Sunday, March 14, 2021

Christ’s Coming in Glory (D&C 45 & 133) QUESTIONS

READ D&C 45:1

What does it mean that Christ has been given the “kingdom”?

In what way did Christ "make” all the hosts of heaven?


READ D&C 45:2

Why might we think that we are still in “summer” but in reality the “harvest is ended”?


READ D&C 45:3-5

How does Christ plead our cause to the Father?


READ D&C 45:6-9

What can we learn about Christ from His titles?

How do we “become” Sons or Daughters of God; and aren’t we already that?


READ D&C 45:10, 15

What must we “come unto” so that Christ can come visit us in the flesh and reason with us?

What is implied about Christ and the relationship that He wishes to have with us that He wants to “reason” with us?


READ D&C 45:11-14

Why did “holy men” seek for a “day of righteousness”; what were they trying to do?

Why were these “holy men” not able to establish Zion?

What is implied about Christ’s wisdom?



The Signs of Christ’s Coming In Glory


Will Christ actually come back to the Earth in glory?

What will be His purpose in returning?

When will He return?

What are the “destructive” signs of the times?

What are the “positive” signs of the times?

What can we do to prepare?

Who are the “fathers” who have received promises?

Will America be safe?

Will the people who live in America be safe?

What does this Law mean for America?



READ D&C 45:16

What does the Lord want to reason with us about?

To whom were these verses addressed and what does that tell us about how we should understand them?


READ D&C 45:17

Many religions have taught that being in a body is bondage; how would you explain to someone with that belief why it is bondage to be without a body?


READ D&C 45:18-24

What things will pass away in the first set of verses?

What is the fate of Israel in verse 24?


READ D&C 45:25-27

What are the “times of the Gentiles”?

What is implied by saying the “times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”?

What time period do verses 25-27 describe?

What is implied by the prophesy that people will say that Christ delays His coming until the end of the earth?


READ D&C 45:28-30

When will the light of the Fullness of the Gospel “break forth among them that sit in darkness”?

What is implied about the Gentiles at that day?


READ D&C 45:31-33

What might constitute a “desolating sickness” and when will this occur?

Why is this sickness referred to as a “scourge”?

Who are Christ’s disciples that will stand in “holy places” and not be moved?

What is the relationship between natural disasters and war?

When faced with “calls” to repent from God Himself (sickness, natural disaster, etc.) why do the wicked harden their hearts against God and curse Him with loud voices?


READ D&C 112:23-26

Why is vengeance and desolation coming to the inhabitants of the earth?

What is implied by the quick, “whirlwind” speed of the wrath and burning?

Where will the desolation begin?


READ D&C 45:34-38

What promises were made to Christ’s disciples that would decrease their fear?

How does this parable answer the question about the previous two verses?


READ D&C 45:39-44

What will those who are looking for the signs of Christ’s coming see?

What will those who are not looking for the signs see?

Which remnant will be gathered?

Where is “this place”?


READ D&C 45:63

Of what “wars in your own lands” was this a prophecy?



The Fullness of Iniquity


We will highlight the specific sins that have led eight civilizations to the fullness of iniquity and destruction.  These eight sins are also interrelated.  For additional insights, see Michael Wilcox’s book A Nation at the Crossroads: Spiritual Decline in the Promised Land. 


READ Moses 8:28-30

What was the primary reason for the Flood?


READ Ether 8:18, 20-23

What led to the destruction of the Jaredites?

What gives a secret combination power? 


READ Moses 5:31-34

What three rules that secret combinations govern themselves by?


READ Moroni 9:7-11, 13

How would you describe the Nephites prior to their destruction?


READ Alma 10:22-23, 2 Nephi 15:24

What did the people of Ammonihah do which led to their destruction?

How is the Law cast out?


READ Jude 1:7-8

What sins led to Sodom and Gomorrah destruction?


READ Deuteronomy 18:9-12

What did the Canaanites do to warrant destruction?

How do we see this today in our society?


READ Deuteronomy 8:19-20

What led to Israel’s captivity and the destruction of their culture and many of their people?

What leads to forgetting God? 

What are America’s two major false gods?


READ Mormon 2:8

When the Nephites were destroyed, what was the last straw?

Where is the protection from being swept off in the last days?


The Latter-day Zion


READ D&C 45:64-66

What “eastern lands” were the Saints to gather out of?

What “western countries” were the Saints to go forth into?

What inhabitants were they to call to repentance?


READ D&C 45:67, 70, 74-75

Why will the wicked not come unto Zion?


READ D&C 133:38-45

Who are the “servants of God” who go forth with a loud voice?

What are they praying for?

What risks do those who invite the Lord to come to the earth in glory take upon themselves?


READ D&C 45:68-69, 71

Who will flee to Zion?

What will the rest of the world, including the United States, be like at that time?

Why will they be safe in Zion; why will Zion have no army or defense system?


READ D&C 133:4-9, 14

What does it mean to “go ye out from Babylon”?

Why are the Gentiles to be “called upon” first and then the Jews, and who is being referred to here?


READ D&C 133:10-13

How does one flee Babylon?

Where are the “mountains” of the Lords House?


READ D&C 45:56-59

What do you need to be able to abide the day of Christ’s coming?

What will stop you from being able to abide the day but will get you hewn down and cast into the fire?

When will the parable of the ten virgins actually happen?


READ D&C 133:17-19

Who are the 144,000 who are sealed with the Father’s name?

Who are the Church of the Firstborn?


READ D&C 133:20-29

What is the great deep?

What does it mean that the islands will become one land and the earth shall be like it was before it was divided?

What is implied about there being “prophets” of those in the “north countries”?



The Second Coming of Christ


READ D&C 133:46-53

Why is it not obvious to everyone that it is Christ who is coming down from heaven “in the greatness of His strength” and glory?

Why will Christ’s garments be red when He comes in glory?

Why does Christ choose “treading the wine vat” as a symbol of His atoning sacrifice?

What similarities and differences exist between Christ’s visit to the Nephites (3 Nephi 11) and His coming in glory?

Who does the “angel of His presence” refer to?

Why does the Lord pity us?


READ D&C 45:47-50

How does one who has looked for the Lord (v44) contrast with one who has watched for iniquity?


READ D&C 133:30-35

Who will be crowned with glory by the children of Ephraim?

Why does Ephraim receive the “richer blessing” after the Gentiles (who are associated with Ephraim) reject the fullness of the gospel?

What is Judah’s “pain” referring to?


READ D&C 45:51-53

How does one KNOW that Christ is the Lord?

How will we react when we realize what He truly did for us and how we have used His gifts of life and redemption?


READ D&C 133:57-59

How does the gospel covenant prepare the weak for the things which are coming on the earth?

Why does the Lord use the weak things of the earth to accomplish His work?

What does it mean to be on the Lord’s errand?

How can two put tens of thousands to flight?

What does it mean, that the Lord will “thrash” the nations?


READ D&C 133:62-73

What is the connection between being “cut off from among the people” and not being left “neither root nor branch”?

What is the relationship between being given eternal life and being cut off and left neither root nor branch?

Why did the Lord say “no one” received Him when He came unto His own?

Does the Lord really call to His own from out of the heavens and what is implied by the accusation He lays on His people?

How many times did the Lord come or call unto His people and why?

What differentiates those of His people who accepted Him and those who rejected Him?

Why is there no one who can deliver those who have not obeyed?

What does it mean to “seal up the testimony” and “bind up the law”?

Those who are burned up at Christ’s return in glory are destined for “outer darkness” but don’t seem to be sons of perdition who were sealed up to eternal life and then fell (see v64); so what does this mean?



The Resurrection of the Just


READ D&C 45:45-46

What does it mean to have “slept in peace”?

What would it mean to have not slept in peace?

How can one qualify to “sleep in peace”?

What does it mean for a person’s redemption to be perfected?


READ D&C 133:54-56

What is the “song of the Lamb” that the Saints will sing?


READ D&C 45:54-55

What does “tolerable” mean?

Why will it be tolerable for the heathen nations in the resurrection and what does this mean and imply?

What is implied about the remit Satan has with us now?

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