There are two different accounts of how long the children of Israel stayed in Egypt - anywhere between 200 and 400 years, but regardless, what affect did it have on their cultural and religious beliefs?
Did the Israelites need to get
to Canaan for the Abrahamic Covenant to be made available to them?
How would you describe the
nation of Egypt back in the time of Moses?
What country in the world
today could be described as today’s “Egypt”?
How is America in bondage to
false gods, as the Egyptians were?
Moses is Rejected by Israel
as their Deliverer
READ Acts 7:17-34
What status and experience did
Moses have, growing up in Egypt?
Why did Moses kill the
Egyptian overlord?
How did the Israelites react
to Moses?
How did Moses react to this
rejection by Israel?
What lessons can be learned
from this experience?
The Burning Bush
READ Exodus 3:1-2
Where does the Lord speak to
What is happening with this
“burning bush”?
READ Exodus 3:3-6
Who is the “angel” who appears
to Moses?
READ Exodus 3:7-10
Why is the Lord delivering
Who will deliver Israel?
READ Exodus 3:11-12
Due, in part, to his previous
failure 40 years before, Moses worries that he is not a capable tool for the
Lord; what token does the Lord give Moses?
READ Exodus 3:13-14
When the personage says “I
will go with thee” into Egypt, what name does He give Moses when asked?
Why is this name significant?
How does this set Yahweh apart
from the gods of Egypt?
READ Exodus 3:16 and 4:1-9
What series of signs does the
Lord give to Moses, in case the Children of Israel don’t believe that he has
been sent from God to deliver them?
The Main Event: Moses
versus Pharaoh
READ Exodus 6:6-7
What is the key to Israel’s
deliverance from Egypt?
READ Exodus 4:31
This time, do the people
believe that Moses is sent to deliver them?
READ Exodus 6:9-12
But how does the faith of the
Children of Israel hold out?
READ Exodus 7-10
The Lord has Moses inflict
Egypt with ten plagues - why does He do this?
Pharaoh’s magicians were able
to copy several of the plagues, what does that teach us?
How do the plagues explicitly
target the weaknesses of Egypt’s gods vis-a-vis Jehovah’s power?
Why was it important to expose
the “god”, Pharaoh, as powerless?
READ Exodus 11:1-10
While the Israelites were
spared from most of the first nine plagues, why did they have to do something
to be spared the deaths of their own firstborn?
The Passover
READ Exodus 12:1-51
What was the outward ordinance
the Lord commanded as a way to deliver Israel from death?
The symbolism of the lamb
without blemish is obvious, but why were they commanded to care for the lamb
for five days?
Why does the whole
congregation spill the blood of the Lamb?
Why was the lamb to be
Why was all the Lamb’s
meat to be eaten?
Why does each family unit
partake of the Lamb together?
What do the bitter herbs
Why did the yeast have to be
removed from the house?
Why did they eat unleavened
Why were they commanded to eat
in haste, with shoes on feet and staff in hand?
Why was the blood of the lamb
applied to the door frame?
When the Feast of the Passover
was celebrated in ancient Israel, the youngest male present would ask “why is
this night different from all other nights?”
How would you answer this?
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