Sunday, May 15, 2022

Samuel and Eli (1 Samuel 1-8) QUESTIONS

Priest v. Prophet


Hannah has brought her young son, Samuel, up to the Temple to live his Nazarite vow and be apprenticed to the High Priest, Eli. 


READ 1 Samuel 2:11-17

What are the differences between Samuel and the sons of Eli the High Priest?


READ 1 Samuel 3:1-3

What does “ere the lamp of God went out in the temple” imply?

What does the “word of the Lord was precious” mean?

What happens when the priestly leaders (those given priesthood authority) do not connect with heaven?

What is the difference between a presiding “high priest” and a “prophet” (don’t think about today’s offices in the Church by the same name)?

Can the presiding High Priest be a prophet?

Can a presiding High Priest not be a prophet?

Can a prophet not be a presiding High Priest?


READ 1 Samuel 3:4-10

Did Samuel hear the voice of the Lord?

Did Eli hear the voice of the Lord?


READ TPJS 205:2 "All priesthood is Melchizedek, but there are different portions or degrees of it. That portion which brought Moses to speak with God face to face was taken away; but that which brought the ministry of angels remained. All the prophets had the Melchizedek Priesthood and were ordained by God himself"

READ 3 Nephi 20:24

How does one “testify of Christ” as a prophet?

Was Samuel of the Priestly class with authority – was he a Levite?

Why did the Lord speak to Samuel and not to Eli (who was the presiding authority or High Priest)?


The power or authority or right or invitation to see God face to face is not effectively real if a person doesn’t actually go on to truly behold God face to face! 


READ 1 Samuel 3:11

What does it mean to say that the Lord’s revelation will cause their ears to “tingle”?

Why do the revelations of the Lord do this?

Will the Lord honor the limits we impose on Him?


READ 1 Samuel 3:19-21

What does “let none of His words fall to the ground” mean?


When God has a people, revelation among them continues.  Whether there is a righteous leadership or a fallen one, the Lord remains committed to His people.  He does not forsake them until they utterly forsake Him.  Anytime anyone is willing to receive, He is willing to give.  As the giver of good gifts, He will never return a serpent to one asking for a fish. 



Losing the Ark: An Allegory of the Last Days


READ 1 Samuel 4:3-11

Whose idea was it to use the Ark to deliver a military/political victory?

Why did the Philistines “arm of the flesh” overcome the Israelites and the Ark?

Why did the Lord allow the Ark of the Covenant, which represents His throne and presence on earth, to be taken by the Philistines?


READ 1 Samuel 5:2,4,6

What happens to the Philistines now that they have the Ark?


In Chapter 6, the Philistines come to believe in the God of Israel, they repent of their wrong doing, and take the Ark back to Israel. 

How is Israel’s losing and regaining the Ark from the Philistines an allegory for the last days?

What happens next in the “last days” story?


Read 1 Samuel 8:5 and 20

In response to the miraculous intercession by God, what happens next in Israel’s story?



The King of Israel


READ Judges 21:25

What are the advantages and disadvantages for Israel in this condition?

Had Israel ever had a king?

Why did they want a king?

What is the irony in Israel’s current situation?

How had Israel used its “freedom to choose”?


READ 1 Sam 8:6

What was Samuel’s response?


READ 1 Sam 8:7 and 22

What was the Lord’s response?

What is the Lord really trying to teach Israel through the loss of the Ark?


READ 1 Samuel 9:16-17 and 1 Samuel 12:13-15

Was it the Lord’s will that Saul be their King?

Why did the Lord select a mortal king for Israel?

What can we learn about the Lord and His dealings with us from this experience?

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