Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Godhead (Lectures on Faith 5) QUESTIONS

 A Correct Idea of the Godhead


READ LoF 5:1-3

Why does Joseph Smith say there are “two personages” who constitute the supreme power over all things?  Aren’t there three personages - what about the Holy Ghost?

If God the Father was once a Savior on another planet (see TPJS 390-392; John 5:19), how can Joseph say that the Father and Son are the supreme power over all things and have created all things throughout the immensity of space, as the Father must have been a Son to another God?

What does it mean that the Father is a personage of spirit, glory and power, possessing all perfection and fullness but is not a personage of tabernacle?

What does it mean that the Son is described as a personage of tabernacle?

Why are the bodies of the Father and the Son compared in this way?

What did Christ do before the foundation of this world to qualify to perform the role of Savior here?

What did Christ’s role as the Son of God require of Him?

When did Christ receive a fullness of the glory of the Father and what does this mean?

What is the Holy Spirit?

If the Holy Spirit is not a personage but is the mind or intelligence or light of God, why does Joseph Smith describe these “three” as composing the Godhead?

Why is the Lord, through Joseph Smith, going to the trouble of describing doctrines which most people feel are unnecessary for our salvation?

What should you do if you are confused by the doctrine taught by Joseph here (who had seen the Father and the Son AT LEAST twice by this point, and more likely many more times) when compared with the doctrine taught other places (D&C 130:22) or over the pulpit in General Conference?


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