Discerning Heavenly Messengers and Revelation
D&C 129:1-9
kinds of messengers will be sent from heaven to minister to you and why is it
important to know?
Why would
Joseph Smith give us this counsel about how to discern where heavenly
messengers are hailing from?
What can
we know about Church leaders or others who teach you that you should not expect
to hear voices or see visions (much less receive a visitation from a heavenly
messenger) in answer to your inquiries to God?
with Gods in Heaven and on Earth
D&C 130:1-3
When will the Savior appear?
When Joseph says “we shall see Him as He is”, what is implied?
What does it mean that the same “sociality which exits here will exist
What will “coupling that sociality with eternal glory” mean to our
relationships in heaven?
Will the Father and Son really appear to us personally in this life?
When Joseph says that God dwelling in our hearts is a false notion, how
does that square with the teaching that the Father’s Spirit is in Christ, and
Christ’s Spirit can be in us?
The Nature of Heaven
D&C 130:4-9
If God knows all things because they are all present before His eyes (see
D&C 38:1-2), and some scriptures speak of “time no longer” (see Revelation
10:6; D&C 88:110), then what is “God’s time”?
What is
implied by the statement that “there are no angels who minister to this earth
but those who belong or have belonged to it”?
What does
it mean that God resides on a “globe like a sea of glass and fire”; was Lucifer
lying when he told Adam the garden of Eden was modeled after the world we all
had come from?
What does it mean that God’s planet is a great “Urim and Thummim”?
Why are all things pertaining to a lower order manifest to those who will
live on the Celestialized Earth?
D&C 130:10-11
What is the “white stone” that all who enter the Celestial Kingdom will
What is implied about the fact that the white stone will show to those in
the Celestial Kingdom “things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms”?
What is the meaning of the “new name” or “key word” which is written on
the white stone?
American Civil War Marks the Beginning of the End
D&C 130:12-13
Why was the American Civil War the beginning of the “difficulties which
will cause much bloodshed previous to the coming” of Christ?
By 1843, hasn’t Joseph Smith “seen the face of the Son of Man” many times
already? Why does God tell him that
he’ll see it if he lives to 85 years old?
Why did Joseph receive the answer he received regarding the second coming
of Christ if the Lord knew Joseph would be dead in less than 15 months’ time?
Light/Knowledge and Eternal Law
What is a “principle of intelligence”?
Who or what are we to be diligent and obedient to, to gain more
Why does having more intelligence give you an advantage in the world to
What kind of advantage is being referenced here; if we are to be one, why
would we want to have an advantage over someone?
What is the law decreed in heaven that is referenced here?
When it says the law was irrevocably decreed, what is implied?
How does one “attain” to specific intelligence or knowledge or blessings
in this life?
The Doctrinal Mistake of Elder Orson Hyde
D&C 130:22-23
Why does
this verse teach doctrines about the nature of God and the Holy Ghost that are
different from those taught by Joseph Smith in Lectures on Faith 5:2 and in
various other scriptures (see also Alma 34:34-38; 2 Nephi 4:12; John 14:10,
16-17, 19-20, 23; Acts 7:48; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 12:11-14; 2
Corinthians 6:14-16; Ephesians 3:17, 19; D&C 93:17, 35; D&C 88:47-50,
66; 2 Timothy 1:14; 1 John 4:12-16; Hebrews 10:19-20; 2 Corinthians 3:12-18;
Helaman 4:24; Jonah 2:4, 7; Psalms 18:6; Mosiah 15:1-5)?
What or who is the Holy Ghost?
in the Celestial Kingdom
D&C 131:1-4
Why might there be three heavens or degrees of celestial glory?
Why does the highest degree of celestial glory require eternal marriage
and what is implied about this level of glory?
D&C 131:5-6
What is the “more sure word of prophesy” and how does it differ from
making one’s “calling and election sure”?
Why is it called the “more sure word of prophesy” and how does one
receive it?
What is
“ignorance” and why is it “impossible” for man to be saved in ignorance?
Nature of Matter
D&C 131:7-8
What implications are there to the fact that all spirit is matter?
What must you do to see refined or purified matter – i.e. spirit?
How do these verses help us understand LoF 5:2 regarding the body of the
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