Sunday, January 17, 2021

Principles of Revelation (D&C 6, 8-9) QUESTION

Commanded to Ask
READ D&C 6:1-2
What does it mean to say that God’s word is quick, powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword?
READ D&C 6:3-4
What is the relationship between your salvation and “reaping” or harvesting other souls?
READ D&C 6:5-9
What are we to ask God about?
What happens if you do not ask or knock?
What happens if we do ask?
In what sense are those with eternal life rich?
Why are we commanded to say nothing but repentance?
READ D&C 8:10-12
What ought we not to ask for?
How might we trifle with revelation?
What are we commanded to ask about?
READ D&C 6:29-31
Why is it a blessing if they “do” unto you as they did unto Christ; what could be more horrible?
How much comfort does Joseph receive here?
READ D&C 6:32, 37
What does it mean that Christ can be in our midst?
What must we do so that Christ will be in our midst?
What is Christ’s admonition to us?
READ D&C 6:33-36
Why might one “fear to do good”?
What is He asking us to sow and why?
What does it mean to be built upon Christ’s rock?
What do these verses tell us about the comfort of the Lord?
How does one look to the Lord in every thought? In other words, what is He telling them to do here?
How can we overcome doubt and fear?
Gifts or Tools to Enable Revelation
READ D&C 6:10-12 and D&C 8:6-9
What is the gift referred to here?
What has Oliver been doing with his rod or “gift of Aaron”?
Oliver is being commanded to inquire of God to gain knowledge through the use of his gift; how might he do that?
What is implied by the fact that this kind of gift is sacred and comes from above?
How can our gifts be blessings, when they usually bring obligations?
The word mystery means, literally, “secret.” What are the mysteries the Lord is speaking of here? In what sense or senses are they secret?
Why should Oliver Cowdery keep his gift concealed? What does “of thy faith” mean?
READ D&C 6:13
How is the word salvation used here?
Why is salvation the greatest gift?
READ D&C 6:14-17
Does this mean that Oliver always has his prayers answered; if so, why?
What is Oliver being taught about how to recognize the Spirit?
Why does the Lord have to witness to Oliver that the words he is writing are true?
What has brought Oliver to where he is?
READ D&C 6:22-24
What further witness (beyond Joseph revealing Oliver’s private conversation with the Lord) did the Lord give Oliver?
How is “peace” a witness of the truth of the gospel or can it be imitated by Satan?
Applying Spiritual Gifts: Oliver and the Translation of the Book of Mormon
READ D&C 6:25-28
Did Oliver ask to translate?
Why did the Lord offer Oliver this opportunity, knowing that he would ultimately fail?
How was Oliver told to go about translating?
Why was Oliver not told to translate like Joseph did, using the seer stone or Urim and Thummim?
Can Oliver change his desires?
READ D&C 8:1-5
What has Oliver asked for?
By what process will the Lord enable Oliver to translate ancient records?
Does the phrase “spirit of revelation” refer to the Holy Ghost or to something else?
The spirit of revelation is Oliver’s gift; how was he to use it - what does “apply unto it” mean?

Oliver’s Failure to Translate: Lessons Learned
READ D&C 9:1-6
Did Oliver fail to translate, as per the Lord’s invitation and his own desire?
READ D&C 9:7-11
To what is the Lord referring when he tells Oliver of the burning in his bosom?
Must one receive a “burning” to know that something is right?
When was Oliver to receive the “burning”?
What is a stupor of thought and how does the Lord use it with regards to receiving revelation?
Why did Oliver fail to translate?
Why would Oliver have tried to translate without studying it out in his mind first; why would he have changed his translation method?
What are the lessons we should learn from Oliver’s experience with regards to receiving revelation from God?
READ D&C 9:12-14
Why was Oliver not condemned by failing to translate?
What is the point of the Lord’s message to Oliver?
Principles of Revelation
What is a testimony?
What is the implication of this initial revelation?
What happens when revelation is taken or absent from a people?
What or who fills the gap left by revelation?
How is truth determined in a society led by scholars instead of revelation?
What is the issue with this?
READ JSH 1:11-12
What are we to ask for?
Who is revelation open to?
What can you do to prepare to receive revelation?
READ D&C 11:14, 16
What must you do to receive revelation? 
What limits the depth of revelation?
What can you do to guarantee you will always have your prayers answered?
Why is the spirit a “still, small voice?” (D&C 85:6)
I have heard that the Spirit speaks to the heart (demonstrated by weeping or described as a burning in the bosom), is this true?
What does the Brother of Jared’s experience with an “interior lighting problem” teach us about receiving revelation? (Ether 2 & 3)
What are God's answers to prayer quite often like?
What is the Holy Spirit?
Why is recognizing and receiving the Holy Ghost so critical?
How can we recognize the Holy Spirit?

Satan’s Deception: “Feeling the Spirit”

How do we speak about experiencing the Spirit in the LDS Church?
What will a true spirit or revelation do?
What will a false spirit or revelation do?
Is it easy to discern the difference?
Should this stop you from seeking revelation?
How else can people set themselves up to be deceived and what can we learn from this?
Is there ever a time when truth is static? (where we might not be gaining more but we’re also not losing what we have?)

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