Master Mahan & the Fullness of Iniquity
READ Ether 2:11 and D&C 101:11
What is the “fullness of
The point of no return, after which the
Lord releases His angels to destroy that civilization.
Smith was quoted as saying “Noah came before the flood. I have come before the
fire” (Journals of Abraham Cannon). If
the time of the Flood is a model for the days before the Second Coming of
Christ - it would benefit us to learn more about what led to their destruction
and how the righteous survived. To begin, we need to go back to the time of
Moses 5:12, 16, 18, 29-34
What does the fact that Cain
became “perdition” imply on the statement that he loved Satan more than God?
knew them both.
knowingly chose between them.
objective wickedness will enable a civilization to go toward the fullness,
sinning knowingly against the light is a much more efficient way to get there.
What is the Master Mahan
life for (my) money – to murder and get gain.
am not my brother’s keeper.
from consequences (earthly, at least) - it is a secret covenant taken with an
oath of death for any who betray the covenant (Moses 5:49-52).
is the governing principle of success in this world as life doesn’t have to
mean murder – grinding the faces of the poor to become more wealthy is another
way to impact someone’s life for money – and this happens all of the time in
this world.
On what principles are the “Two
Ways” or more accurately the “Two Directions” of Zion and Babylon based?
or the Mahan Principle = My treasure at your expense.
or the Doctrine of Christ = Sacrifice my whole soul and every material thing to/for
Christ (and by extrapolation, my fellow men).
Moses 5:49-52
How is Lamech’s murdering
different from Cain’s murder of Abel?
kills people who reveal the secret oath of Cain – the Master Mahan covenant.
killed to get gain – specifically the Holy Order and the power of dominion that
it enables.
are the same in that the Mahan covenant enables you to get gain, but Lamech is
killing to carry out the terms of the oath of secrecy and preserve the Mahan
covenant while Cain is actually killing to gain (or so he thought; while he did
gain Abel’s material possessions, he did not gain the right to the Holy Order).
What is an abomination?
which is exceptionally loathsome or detestable.
which is forbidden.
religious justification of wrongdoing - it is motivated out of a false form of
religious observance.
is a true religious rite or principle that has been turned to evil - not used in
the way God intended it, to worship Him and do all things according to His will
- these things have been either been made profane (common) or used for evil
(impacting the spiritual realm in a way not intended by God).
Moses 7:26 and Alma 12:11
What is the great chain that
Satan uses to veil the whole earth in darkness?
and iniquity.
comes as a result of hardening hearts.
the truth for what is pleasing to the world.
Satan more than God.
Moses 7:32-34 and Moses 8:20-22, 28-30
Why is the Lord going to send
in the floods – how can you tell they have reached the fullness of iniquity?
have knowledge.
have agency.
have chosen to use that agency to disobey the knowledge they have been given
(God lives, He has commanded us to be like Him and love each other, and to
choose to follow and love Him not Satan).
hate their own family.
have embraced the Mahan principle - and uphold it through secret combinations.
have left God’s covenant (from baptism of water and fire/born of the spirit to eternal
marriage to the Second Comforter) and covenanted with Satan instead.
are filled with pride - which is an imagination, not reality (because mankind is
in reality less than the dust of the earth) - “mighty men of renown”, like unto
“men of old”.
do evil continually (they do not submit or even now understand the will of God,
and they don’t care to).
a result of this, the Earth had been corrupted.
is filled with violence.
Who are the “men of old, men of
great renown” that these “sons of God” are referring to?
it refer to Adam, Seth and Enoch? (Do they think they have spiritual power like
the Patriarchs and hold the Priesthood after the Holy Order?).
is it Cain and Lamech? (who were mighty in material possessions and had
spiritual power albeit dark power through an association with Satan and his
dark spirits through the veil).
Moses 7:27 and Moses 8:24
What is happening to those that
choose to humble themselves and receive the truth from the angels?
They are caught up to Enoch’s City of
Zion, which is no longer on the earth.
Just because they missed the initial
city of Zion and it’s ascendence doesn’t mean they can’t join it later – this
is an example of the Lord’s mercy with His “wings” being “stretched out still”
to receive all who will come unto Him until the end (see 3 Nephi 10:4-7).
Lessons from the Great Flood
READ Moses 7:42-43; Moses 8:13,19,25-27; Genesis 6:18
Why did the Lord save Noah’s
family on the Ark instead of catching them up to save them in Zion?
covenanted with God to continue the “experiment” on the Telestial sphere
(mortal earth).
sounds like God wanted to throw in the towel with regards to this earth - when
His prophets (Noah “repenting” and Enoch “weeping”) feel the same.
the golfers, it's a mulligan; for the gamers, it’s a reset.
What is an ark?
A large ship.
Something that affords protection and
Something that represents the presence
of God among mankind.
A repository for that which is most
Moses 7:61-62
What hope have we to escape the
same fate as the people at the time of Noah?
must follow the doctrine of Christ: believe in Christ, repent of our sins and
be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.
ALL the “righteousness” and truth that the Lord will send, through whatever
means or people He chooses to send it – including “wild men” who are not
socially acceptable, like Enoch.
must acquire our own covenant with Him through the ordinances of the Gospel –
but it is in the living of those ordinances and the reality of the gifts of the
spirit occurring in our lives which is key; dead rites will not help us.
part of Zion - become able to abide the presence of the Lord.
Genesis 7:11-13
What were the weather
conditions when Noah started and finished building the Ark?
Sunny with not much of a chance of
anything peculiar.
“There was no evidence of rain and
flood. His warnings were considered
irrational… How foolish to build an ark on dry ground with the sun shining and
life moving forward as usual! But time
ran out. The ark was finished. The floods came. The disobedient and rebellious were drowned. The miracle of the ark followed the faith
manifested in its building.” (Spencer
Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, p5-6).
What kind of courage must we
have to testify to the world that we must all repent and come unto Christ
through covenant that we might walk with God, as did Noah and his family?
A great deal of courage because the
world will hate you and fight against you.
The world will not believe you, but
they will also feel threatened and want to stop the mouth of the messenger.
The Tower of Babel
READ Genesis 11:3-4
What are they trying to do in
building a tower?
They are not trying to build a tower so
tall it will get to heaven – the fact they had enough engineering knowledge to
attempt to build such a tower suggests they realized it was impossible to do,
even if it was built upon the top of the highest mountain.
They were constructing a building which
has special properties that allows access to the heavenly veil and enables man
to actually enter the presence of God while mortal: a temple.
Genesis 11:5-7
What is really going on here?
have special knowledge about how to access the powers of heaven (the angels and
knowledge is legitimate (likely from Noah and his sons, who had received the
Fullness of the Priesthood and could stand in the presence of God), otherwise
God would not be worried.
will gain a great deal of power on earth from this association with spiritual
are “one” as a people in this endeavor.
some reason, God is not happy with this building project - it is unauthorized: so
it is an abomination.
How does God stop the project?
confounds or changes their language.
introduces an element that makes it difficult for them to remain one.
These people were attempting to
build Zion but they were going about it the wrong way - what was wrong?
had not authorized it - they were “partaking of fruit out of season”.
is built as people come unto God and are one with Him, not with each other,
regardless how noble their mortal objective might seem to be.
If they had each truly been one
with God, how would the confounding of their language have affected them?
could have done as Mahonri did and prayed for mercy.
one with God, they would have figured out how to overcome this new challenge to
Zion through the Spirit.
Did anyone from this group or
period actually end up experiencing Zion?
(Alma 13:14-18), who were not likely among this group.
the Brother of Jared (Ether 1-3), who were a part of this group.