Know That I Am
D&C 93:1
promise is being given here?
Who is
this promise extended to?
What is
the formula by which anyone can part the veil and know the Lord?
What does it mean to forsake your sins?
How do you forsake your sins?
What does it mean to “come unto me”?
How do you come unto Christ?
What does it mean to “call on Christ’s name”?
How do you call on Christ’s name and how is this different from
traditional prayer to the Father, in Christ’s name?
What does it mean to obey Christ’s voice?
How do you obey Christ’s voice?
What does it mean to keep Christ’s commandments and how is that different
from obeying Christ’s voice?
How do you keep Christ’s commandments?
What does it mean to “know that I am”?
Can you know that Christ “is” without seeing His face?
Is this a
promise intended for mortality or after death?
D&C 93:2-6
What does it mean that Christ lights every one that comes into the world?
If Christ is the “true light”, what is implied?
What does it mean that the Father is “in Christ”?
What does it mean that Christ is “in the Father”?
How are the Father and Christ “one”?
How was Christ “in the world” but “received of His Father” and what are
the implications for us if we would be like Christ?
What is the relationship between the works of the Father being plainly
manifest in Christ’s mortal life and the fullness of Christ’s glory which John
saw and more record of?
Testimony of Saint John the Beloved
D&C 93:7-17
How did
John see Christ’s pre-mortal glory?
What did
John learn about who Christ was before the creation of the world?
What does it mean that Christ was “the Word of God”?
What does it mean that “all things were made by Him, and through Him, and
of Him”?
If John saw Christ before the creation of the world and testified of His
glory as the Only Begotten and creator of all things, then what does it mean
that Christ “received not of the fullness at the first”?
How and when did Christ receive a fullness?
What does
“from grace to grace” mean?
What does
the “and thus” refer to in verse 14, regarding how or why Christ was called the
Son of God?
When was
Christ called (to be) the Son of God?
What did
the voice of the Father say at Christ’s baptism?
D&C 93:18-23
How are we supposed to receive the Father’s fullness?
What sayings has John given us here which are intended to teach us what
and how to worship?
What does “in due course” and “grace for grace” teach us about when we
can receive the Father’s fullness?
What is the relationship between keeping the commandments and receiving
the Father’s fullness – and is it really this simple?
What does it mean that Christ was in the beginning with the Father – what
What does it mean to be “begotten through Christ”?
Who are the Firstborn and what is the Church of the Firstborn?
A Fullness of the Spirit of Light and Truth
D&C 93:24-26
What is
How is
the truth manifested?
How is
Christ the “Spirit of Truth”?
might be “more or less” than the truth?
D&C 93:27-28
When one
aligns their life and behavior with truth (i.e. “keeps the commandments”), what
do they receive?
What do
those who do not live the truth (or a fullness of the truth) receive?
What is
the relationship between eternal law, fullness of truth, degrees of glory, and
kingdoms of heaven?
What is implied
about the law or degree of truth associated with the Celestial Kingdom?
So, what
is implied about the law or degree of truth associated with the Telestial
kingdom (or the world in which we now live)?
D&C 93:29-30
How was man in the beginning with God, if God created man?
What is
Why can intelligence or the light of truth not be created or made?
What does it mean that if there was no agency, there would be no
D&C 93:31-32
What does it mean that God “places” truth or intelligence to act for
itself, otherwise it would not exist; how can this be if intelligence is
co-equal with God Himself and is immortal and eternal?
What is the paradox of the agency of man?
What is the condemnation of man?
D&C 93:33-40
What does it mean that “every man is spirit”?
What is the difference between “spirit” and “element”?
Why does spirit and element have to be inseparably connected to receive a
fullness of joy and what is implied?
What is
the glory of God?
How does
one acquire “light and truth” or intelligence?
What does it mean that Christ is “more intelligent than they all”?
Why does light and truth forsake the evil one?
What does it mean that every spirit was innocent in the beginning?
How does the wicked one take away light and truth?
How are we to bring up our children in light or truth, which is the glory
and intelligence of God?
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