Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Gospel & The Church (D&C 20) QUESTIONS

This section of the D&C was composed by Oliver Cowdery prior to meeting with Joseph Smith, then adjusted to reflect the restoration of a New Testament model church being sought after the LDS Campbellite converts like Sydney Rigdon. 


READ D&C 21:1, 4-5

What do these verses teach about how we should regard the words of the prophet Joseph Smith?


READ D&C 20:2-4

Why was Joseph Smith called the first elder?

Why was Oliver called the second elder?

To what does the word “this” refer in the first phrase of verse 4?

What does it mean to say that something is “according to the grace of our Lord”?

What does the phrase “to whom be all glory, both now and forever” mean? What does that phrase tell us?



The Gospel of Christ


READ D&C 20:5-12

What does it mean to receive a remission of sin?

What does the phrase “vanities of the world” mean?

Do we know to what angelic visitation verse 6 refers?

What does this teach us about how the Lord calls people to His holy work?

How can commandments inspire us?

What does it mean that Joseph was given power to translate “by the means which were before prepared”?

The Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is contained within the Book of Mormon; what is it?

What are the purposes of the Book of Mormon?

When verse 10 says the Book of Mormon was given by inspiration, is it referring to the inspiration the Lord gave the Book of Mormon prophets or to the inspiration He gave to Joseph Smith in the translation process?

How did the coming forth of the Book of Mormon prepare the way for the restoration of the gospel?

When the verse says the Book of Mormon “is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels,” of whom is it speaking?

Who is it that declares the Book of Mormon to the world?

What proves to the world that the scriptures are true?

Verse 12 tells us that something mentioned in the sentence (verses 5–12) shows the Lord is the same God yesterday, today, and forever; what shows us that?


READ D&C 20:13-16

Those who receive it and work righteousness will receive a crown while those who don’t receive it will be condemned; what is “it”?

What has God spoken?


READ D&C 20:17-28

By what things do the “elders of the church” (v16) know there is a God in heaven?

How do the things they have seen and heard testify not only of God’s existence but that He is the Creator, that we are made in his image, and that He gave commandments for us to love and serve Him and to worship only Him?

What does “from everlasting to everlasting” mean?

What does the phrase “He created man, male and female, after His own image and in His own likeness” imply?

How does transgression of holy law make mankind fallen?

Transgression of the laws (commandments) mentioned in verse 19 caused the fall; specifically, which of the laws mentioned were transgressed and how?

The word “wherefore” means something like “because of this;” because of what?

What does it mean to “suffer” (allow, permit) temptation, if He gave it no heed?

Verses 23–28 are one long, complex sentence; how would you paraphrase it?

What does it mean to say that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one God?

What does it mean to say that God is infinite, eternal, without end?


READ D&C 20:29-36

Are verses 17 through 36 a creed?

What does it mean to repent?

What does it mean to believe on Jesus’s name?

What is worship? 

What does it mean to endure to the end? What does it mean to endure in faith?

What is justification?

What does it mean to say that justification is just and true?

How does justification occur through grace?

What is sanctification?

What does it mean to say that sanctification is just and true?

How does sanctification occur through grace?

Why does the phrase “to all those who love and serve God with all their might, mind, and strength” refer to sanctification and not justification?

What does it mean to fall from grace?

What does the phrase “fall into temptation” mean?

What should we pray for to avoid falling into temptation; of what should we take heed?

That the sanctified also have to take heed seems to indicate that verses 32 and 33 are primarily about those who are not sanctified; who is being referenced here?

Verse 35 is a testimony of something—what and how is the Revelation of John relevant here?

What has the Lord spoken and how do we render honor, power and glory to his name?

The Church of Christ


What is the difference between the Gospel and the Church?

Why does the Lord have a Church?

Why is ministering to others so important?

What is the Lord’s objective with regards to any Church He commissions to be built on earth?

What is Zion?


READ D&C 20:1

Why was the Church first called the Church of Christ?

Why was the name of the church changed?


READ D&C 20:38-45

What reasons might there be for why the gift of the Holy Ghost is conferred by the laying on of hands?

Is there a difference between confirming someone a member of the Church by the laying on of hands and giving the gift of the Holy Ghost?

What is “the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost”?



Roles & Responsibilities in the Church


READ D&C 20:46-52

Why is there so much structure with regards to the duties of the members vis-à-vis the offices in the Church?

Why are priests to visit the house of each member, exhorting them to pray?


READ D&C 20:53-59

Why do Church members need strengthening at the hands of other members?

What does it mean to “warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite” people to “come unto Christ”?


READ D&C 20:60-67

What is the Law of Common Consent?

Why are licenses to perform the duties of a calling and certificates for ordination voted on by the Church members?


READ D&C 20:68-70

What is a “member”?

What are some of the duties of Church members?

What does verse 68 tell us about missionary work?

What is a godly walk and conversation?

How can our works and faith be “agreeable” to holy scripture?

How do we walk in holiness before the Lord and why do you think the metaphor of walk is used so much to describe our life in the Church and/or the Gospel?



Ordinances in the Church of Christ


READ D&C 20:37

How does one humble themselves before God?

Why should people “witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins” if God is the only one who can grant forgiveness?

What is a broken heart and contrite spirit?

How does one take upon themselves the “name” of Christ?

How do they witness that they “are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ”?

How do they show that they have “a determination to serve Him to the end”?

What works manifest “that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins”?

If these are the qualifications for baptism into Christ’s Church, what does this imply?


READ D&C 20:71-74

What does this revelation and current Church practice require us to say “having been commissioned of Jesus Christ” while the Lord told the Nephite disciples to say “having authority given me of Jesus Christ” (see 3 Nephi 11:25; Mosiah 18:13)?


READ D&C 20:75-79

Why do the sacrament prayers follow immediately after the discussion of baptism?

Why should we all kneel (priest and Church) when the sacrament is blessed?

What does the sacrament prayer have to do with “justification” and “sanctification” as mentioned in verses 30 and 31 of this section?

What does it mean to bless and sanctify something “to the souls” of those who eat or drink it?

Why might the blessing on the bread use “partake” instead of “eat”?

What does it mean to eat or drink in remembrance of something?

The prayer on the wine asks that only those drinking it will remember Jesus; the prayer on the bread asks that they also are willing to take his name on them and keep his commandments; why that difference?

Does the fact that one of these prayers is always said before the other explain any of the differences between them – how?

Why should we use water instead of wine?

Why should we use wine instead of water?


READ D&C 20:81-84

Why does the Lord want a list of names of Church members kept?

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