Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dividing of Israel and Judah (1 Kings 12-14)

The Houses of the Lord

READ 1 Chronicles 17:3-6

Where has the Lord dwelt in Israel?

From tent to tent.

From tabernacle to tabernacle (could be “the” Tabernacle or could be people, as your body is an earthly tabernacle).


READ 1 Chronicles 17:10-14

What house will the Lord build for David?

A family.

What was the House of the Lord that Christ was to build and who is to build it?

It is a House or Family of God - those who become His sons and daughters to sit on His throne forever.

Solomon (raise up thy seed… he shall build me a house).

Christ (came from David’s lineage; establish his kingdom; establish his throne forever; he shall be my son; settle him in my house and in my kingdom forever).

How is the House of the Lord established?

Through the covenants of the Temple that lead sealed men and women back into the presence of God in the flesh.

This is not referring to the establishment or construction of a building, although the rites of the building enable the establishment of the true house or family of the Lord – on earth as it is in heaven.


READ 1 Kings 9:2-7

What will happen if the House of Israel forsakes the Lord and refuses to be adopted into His House?

They will lose the land.

They will lose the temple/tabernacle.

They will lose their exaltation.

They will not enter into the rest or presence of the Lord (“this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight” - see v7).


The Division of Israel from Judah

Watch for how Israel’s fate is bound up with how they regard both of these “Houses” of the Lord

Who was Jeroboam?

A servant of King Solomon.

An Ephraimite (see 1 Kings 11:26).

A skilled worker and leader (see 1 Kings 11:28).

Ajijah, a prophet, tells Jeroboam that the Lord will rend the Kingdom of Israel out of Solomon’s hands and give ten of the tribes to him.  This was due to Solomon’s idol worship and forsaking of the Lord.


READ 1 Kings 11:37-38

What will the Lord give Jeroboam if he walks in His ways?

The Lord will be with him.

He will build for Jeroboam a “sure house”.

He will give Israel to him.


Solomon finds out about this and tries to kill Jeroboam, who flees to Egypt until the death of Solomon. 

READ 1 Kings 12:1-4

What does this action tell us about Jeroboam?

His vow to submit to Rehoboam seems honest.

The terms (lower taxes) seem reasonable.

He has received a promise from the Lord that if he is righteous, he will be blessed with a kingdom, but he is willing to put that to the side for the good of the people (lower taxes for all).


READ 1 Kings 12:6-7

What are the old councilors teaching Rehoboam?

How to have power in the priesthood (READ D&C 121:41-46).

How to lead like Christ did - a “servant leader” (READ John 13:4-16).

What is the Lord’s approach to leadership?




Sacrifice for/intervene on behalf of.

How do servant leaders, like Christ, influence people?

We love them because they first love us; that love is shown in their sacrifices for us.

They guide people to a place they (the leader) have already arrived at – they are out in front and have valuable knowledge.


READ 1 Kings 12:13-14

Why would Rehoboam chose to rule like this?

It is the nature and disposition of almost all men… to exercise unrighteous dominion (READ D&C 121:39).

Arrogance and pride - the natural man.

What do you think will happen?

The northern tribes will rebel (see 1 Kings 12:16).

The prophesy regarding Jeroboam is realized (see 1 Kings 12:20).



The Apostasy of Both Israel and Judah

READ 1 Kings 12:26-28

What is the biggest threat to Jeroboam’s power in the Northern Kingdom?

The temple is a critical part of the religion and is located in Jerusalem – which is now part of the “Southern” kingdom of Judah.

If people go down there to worship, they might actually live their religion, become one with their brothers in the South and reconcile with Judah politically; and then the power of the South Kingdom’s priests, particularly if they were under the sway of his rival king, could be the ruin of his Northern Kingdom independence.

Why would Jeroboam do this?

While he seemed to believe in God to some degree, his heart was with either retaining the Kingdom or it changed to be that - nothing would be allowed to get in the way of his kingship, even God.


READ 1 Kings 12:32

Who is Jeroboam worshipping in Beth-el?


He invented the golden calf idea from Israelite history but he knows that the idol had nothing to do with bringing the people of Israel out of Egypt.

This is really a feast for the king.

He needs to wrest religious control from the Southern Kingdom priests and their temple.


READ 1 Kings 14:22-24

Who are they worshipping in Judah?

Baal = the high places and images.

Ashtoreth = the groves.

How is Judah’s apostasy different from Israel’s?

In Judah the people choose to go back to the Canaanite gods.

In Israel, the King entices the people with new gods.

But the outcome of both is the same - apostasy from the true and living God.



A Righteous Leader

READ 2 Chronicles 14:2-5

How was a righteous king like Asa able to get the people to repent and turn to God?

They command or compel them to seek the Lord God of Israel (2 Chronicles 14:4).

They use their military/power to destroy the sacred sites of the false religions (2 Chronicles 14:2).

People have to submit (2 Chronicles 14:5).

What is wrong with this approach?

The righteousness is on the head of the king, not the individual.

It violates the plan of god, which requires agency for beings to progress in light (you cannot compel righteousness).


READ 2 Chronicles 17:9

How is this a better approach for the King to take?

Honors free will.

Scriptures contain the Word of God.

Gives individuals an opportunity to understand the saving doctrines.

Gives individuals an opportunity to connect with God themselves.


READ Alma 42:27

What is the Lord’s approach to repentance?

You are free to choose.

He will entice and warn you to follow Him (just as the Adversary tries to entice you to follow him).

There are natural consequences to your choices.

But it is up to you – it is non-compulsory.







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