforting things that the people want to hear –i.e. “all is well in Zion” (see 2 Nephi 28:21).

They are doing it to stay popular and listened to – i.e. priestcraft (see 2 Nephi 26:29 and Jeremiah 23:11); it will keep them in power.


READ Jeremiah 23:11 and 16 and 21-23

What was happening in Israel?

The prophets and priests who were called to lead were not connected to the Lord.

They had the correct priesthood ordinations, authority, bloodlines and trappings of righteousness but their hearts were far from the Lord.

What were they teaching?

Their own doctrines – but saying they were from the Lord.

Things that were pleasing and flattering to the people – making them vain.

They insinuated that God was directing the people through them – that God does not minister directly to the people any more… “am I a God at hand… and not a God afar off?” (v23).


So, Babylon storms in from the North and destroys many of the people of Judah and Jerusalem and takes a remnant off to be slaves in Babylon.

Jeremiah Prophesies Israel’s Return to the Lord & Holy City

READ Jeremiah 29:12-15 and READ Jeremiah 17:13-14

What is the secret to Israel finding the Lord again?

Search for the Lord with ALL YOUR HEART.

Ask to be healed and saved – lay your heart on His altar.

Turn your heart back to Him.


READ Jeremiah 23:3-6

What will the Lord do to the flock?

He will gather them from their lost state into one fold.

He will set righteous shepherds to feed the flock.

He will come Himself to the earth to reign over the flock and protect them – He is the Good Shepherd.


READ Jeremiah 31:31-34

How is the new covenant with Israel different from the old one that they broke?

It is new in that it is offered new again to modern Israel! (and as many of us Gentiles that will rise up).

It is not a new covenant – it is the everlasting covenant offered to the Children of Israel below Mount Sinai.

What is the new (and everlasting) covenant?

I will put my law in their inward parts and I will write it in their hearts.

I will be their God and they shall be my people.

They shall ALL KNOW ME.

I will forgive them and sanctify them that they can stand in my presence.

What does it mean to have God’s law written in our hearts?

We have become one with Him – our wills have been offered to Him and swallowed up in His will.

We have a mighty change of heart – only desiring to do good.

We are filled with love (His Law is love – love the Lord with all they heart and thy neighbor).

What must we do to have God’s law written in our hearts?

We must offer our whole souls upon His altar in sacrifice (see Omni 1:26).

It is up to us – a personal journey – Christ waits at the Gate to receive us; but He also ministers to us, usually incognito, on the Way.

It is answered in the life we live; we cannot KNOW THE MASTER WE HAVE NOT SERVED.

What is the difference between saying “they shall all know me” vs. saying “they shall all know about me”?

You must know Him personally – not knowledge concerning Him.

There is no longer a need for an intermediary to teach you about Him or to stand between you and Him.

Eternal life comes by knowing God yourself.  That is what Jeremiah is talking about here (see John 17:3).

If you think Christ is the Son of God, you will follow Him.  That cannot be done without keeping His commandments.  He does not love any of us more than another.  The conditions under which He may come to one are the same as those under which He may come to another.  We cannot reject those conditions and then expect to receive what He offers.  His gifts are free but the manner in which we take delivery is by accepting His ordinances and abiding by His teachings.  When we do, the gifts flow naturally. 

We will know the Master we have faithfully served. 


READ D&C 88:68 (…for he will unveil His face unto you, and it shall be in His own time…)

This this true doctrine?



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...